I Obviously Missed Something Big

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A/N- As I said, there's some skipped episodes. This is based on 1×15. Uh strong language warning, I guess? Sarah goes off near the end of the chapter.


Sarah glared at the list in her hand. "And why do I have to be the one that goes in to order and get the food?" She asked crossing her arms. It'd been just over a week since she shifted.
She grew stronger and got the same tattoo her parents and most of her family had. Though as expected, all her bottled up anger came to the surface. Nearly 18 years worth of anger, which heavily influenced her shifting.

Lizzy and Paul had kept her out of school, under the pretense that she had the Flu. Atleast it wasn't Mono. But now they were sending her in public to see how she would do around people again. It just so happened that Sarah would have someone nearby as backup. Just in case.

"You have to do it because this is your test. If you can handle being in a crowded public place, you can start going back to school. Maybe even hang out with your friends again." Lizzy said. "Fine." Sarah mumbled, heading towards the front door with Paul following.


The dark haired teenager got out of the old truck and slammed the door. She then began making her way across the town square. Paul had purposely parked away from the grill, just to make her walk.

Sarah slid her wallet in her back pocket along with her phone as she was walking. There was another slam of the old truck door as her father got out. She knew he was there to make sure she didn't hurt anyone.
Up ahead, Sarah saw Stefan and Alaric talking. They were extremely close. Being curious, she changed course and walked towards them.

"So what's going on? This looks like a weird bromance situation, which wouldn't look too bad if you didn't look 17. And if this wasn't our history teacher." Sarah asked. Stefan breathed out and backed away a bit.

"Where were you? Didn't you get our calls?" Stefan asked the dark haired teenager. She rolled her eyes. "I was at home. Sick. Something you don't have to deal with anymore. I don't answer calls. Now tell me what the hell is going on. I obviously missed something big."
Stefan briefly filled Sarah in on the events of the last week. Most of it was based on petty teenage drama and spite.

"You don't seem surprised that Elena was adopted." Alaric pointed out. The teenager snorted. "Being the quiet kid of the bunch meant I heard alot more than people would think. I've known since we were 10, but it was never my place to tell her. That burden went to the people who raised her."

Stefan sighed and turned back to Alaric. "I need something more than just your wife's name. A picture, something I could show Damon." He said. Alaric retrieved a photo of Isobel from his wallet and handed it to Stefan. Stefan took it and walked away.

The history teacher stood there, trying to figure out his other student. "I didn't know you were a part of this." Sarah looked up to the man. "I thought you were just a history teacher." She remarked. "Touché."

Sarah smirked and walked towards the grill so she could get everyone's food. One thing she didn't think about was her mothers cravings. Burgers and cheese fries.


Somehow Sarah was roped into going to the fundraiser, so of course she was with Caroline and Elena. Matt just so happened to be there too, which she didn't really care about.
"He's already been hit on, like, 35 times. He's total cougar bait." Caroline said. "Impressive." Elena said. "More like embarrassing." Sarah tried to contain her laughter, but failed. "Oh it could be so much worse."

Caroline laughed and saw Kelly Donovan enter the Grill. "Hi, Mrs. Donovan." Kelly glanced at Caroline with distaste and looked at Elena. "Elena, honey." Kelly greeted. "Hi, Kelly." Kelly and Elena exchanged hugs.

Long time, no see."
"How are you doing?" Elena asked. "Oh, same old. Oh. Matty tells me you broke his heart."

"Mom." Matt groaned. "Just kidding. Calm down. He found his rebound girl." She glanced over at Caroline. Sarah crossed her arms, the muscles she had gained became more noticeable.

"Oh. Here you go, sweetheart. However many that'll buy." Kelly extracted some money and handed it to Caroline, who took it with a small smile.
"I just hope I don't get Bachelor 3. I dated him in high school. Not impressive. [whispers] In any way." Matt shook his head, embarrassed. Caroline handed Kelly her tickets and she took them. "Very exciting." She walked off into the Grill.

"Matt, I'm gonna fuck your mom up." Sarah said after a minute. "Please don't, Sarah." The brown eyed teenager turned to the blonde boy. "Dude, she's being a bitch to my best friend, someone who's practically been my sister for the last 10 years. I'll be damned if I let that slide."

"You don't need to do that." Caroline mumbled with a frown. "Yeah I do, Carebear. Best friends to the bitter end." Sarah smiled at the girl. "She makes my Carebear frown one more time and I'm absolutely rocking her shit."


Sarah was bored. The fundraiser was just for a bunch of horny women who got no action, and only a few of them would have a chance. Good for them. The only interesting part was when Damon openly admitted to knowing Alaric's wife, aka Elena's birth mother, and potentially killing her. At that point, she wasn't even surprised. That's the most Damon thing he could do.

Carol pulled out a raffle ticket from the bowl. "And bachelor number 3 goes to 37458." She said. "That's me." Kelly walked towards Carol.
"Ah. Kelly Donovan. Lovely." Kelly took the ticket from Carol. "You and the plumber should have so much fun." She walked over to Caroline and Sarah to claim her prize.

"Congratulations, Mrs. Donovan." Caroline said. "Okay, just stop. Stop trying so hard. This thing you're doing, this nice thing, it's fake. Like you. Like your mom. And for some reason, Matt fell for it, but that doesn't mean that I will. I don't like you, okay? So tell plumber boy I'll be at the bar."
Kelly began walking off. Caroline looked hurt by Kelly's presumptions. Rage boiled inside of Sarah at the look on her sisters face. She stood and the chair slid back a foot.

"I think the fuck not you trick ass bitch." Sarah said loud enough, where she gained the attention of multiple other people. Kelly turned around and walked back to the table. "Excuse you? Who are you to talk to me like that?"

"Who the fuck do you think you are? Talking down to Caroline because she's not precious Elena? Because she's not who you wanted with your son? Last time I checked, you don't care for your fucking kids!
That's why one of them was off on drugs constantly and disappeared. That's why Matt doesn't trust you. That's why you can't keep a fucking man! Fucking hell, woman!
Caroline is one of the nicest people I've ever met and your son is damn lucky to have even been graced with her presence.
This girl is a literal goddess and you're over here treating her like a piece of chewed gum on the sidewalk, even though you have no proof whether she's fake or not? You're the fake bitch here, now go enjoy your plumber and leave my amazing friend alone. Your insecurities are showing, honey. Also, leave the psychological insest at home next time, it leaves bad energy in the room."

Kelly glared hard at the teenager and Caroline just stared in awe of her best friend. "You're that girl from up the road. Sarah Lahote."
"Thats my name, don't wear it out."

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