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"Hey mom, I'm heading out to school." Sarah said as she entered the kitchen. "Okay baby, call your dad if you need to come home. I have an appointment at 11." Lizzy kissed her forehead.
"I'll be fine. My magic seems to be more dominant, so there's no need to worry about me."

"I'll always worry about you, sweetheart." The woman confessed. "I know. I'll call if it's important. I love you!" Sarah grabbed a water bottle and her bookbag.

"I love you too!"


"Damon hasn't said a word to me. Every time I try to talk to him he shuts me down." Stefan said. "Do you think he's still trying to find Katherine?" Sarah snorted. "This is Damon we're talking about, I mean does he seem like he'd give up?"
"I don't know. He waited 161 years only to find out that Katherine could not care less. I mean it's gotta hurt, right?" Stefan asked..

"And it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy." Sarah nodded in agreement. Damon's a dick. "You have every reason to be upset with him. Have you thought any more about what you're going to do?"

"About what? Isobel, my vampire birth mother, who's related to my vampire ancestor Katherine, who screwed over your vampire brother? Nah...I haven't thought about it at all." Elena responded.
"Yikes." Sarah said. Stefan nudged her in the side. "I'm sorry I brought it up." He said. "It'd just be nice if we could get through one day without having to deal with any of it. No vampire mother or brother."

"No vampires at all?"
"No vampires but you. I just want to get us back to normal stuff like school and homework and here's a thought: fun."
"Ooh, that sounds good to me, when do we start?" Stefan asked.

"If you're gonna start getting disgustingly cute again, I'm walking away." Sarah said. They laughed and headed off to class.


"I'm thinking nothing huge, just a dinner at the grill maybe a late movie." Caroline said. "You mean like a double date?" Stefan questioned. "Two pair out on a Friday night coupled. Yeah a double date. Could be a triple date if we could find someone for Sarah..." Caroline trailed off. "I'm good, Carebear."

"Do you think that's a good idea?"
"Why not? We all haven't gone out together before and I don't want it to be uncomfortable for us. Look the couple dynamics have changed and there's been a little awkwardness between you, Matt, and me and I just think it's important that we get over it."

"I don't know."
"I think that sounds like a great idea." Stefan said.
"You do?" Elena questioned. "Yeah. A nice evening out with friends. Sounds fun, as in "fun"."

"A double date it is." Elena said. "Ok. So, we will see you tonight." Caroline said. She walked away. Sarah grinned at her 2 remaining friends. "Yeah let me know how this goes, I'd like details."


Sarah walked through the front door and smiled at her mom. "Hey! How was the appointment?" She asked.
The teenager already knew she was going to help out her mother as much as she could during this. "It went good, they're doing just fine in here." Lizzy pointed to her belly with a smile.

Sarah chuckled. "That's good. What are you thinking for dinner?" Lizzy pondered for a moment. "Chicken fajitas, the way we've always made them." The dark haired teen nodded and went into the kitchen. "You stay in there and I'll get started on dinner."

"Baby, you don't have to do that." Sarah cut her eyes at her mother. "At this time 18 years ago, you were carrying me inside you. Now I'm going to make dinner and will continue to do so, as a thank you for going through this once." Her eyes flashed blue and Lizzy sat back on the couch.

Soon the smell of dinner began wafting through the house.
Paul came home to find his daughter cooking and his wife laying on the couch watching old reruns of Jeff Dunham. Sarah could be heard saying the lines from the kitchen.

"I understand you guys had a good day today?
Yes we had a great day!- No we did not
Yes- No
Yes- No
we did not have a good day.
Yes we had a great fricking day!"
Sarah grinned as her favorite part came up.

"Did you have a good day?
Yeah- No
Shut up!
A good day
Yes- No
Shut up.
You're supposed to havetaken him to the spa.
I took him to the spa.
He put me in the vegetable steamer.
It's the same thing!
The same thing?
It is too, it getshot, and it gets steamy,
and then it goes, "Ding!"
Purple bastard.
Mexican condiment.
A condiment?
I do not use them.
You don't?
And neither did your mother." Sarah finished.

"Sarah Jade!" Lizzy gasped in fake outrage. "When did you learn that whole part?" The teenager grinned. "We've watched this one the most."
"She's right." Paul said. "I know I am."

Another good part came up and Sarah laughed. "He slammed my stick in the door! And now I have a sore stick!" She wheezed. It soon turned into a coughing fit as she kept laughing. Sarah couldn't breathe but it was worth it.


A/N- So here's the new chapter, bit of a filler.

I would like to say, I don't intend for this to be offensive if it is.

Idk, I always feel weird addressing people by their race or ethnicity because I feel like I'll somehow be labeled as a racist. :(

However I will say, it's Jeff Dunham and I couldn't resist.


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