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"I can confirm that a 12-foot puma mountain lion attacked a hunter and was subsequently shot and killed. The hunter is in stable condition." Sheriff Forbes said on TV. "It's covering it's tracks." Sarah said as she muted the news. Turning to her parents, Lizzy crossed her arm and Paul looked between the women in his life.

"What do you know?" He asked, specifically directed at Sarah. She stood from the couch and crossed her arms.
"I know it's not an animal. An animal wouldn't have left bodies behind with only their necks torn out. They'd be a little more shredded, especially if it was a mountain lion like the Sheriff is trying to convince the town. The bite gave it away too." Sarah said.

"Well, we know it's not a cold one... We've not felt the urge to shift and you've not shown any signs other than sensitivity to certain things..." Lizzy trailed off.
"So basically, this is one big waiting game? How many people have to die before we figure this out?" Sarah asked.

"Hopefully nobody." Paul said as he put his jacket on. Not like he needed it. "I'll meet you both for lunch on my break." He kissed his wife then his daughter on the forehead. "Be safe!" Lizzy called out behind him. "I will!"


Sarah picked at her food as she waited for one of her parents to say something. They kept sharing uneasy glances, which weren't subtle at all. "Okay. What's going on?" She asked, putting an end to the silence.

"I talked to Carlisle. He did some research for me. He's sending books. We'll talk about it when we're not in public." Paul sighed.
Sarah groaned. "Fine, then at least tell me why we have to go to this founders thing? It happens every year. It's the same, every single year." She complained. "The carnival is the same every year." Lizzy pointed out.

"Right, but they're fun! These founders events are all the same. Formal clothing, gossip, boring music, boring stuck up adults, tiny sandwiches, and teenagers sneaking champagne behind their parents backs, because the parents in this town care so much for their children..
The tiny sandwiches aren't that bad actually, but they're small and people look at us weirdly when we put 6 on a plate."

"Yeah, we see your point." Paul said. Sarah took a large bite out of her burger. "I thought you would." She grinned, then proceeded to attack her food.


The dark haired teenager pouted at the length of the dress. It was cute and a color she liked, however it was a bit short for her preference. "Are you sure about this?" Sarah asked, Turning to her dresser where her phone sat.
The woman on the screen smiled brightly. "Absolutely! Just don't forget the heels." Bell-like laughter soon followed the statement.

"I can't go barefoot?" She joked. A chorus of loud 'No's came from the other line. Sarah put her hands up in mock surrender as the other fairy tampons left the room.
"Okay fine. I was joking." She held up the strappy champagne colored heels that had been sitting in the chair. "Alice sent these for me on my birthday, never got the chance to wear them until now." Sarah said, bending down to place them on her feet.

When she stood, she was noticeably a few inches taller, which wasn't hard with her being 5'3". "They look good." Rosalie said. There was an air of mutual respect between eachother, even though they only officially met once and it was when Sarah was a baby.

"Sarah, come on!" Lizzy called from downstairs. Rose smiled at the young girl. "If you find someone who sparks your interest, call me..." she said.
"I will, I promise I will, Rose." The dark haired girl said as she let some hairs frame her face. "Good. Now at least try to have fun. And remember: No means no, anything that isn't a definite yes, is a no. Self defense is warranted, hurt someone if you have to, but only if it's the last line of defense." She said, going into protective 'Aunt' mode.

Sarah chuckled and picked up her phone as she exited her room. "I know. If I consent, use protection. Don't let anyone try to talk me into something I don't wanna do."

"Good girl, I'll let you go now. Tell your parents I said hi." Rosalie said. "I will. Tell everyone else I said hi when they get back from hunting."
"I will, sunflower. Bye."
"Bye." The call ended and Sarah went down the stairs. She'd walked in heels enough to not feel like a newborn giraffe.

"Ready to go?" Paul asked his daughter. She nodded and grabbed her little purse, where she silenced her phone and placed it inside. "Alrighty, let's get this show on the road."


When the Lahote's arrived, they split off after some ground rules were set. Sarah was immediately smothered with compliments from Mrs. Lockwood, the Mayor, and any other older adult that came across the teenager.
She awkwardly thanked them and kept moving on. She wandered around until Elena came into her line of sight. Sarah grabbed a drink from one of the many butlers and began earning towards her friend.

Sarah slipped in the room unnoticed, looking at all the old artifacts. It was like she walked right into a museum. "Hey guys." She said finally. "Sarah, you made it." Elena said with a brief hug. "Yeah I did. Didn't have much of a choice in the matter but I'm here."

"Glad you're here.. so hey, check this out. "The founding families in Mystic Falls welcomes you to the inaugural founder's council celebration." Wow, look, it's the original guest registry. Look at all these familiar names—Sheriff William Forbes, Mayor Benjamin Lockwood. Is that... Damon Salvatore? And, Stefan Salvatore?" Elena asked. Sarah moved in to get a closer look when a voice came from behind her.

"The original Salvatore brothers. Our ancestors. Tragic story, actually." Damon said. Sarah raised her eyebrows, knowing she was going to investigate further. "We don't need to bore them with stories of the past."
"It's not boring, Stefan. I'd love to hear more about your family." Elena said. "Well, I'm bored. I want to dance. And Damon won't dance with me." Caroline butted in. "Mm-hmm."

"Could I just borrow your date?" Caroline asked Elena. "Oh, uh..."
"I don't really dance." Stefan said. "Oh, sure he does. You should see him. Waltz, the jitterbug, the moonwalk. He does it all." Damon said. "You wouldn't mind, would you, Elena?"

"It's up to Stefan." Elena finally said. "Well sorry, but I'm not going to take no for an answer." Caroline responded, grabbing Stefan's arm and dragging him out of the room.
Sarah took a long sip of the drink, as if it was water, but as expected it was champagne. She looked between the two other people in the room before clearing her throat and standing straight. "I'm gonna go find... something to do. Come find me if you need me." She told Elena, who nodded. She left the room herself, disappearing into the crowd.


A/N- I suppose I'm back? I only just realized I've not updated in like a week and now I feel bad because this chapter isn't the best. It's all over the place.


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