Lazy Day

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For what felt like the first time in months, Sarah Jade Lahote wasn't needed for anything. No fancy parties. No decorating. No elaborate plan to escape death.

Just her pj's, a tub of ice cream, an extra large pepperoni pizza, her moms company, and Netflix.
They had a whole lineup to watch.
First would be Megamind, then they'd throw in a couple episodes of NCIS, and finish off with a Jeff Dunham special. Perhaps controlled chaos.

Sarah's phone was turned off all day, since Elena inevitably was going to be decorating for some charity event. She couldn't be dragged into helping if nobody could reach her.

The mother and daughter duo laid on the couch, with the food between them and Diesel resting by the front door. They only paused a show or movie to go to the bathroom or let the dog out.

Lizzy fell asleep a few times, but Sarah didn't mind. Her mom was carrying another Lahote.

When Paul got home, he brought Chinese food from a town over, and joined them on the couch. The family ate together, laughed, and watched movie after movie until Lizzy decided to call it a night.

They said goodnight to her as she walked up the stairs, almost to the point of waddling at just over 6 months pregnant. Her and Caroline had yet to plan a gender reveal or a baby shower, despite having the envelope with the gender in her custody. That was definitely something they'd have to work on.

Once the noise upstairs was gone except for the two heartbeats and breathing, Sarah turned to her dad with a huge grin. "Wanna go for a run?" She asked.
What she was asking clicked in his mind and slowly he nodded. "We have to make it quick though, that way I can be here for your mom." He said. Sarah nodded excitedly and went towards the side door.

Paul took the front door, giving his daughter the privacy to strip and shift. The moonlight glowed more on the white portions of her fur than it did on the black and dark silver, however it could be seen.

Sarah gave a lopsided wolf grin to her father as his slightly larger wolf came forward.

See if you can keep up, old man. Sarah said into the mind link as she bolted off into the woods. Paul let out a growl and chased after her. It was hard because she was a little smaller and therefore a little faster. I'm not old!

Tell that to your birthday in like 1990! Sarah howled with laughter as her father caught up and tackled her into a pile of leaves. I'm middle aged at most.

Yeah okay. She snorted picking herself up from the dirt and nudging her dads wolf in the side. He shot a playful glare her way.
The father and daughter rough housed in the woods for a while before Paul ultimately decided it was time to go home. They raced back to the house and Sarah was the first one there. She shifted back and changed before her dad ever broke the woods.

Once they were both inside, they separated for the night. Sarah went to take a shower and finally decided to turn her phone back on. That was a mistake.

The entire time Sarah was in the shower, her phone was going off with missed notifications.

3 new Instagram followers.
130 missed calls.
21 new voice-mails.
200 unread messages.

Notification after Notification came in, so she cut the shower short and got ready for bed. Once her phone stopped it's incessant buzzing, she opened it and began looking through the messages, most of which were from Caroline.

There was quite a few from Elena and Stefan as well. All of the ones from Elena were about the masquerade ball, which as suspected, she was being dragged to against her will.

Sarah groaned into her pillow before shooting a text to her aunt Alice. Need a masquerade ball outfit idea.

A moment later, she was asleep. Flashes of a long forgotten nightmare surfaced in her mind, except instead of Damon at the school, it was another man she hadn't seen before.

He just stood there as if he could see her too.

His aura was darker than Damon's and that alone chilled her core the most. Yet, she felt oddly protective of the man that looked almost psychotic.

A/N- A little father daughter moment as a filler chapter and an update on Lizzy's pregnancy!

What do you think Lizzy is having?

Any name ideas?

I was thinking maybe Ava or Willow for a girl and maybe Noah or Liam for a boy.

What do you think?


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