Tanner Down

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Sarah sighed as Caroline tied a burgundy and white ribbon into her dark hair. "Why do I have to wear school colors?" She asked gesturing towards the ribbon, burgundy shirt, and beaten white converse.

"Because," Caroline started as she tied off the bow. "It's the first game of the season. And you're my best friend, so we have to match."

Caroline twirled her around and smiled at her, gesturing to her matching bow. "I know you don't care about football because of Ethan, but it means alot to have you there." The blonde said honestly as Sarah put on her favorite tinted cherry chapstick, smiling lightly.

"So what are we waiting for?"
"We're waiting for your parents to be done with their quickie." Caroline snorted, touching up her hair in Sarah's mirror. The teen cringed at the thought of her parents doing it. "That's not an image I wanted in my head." She groaned.

Caroline laughed and looked away from the mirror. "That's your fault. Maybe they'll hurry up if we're downstairs waiting." Caroline suggested. "We can only hope." Sarah responded.


Upon arrival, the teenagers split away from the adults. Sarah almost immediately found Elena. "Lena!" She greeted with a hug.
"Wow." Elena said. "Caroline?" She questioned. The dark haired teenager nodded. "Yeah, she got me. Look! There's Stefan." She nudged her friends side wiggling her eyebrows.

"Will you stop that?" Elena mumbled with a groan. "Sure. When you stop eye banging eachother." Elena groaned louder, heat rushing across her face as they began walking over. Sarah laughed at her friend.
Oh how glad she was that hardly anyone was interested in her. Sarah knew she could pull both genders, hell, she's done it. Though she's not dated much since Ethan Hudson.

"Ooh. Look at you. You look hot in your jersey." Elena said. Sarah fake gagged. "What happened? No more cheerleader?" Stefan asked. "I quit. I'm a quitter." Elena sighed out.
"No, hey, you're not a quitter. You suffered a great loss. You're not the same person. You should be looking ahead. You should be starting over. Ok? I hope you don't think this is too soon or too weird, but...I, uh, I wanted you to have this." He opened up a box with a necklace. Elena took it out.

"Oh, my God, it's beautiful."
"It's something that I've had forever, and, uh, I've never wanted to give it to anyone until now. I'd very much like it if you'd wear it for me, for...good luck." Stefan said. "Is that rose that I smell?" Elena asked. "No, it's, uh...it's an herb. It's nice, huh?"
"I love it." Stefan helped Elena put on the necklace.

"I actually have something for you too, Sarah. A uh, token of our friendship." Stefan said. The teen in question raised an eyebrow. "You didn't have to do that, Stefan." Sarah said honestly.
He didn't listen, pulling out a silver charm bracelet with 2 charms attached. A black crescent moon and a silver 'S'.

She wasn't necessarily a jewelry person, however she did like shiny things. She took it from Stefan's hand, admiring it in the afternoon sunlight. "Thanks Stefan, it's beautiful." Sarah smiled, putting it on. "Hey uh, I'm gonna go look for my parents." She said after a moment of silence. "Find me in a little while." She said to Elena.


Sarah was standing with her parents when a fight started and a breeze blew through. The teenager tensed at the familiar irony scent in the breeze. "Do you smell that?" She asked her parents lowly, nearly gagging.

"Yeah." Lizzy said. They had noticed it, since when someone shifts, their senses get better. Sometimes even before. A normal person wouldn't be able to smell blood in the air unless it was alot, since naturally wolves sense of smell is atleast 100 times greater than a humans.
Neither of them thought she would notice it, apparently they were wrong. The smell soon subsided and the three headed towards the field since the game would start soon.

Sarah's eyes flickered blue, which her parents noticed. Since that day in the kitchen, Lizzy had been keeping a close eye on her. Any surge of emotions could cause her powers to go haywire and potentially force her to shift.

For now, things were calm.

And that was a fucking lie.

Right before the game was supposed to start, the Lahote's heard Matt calling for help. They would've left it be, if there hadn't been the smell of blood.
Sarah sprinted over, attempting to ignore the smell, however it was lost at the sight in front of her. She inhaled sharply and looked closer.

Tanners neck was tore open. Lizzy and Paul joined them, immediately noticing what Sarah had just discovered. It was indeed an attack, but not one done by an animal. Though that's what the story would be.
"We already called 9-1-1, they're a few minutes out." Lizzy said as calmly as she could. Paul pulled Sarah into his arms, noticing how she immediately calmed down when she felt safe. She didn't care how many people were around, she always felt safest with her parents.


The police arrived. Bonnie looked at the scene around her. The license plate "BLDG 8", the immatriculation's car is "FHT 14" and on the ground, the number 22. Bonnie was afraid.


Sarah tried to go to sleep. But ut every time she closed her eyes, all she saw was her history teachers cold, dead eyes staring back up at her. In the darkness of her room, she laid on her back and let tears fall.

She didn't like the man, but she certainly didn't want him dead. For the first time in her life, she saw a dead body and felt like she under reacted.


A/N- Okay so let me explain some things!

The crescent moon charm on the bracelet was a small locket, however now it's sealed with vervain inside. She couldn't be compelled anyway, but Stefan and Damon don't know that.

Sarah's sensitivity to blood is a part of her shifting within the next few months. It will go away eventually, but not until she shifts.

I'm thinking it might have something to do with who she imprints on. Either way, it might be good.

Which of the Cullen's do you think should pay a little surprise visit to the Lahote's? They're now mostly seen as associates instead of the enemy. Thinking 1 or 2.

This wasn't my best chapter, my favorite is still the one from book 1 with the tortilla slap. Might have Sarah do that in the future 🤣


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