Quileute Shifter

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A/N- For the sake of the storyline, the Volturi are younger than the original family. In my version, the originals came first and less than 100 years later the cold ones started showing up all around the world, believing they were the superior race.


As Sarah began waking up, the SUV parked in the driveway. She felt herself being carried and then laid on a couch— or a large and comfortable chair.

"So that's it Trevor. He either got it or he didn't. We just have to wait."
"Look, it's not too late. We can leave it here. We don't have to go through with this."
"I'm sick of running!"
"Yeah? Well, running keeps us from dying."
"Elijah's old school. If he accepts our deal, we're free."

Elena accidentally made one of the boards squeak. "You! There's nothing around here for miles. If you think you're getting out of this house, you're tragically wrong. Understand?"
"Who's Elijah?"
"He's your worst nightmare."

"Shut up! I can barely hear myself losing the will to live." Sarah growled as she sat up, rubbing her neck. "Geez, what the fuck did you guys drug me with? Where are we?" She groaned, flipping her dark hair over her shoulder.

Elena kneeled beside Sarah. "Are you okay?" She asked. "Yeah. Yeah I'm fine. I'm thirsty though- hey do you assholes have any water? Anything to eat?" Sarah called out.
"We're practically being held hostage and all you care about is something to eat?" Elena asked incredulously. "I'm sorry, were you drugged constantly for several hours? Last thing I had to eat was the quiche my dad made for breakfast yesterday, and I happen to be unpleasant when I'm starved. So unless someone wants to die, I suggest one of you gets something delivered with a drink."

"Bossy little thing isn't she?" Trevor said coming around the corner. Sarah's eyes flashed an electric blue and she began shaking ever so slightly. "Get me something to eat and I'll behave. It would suck if you were both dead before Elijah could get here."


Rose sat in a room, watching Sarah go between eating her sub and sipping her sprite. Though her eyes were glued to the tattoo on the teenagers arm. She'd seen it before, she just didn't remember where.

"Why am I here?" Elena asked. "You keep asking me these questions like I'm gonna answer them." Rose said. "Why won't you?"
"That's another one."
"You got me, okay? It's not like I can go anywhere. The least you can do is tell me what you want with me."
"I personally want nothing; I'm just a delivery service." Rose said. "Delivery to who? Elijah?" Elena questioned. "Two points to the eavesdropper." Sarah snorted. "Sorry, I thought we all grasped that some dude was coming for us- more specifically you." Elena glared at her before going back to Rose.

"Who is he? Is he a vampire?" Elena asked. "He's one of the vampires, the originals." Rose said and Sarah's heart almost jumped out of her chest. She read about them all those months back when Carlisle sent the books.

They were the first vampires in the world. She thought it was serious before, but it got worse. Went from kidnapped, to one of the earths original vampires coming after her friend, and herself by association.

"What do you mean the originals?" Elena questioned. "Again with the questions. Haven't the Salvatores been teaching you your vampire history?"
"So you know Stefan and Damon?"
"I know of them. A hundred years back, a friend of mine tried to set me up with Stefan. She said he was one of the good ones. I'm more of a sucker for the bad boys though but I digress."

"Who are the originals?" Elena asked. "Trevor and I have been running for 500 years. We're tired, we want it over. We're using you to negotiate ourselves out of an old mess."
"But why me?"
"Because you're a Petrova Doppelgänger. You're the key to breaking the curse."
"The curse? The sun and the moon curse?"
"Oh, you do know your history."

"What do you mean I'm the key? The moonstone is what breaks the curse." Elena asked. "No, the moonstone is what binds the curse. The sacrifice is what breaks it."
"The sacrifice?"
"The blood of the doppelgänger. You're the doppelgänger. Which means, in order to break the curse you're the one who has to die."

Sarah took a moment to process the conversation before having her moment of realization. "Of course! That makes so much sense, actually. Not only did I read about the originals, I read about doppelgänger's. That makes sense why Elena looks identical to Katherine— on another note, Lena, you and the Salvatores really should read a few books." Sarah rambled on.

"We do read, apparently just not the books you're reading." Elena Responded. "You can read the books my uncle Carlisle sent in — if we live —, but they can't leave my house."
"The one thats a doctor?" Elena questioned. Sarah gave her an exasperated look before signing. "Yes the one that's a doctor. Way to put my family's business out there for these strange vampires."

"Wait, Carlisle?" Rose questioned. "Carlisle as in, Dr. Carlisle Cullen?" Sarah's face showed confusion but she nodded. "We knew them years ago when they lived in Forks. It was a brief time in 2006. Heard the family has grown since that December." Rose said.

"Yeah, I'd say they have." Sarah said. It took a couple years after Jacob imprinted on Renesmee for everything to be fixed. But it was ultimately the birth of Sarah that brought them all together again, becoming one huge family.

"You're a Quileute shifter." Rose realized after a moment. During her time in Forks, she had met Jacob Black and Sam Uley, as they were the only ones willing to speak to the other vampires at the time. Sarah didnt say anything out loud, she only smiled a bit before taking a large bite out of her sub.

"How many are there now?" Rose questioned, intrigued. She had genuine interest in the shifters when she first encountered them, but even the ones she spoke to couldn't cure her curiosities.

"Well, when you were in town there was maybe 12 active, including my parents, I dunno. But now there's my dad, one of my aunts, a couple of uncles, and myself. Maybe more eventually since I have 22 cousins and 19 of them undoubtedly have the genes."

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