The Plan

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Caroline opened the front door and Bonnie was there with Sarah. "Hey, come on in." Caroline said. "We got Stefan's message." Bonnie said as they entered the house. "Yeah it was pretty cryptic." Sarah said.

"Hey, you brought the grimoire, thank you." Stefan said to Bonnie. They saw Damon and Alaric talking and then the large amount of weapons on the table. "So uh, what's going on here?" Sarah questioned.

"We're gonna kill Katherine." Jeremy said, coming out from seeminly nowhere. "I can explain." Stefan said at the look he got from the teenage girls. "Please."
"We're gonna kill Katherine." He said. "Yeah that totally clears everything up." Sarah snorted as Alaric began showing the weapons to everybody.

"This works with compressed air. The trigger mechanism is up here. I have two of these in a different size. For you I recommend this. It fits nicely under the jacket sleeve. You use the trigger when you're ready." He faked killing a vampire. Damon and Stefan looked at each other.

"You wanted me to show you how to kill a vampire." Alaric said. "Tell me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't a vampire that's over a hundred years old, know how to properly kill another vampire? I mean, it's basic knowledge, right?" Sarah questioned.

Damon and Stefan gave her a look and she put her hands up in faux surrender. "I'm just saying! It's not that hard and you really don't need all of those fancy weapons. But whatever makes you guys feel safer I guess." Sarah hummed. They all shared at her like she was crazy. Maybe she was.


"Are you sure you guys don't want me there tonight?" Alaric asked. "No, I need you to stay with Elena. I don't want her to know about this." Stefan said.
"Okay. Well, I'll make sure she doesn't leave my sight." Alaric responded. "You do realize that means you actually have to make sure she doesn't try to sneak out, right?" Sarah questioned her history teacher. "I know how to watch someone, Sarah."

"Alright, if anybody wants to back out, I'll understand." Stefan said. "Yeah. Cold feet speak now. I don't want this going wrong if someone chicken's out. Caroline." Damon said. "I won't. Look, she killed me. Fair's fair. As long as there's no werewolf running around."

"Oh, I took care of Mason." Damon smirked. "As long as Tyler doesn't kill anyone, he won't turn." Jeremy stated. "Bonnie? Are you with us?" There was a long pause.
"But no one gets hurt."
"Except Katherine. Tonight Katherine gets a stake through her heart." Damon said. Stefan looked to Sarah, but before he could open his mouth, she nodded. "You fuckers know I'm in. Once the bitch is dead, we can go on to live kinda normal lives."


When Sarah arrived home, there was a white box on the porch that had her name on it. She picked it up and took it inside.
"What do you have?" Lizzy asked, popping her head around the corner with a bowl of cantaloupe in her hand. "I think its my outfit for the masquerade ball." She said. "Oooh! Bring it in here, I wanna see!"

Lizzy had been filled in on who she was 'going' with. When she had asked, Sarah panicked and said Stefan, of all people.

They opened it and inside the box was a diamond encrusted mask that would cover the left side of her face, a dress, and a note. Lizzy picked up the note first.

"Some will recognize the dress immediately, others won't. I hope you like it! Have fun tonight, Love Aunt Alice and Aunt Rosalie— what could they mean by that?" Lizzy asked.

Sarah shrugged and pulled the dress out of the box. The gasp that followed when the loose fabric hit the floor, made Lizzy assume she knew where it was from. "Its an exact replica of the dress Xochitl Gomez wore to the Marvel premiere! It's perfect!" Sarah cheered, hugging it close. She was slowly starting to like dresses. "It's beautiful, honey, why don't you go try it on so I can send the group a picture?"

Agreeing, Sarah ran up the stairs and got the dress on. It took a few minutes with a few minor complications. She paired it with the black heels that Esme had given her for her 16th birthday, and went down the stairs.

Lizzy helped her get the mask on before taking pictures. She took maybe 30, Sarah wasn't sure. But she did know, she had to leave very soon. Lizzy caught the glances at the clock and took the final picture.
"You look great, sweetheart." She complimented. "Thanks mom." Sarah smiled. "Hey, after the masquerade, I'm gonna stay the night at Elena's. We've not had a proper sleepover in a year."

"Okay, that's fine. Just message your dad or I when you wake up. Make good choices." Lizzy told her. "I always make good choices." The teenager responded. Lizzy hummed and kissed her cheek. "Of course you do, tell Stefan I said hi."

"I will!" Sarah said as there was a honk outside.

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