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A/N- Another Update already? Wooooow. And with timeskip. Woopsies.


After the arm wrestling with Mason, Sarah found herself spread out in her bedroom with books of varying thicknesses surrounding her. She'd heard years ago that 'Children of the Moon' were extinct.

But she also knew that some species close to extinction went into hiding so they could up their populations without others knowledge. Part of Sarah wondered if that was the case.

Lizzy stood in the doorway, watching as her daughter intently studied the books around her as if her life depended on it. The hallway clock said 12:34 am.
"Shouldn't you get some sleep?" Lizzy asked. Sarah looked up from the thick leather book in her hand. "I don't need sleep, I need answers." The teenager said.

"You need sleep, honey. Whatever has you researching this hard, must be important. Just remember to rest." Lizzy said entering the room to press a kiss to her daughters forehead. "See you in the morning, I love you."
"I love you too, mom."

It would be another two hours before Sarah would find what she was looking for, another six before she heard about what happened at the carnival after she left, and a couple days before the next event the town wanted to hold.


It was the Mystic Falls Historical Society Volunteer Day and Carol Lockwood was giving a speech. Somehow, Sarah had been roped into going, by Elena. It seemed to be a common theme.

"This is all part of the historical society, continuing efforts to give back to the community. Thanks to the generous donation of the Fell family. We are now standing on the sight of our newest public park. Thank you to everyone who has shown up today to lend a helping hand. Thanks."

Sarah turned away and grabbed the paint. Of all things, painting duty was the best choice for her since it was the least stress and therefore anger.

Sarah watched drama unfold from afar, knowing she was in the loop again. Caroline was spying for Katherine. Stefan and Elena were fake arguing for Caroline to report back to Katherine. And Damon pissed Mason off, even after she told him not to.

Everything was fine.

Then it wasn't.

Sarah passed the paint to the guy next to her and sprinted across the park to where Caroline and Elena were going.
She caught up with them just in time to know Damon and Stefan were in trouble. Of course, they couldn't just have a normal day without something happening.

Caroline, Sarah, and Elena ran in the woods looking for Liz, Damon, and Stefan but suddenly Caroline and Sarah stopped.

"What is it?" Elena asked. "They've been here." Sarah said. Caroline bent down and looked at a plant. There was blood on it.

"What?" Elena gasped. Sensing Mason's arrival, Sarah turned around. "What are you three doing out here?" Mason asked. "Searching for the orphanage you came from, so we could send you back." Sarah said bluntly, earning a smack on the arm from Elena.

"Have you seen Stefan?" Elena asked. "Yeah Elena, I've seen him. Seen Damon too." Mason responded. "Where are they?"
"You don't need me for that. I'll let your friends here sniff them out."

He looked at Caroline and Sarah. "Does your mother know what you are? I'm happy to tell her. What about you, Sarah? Do your parents know?" The dark haired teenager couldn't help but laugh. "The fact that you'd even think that I'm one of them, is honestly insulting." Sarah said.

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