Car Wash

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For the remainder of their time at the party, Sarah stayed near her parents. They ended up leaving after an hour because Lizzy hadn't felt good and Sarah was tired.

The dark haired teenager had easily slipped her dress off and changed into comfy pj's. As Sarah walked down the stairs, there was a knock on the front door.
Then came silence. She looked through the window beside the door. Nobody was there. The door opened with a creak and immediately a sickly sweet smell met her nose. She could only describe it as what her parents said vampires smell like.

Sarah held her breath and grabbed the box that was sitting in front of the door. Kicking the door shut, she locked it before going to sit on the couch. She opened the box with caution, sighing in relief when there was only books inside.

Books that were definitely way older than her parents.
She knew they'd sit her down to talk about it eventually, but Sarah had to know now.

She cracked open the one on top and began reading. It was the story, or atleast a version, of a family known as 'The Original Family'. Whoever they were. Immediately, the information soaked into her mind.

Most of it made sense. There was other kinds of vampires and a way to figure out who they were. Skimming through the rest of the books, Sarah found info dating from the late 1800's to the mid 1940's. Courtesy of Jasper, who could find anything helpful based on Alice's visions.

One thing that really caught her eye, was the picture. "What the hell...?" She mumbled as she picked up the old picture that sat in the middle

Damon and Stefan Salvatore. 1864.

Sarah dropped the picture back into it's place in the book, moments before reality began to set in for her.

The same names.

The same faces.

Back in town after being gone so long.

Unless this was some elaborate joke, the Salvatore's were vampires. Sarah let out a breath and packed the books back into the box. She needed time to process her revelation.


Sarah was awakened early in the morning by her phone ringing. It was Caroline.

"Hey Carebear." Sarah greeted sleepily, rolling over in bed and facing her alarm clock which reached 5:40 am. She ignored the dull ache in her bones. "Sarah! I didn't think you'd be awake. The sexy suds car wash is tomorrow. You're helping, right?"

The dark haired teenager sighed and sat up, wincing. "I don't know, Care." She responded. "But you have to! It's a fundraiser, you always help with these things." Caroline pointed out.
"I'm not sure if I should help out, I mean, you want 'in your face' sexy. I just can't provide that." Sarah said.

"But you can, Sarah. Please?" Caroline begged. Sarah sighed again and agreed, adding a 'I'llsee what I can do'. The call soon ended. The teen managed to get to the bathroom before the pain started getting worse. She took a deep breath and decided to push through it. Or atleast attempt to.

The school day went by relatively fast, mainly because Sarah took a nap during the block she was supposed to have history, in hopes that the pain would subside. It did, for only a few hours. But long enough to get through the school day and home.


Despite the growing pain and feeling as if her clothes were getting smaller, Sarah pulled on her black bikini, shorts, white hightop converse, and a black & white flannel, leaving it unbuttoned.

She got serious inspiration from her mother, from when she was in Highschool. It was maybe a year before Lizzy got pregnant, and the picture showed just how happy she was with Paul.

Sarah smiled at the framed picture before turning away and sliding a hair tie over wrist.


"No friend discounts. No freebies. No pay ya laters. We are not running a charity here. No, we are not." Caroline said. "No we are not." Sarah and Elena agreed. Stefan arrived, the dark haired teenager barely spared him a glance, which immediately made him question if she was okay.
Elena jumped right into greeting him. "The event is called sexy suds, you know." Caroline said after a moment. She began walking away and Sarah promptly followed her.

Sarah took off her flannel, and placed it on the back of one of the metal chairs. "Lookin' good Lahote!" She turned around and sighed, seeing Ethan. "I don't do it for you." She retorted, before going near where Bonnie was.

She'd choose someone she hardly knows over someone she hated, in a heartbeat. Sarah slung a towel over her shoulder and grabbed a bucket full of water as if it was nothing.
"No? But you've done a lot for me in the past..." He trailed off with a smirk. She didn't turn around.

"Because I wanted your approval. I wanted to prove how much I loved you, by giving you the one thing I'd never be able to get back. I gave it to you and you took advantage of it. I'm over your manipulation tactics, Ethan. We didn't work out, much like your other relationships, so just leave me alone." Sarah said.

"Just give me another chance Sarah, you won't regret it." He pleaded. "I regretted it the first time and I'll regret it if it happens again." She responded as she set the bucket down and grabbed the sponge out.
Ethan grabbed her wrist, stopping further movement. She looked down at his hand on her wrist, then looked him in his eyes. Before she could speak, he did. "Just one more chance, Sarah. Please." He said in a stern tone as fake tears came to his eyes.

The teen reached her free hand up to cup his cheek. He leaned into her touch and she came in as if she was going to kiss him.
She whispered in his ear. "Your dick isn't big enough for you to use that tone with me." She pulled away with a smirk, dropping the hand that was cupping his cheek.

"Get it through your head, Ethan. We're not fucking again. It was a mistake the first time and it was a mistake the last 6 times."

"Whatever," he dropped her wrist. "Nobody would want to fuck someone as used as you." Her smirk never dropped.
"Says the boy who's fucked half the towns female population." She mused, getting to work on the car. Ethan stopped off, going to terrorize some other soul.


Me: I'm gonna have this chapter out by 11:59 pm :)

Also me at 12:09 am: *Scrolling through tiktok watching Bucky and Loki edits and eating Pringles, when I should be writing* This is fine.

Hope this was kinda okay. I'm easing into Sarah shifting. She'll be using her powers more as well before she shifts. Right now, that's about all that's keeping her from becoming a giant fluffy wolf. Might also skip a couple episodes because they're mostly Elena and Stefan talking about vampire stuff.


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