Carnival Champion

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A/N- *stands on soap box with megaphone*


I didn't plan on putting this on hold for as long as I did, so I apologize. I turned 18 in my hiatus and while I'm still dealing with personal stuff, I'm hoping to get back on a regular updating schedule for those of you who have been here for me since the beginning!

I love you guys.

Kinda a short chapter until I can get back on track.


Everyone was preparing for the Mystic Falls High School Carnival. Bonnie, Sarah, and Elena were taking care of everything that needed to be done. "Katherine looked just like you, it was freakish." Bonnie said.
"She is my ancestor. Hey, I moved the student booth into the cafeteria." Elena Responded. "Your vampire ancestor and she didn't just resemble you like a family member would. She was you."

"I don't know, I can't explain it. It's creepy, that's all I got." Elena said. "I'd be creeped out too if someone was walking around with my face." Sarah said. "How do you know she's not still out there pretending to be you?" Bonnie questioned.

"I don't but I could sit here and be tortured by the not-knowing or I could get these prizes to the ring toss." Elena said. "Have you talk to Damon since he killed Jeremy or tried to kill Jeremy?" Bonnie asked. Sarah sighed deeply and closed her eyes.
"No Bonnie, I haven't and I won't and I don't want to talk about Damon or anything else that's vampire related okay?" Elena gave a bag full of plush to Bonnie. "I'm human. And I have to do human stuff. Otherwise, I'm going to go crazy."

"Okay, I'm sorry, I'll focus. We have to make Caroline proud or she will kill us. I don't know how she does all of this."
"Well because she's not human, obviously." Elena joked. "Obviously." They laughed. Sarah looked around the pile of t-shirts she had in her arms. "I'll make sure these get to where they're going. Meet up with you guys in a bit."


The carnival was officially underway when Sarah approached Bonnie and Elena. "Hey Sarah, the ring toss is out of Bart and Homer dolls and Hellfire Club T's." Bonnie told her. "Okay, I can grab some from the science club. They're a bigger hit than I thought they'd be." Sarah responded.

"Also we lost a speaker in the karaoke room." Elena added on. "Hey, all good Elena, take a beat, look around. This is a huge success." Bonnie said. "It's a really huge success. I think Caroline would be proud." Sarah said supportively.

"You mean I can do more than just freak vampire havoc?" Elena gasped. "Go figure." Bonnie said.

hey laughed and Elena looked at a man who was repairing one of the stands.

"Hey, Carter, right? You're with the carnival." Elena stated. "That'll be me."
"Okay, great." She said. He looked at Bonnie. "Wow, what do you need beautiful?" Carter asked. "What do you know about karaoke speakers?"

"Why don't you show me the problem?" Elena and Sarah motioned encouragingly with their eyes. "Yeah Bonnie, show him the problem." Elena said. "Okay, come on."

They left and Elena smiled. "I think he could be good for Bonnie." She said to Sarah. "You think everyone would be good for her." The dark haired teenager pointed out obviously.
"Well yeah, she deserves a love life. All that time she spent telling me to get out there, she didn't take her own advice." Elena said. "Yeah, I know. I was there. Wanna help me get the shirts? Don't know how many they'll need and I want one." Sarah said with a grin.

"Fine, let's go."


On Sarah's quest to find Stefan, she found both the Salvatore Brothers watching Tyler in an arm wrestling competition.

"He's got strength." Damon said. "He's a triple letter varsity athlete, of course he has strength. You're reaching." Stefan responded as Mason arrived to arm wrestle against Tyler.

"I bet I can take you."
"Enter the uncle." Damon said. "That's ridiculous." Stefan said. "You're both ridiculous." Sarah said making her presence known.

Mason beat him. "Okay, he's the champ, who wants to go next?" Tyler called out. "Stefan wants to go." Damon volunteered for Stefan. "Yeah, sure, I'll...give it a shot." He joined Mason at the table.

"Get him Stef!"
"My brother over there thinks I can beat you." Stefan said. "Your brother's wrong." Mason responded. They started the wrestling, both putting in hard pressure. Mason beat him. Stefan rejoined Damon and Sarah.

"You didn't put in any effort at all." Damon said angrily. "Yeah, actually I did."
"Come with me." Damon told them, surprised. Sarah held up a hand to them. "Wait. Before you idiots inevitably do something stupid, let me go against him. I have a theory."

"And what theory is that little miss flashy?" Damon asked. "I'll tell you, if I'm right. If I'm right, we have to be smart about this or else it could end badly." She said. "How badly?" Stefan questioned. "Bad." Sarah responded. "Fine. Go test whatever theory you have that's obviously better than whatever idea I could come up with."

"I will."

"Who's next?" Mason asked. Sarah stepped forward and smirked at him. "Me." She said simply, taking the empty spot in front of Mason. "Sarah Lahote, you think you can take me?"

Sarah rolled her eyes. He was trying to rile her up. "I'd carefully watch the words that come out of your mouth, Mason. What makes you think I can't take you?" She questioned, positioning her arm correctly. At his silence, her smirk widened. Their hands latched together, waiting for the countdown.

3... 2... 1...

She barely put any strength into it at first, attempting to gauge his own strength. Once Sarah had an idea, she put full strength in. Mason's eyes widened when his hand slammed against the table.

"And they all sing, 'Sarah is our queen'." Sarah sang quietly as she stood up. "How—"
"Don't doubt a woman's strength, Mason. I may have won and be the new champion, but I have other places to be. Nice little workout though." She said.

Sarah walked back over to Damon and Stefan with a new look in her eyes. A look of determination and excitement. "I've proven my theory, now we can go. I have some research to do before you idiots can fuck shit up."

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