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Sarah walked towards the school like she did every day, except something was obviously different. She was taller. She also started gaining muscle mass, however under a hoodie, nobody could see it.

The teenager kept her head down, avoiding everyone. Her avoidance didn't mix well with Carolines persistence.
The blonde almost immediately began pestering her about a Halloween costume. "I don't know, Care." The teenager breathed out, beginning to get annoyed. "Fine! But make sure your costume is sexy."

Sarah sighed and stopped walking. "I don't have to be sexy all the time, Caroline. I don't even want to go to this because I have other things to do... I'm just considering it because I don't want to let you guys down."

Caroline sighed and grabbed Sarah by the shoulders, staring into her chocolate eyes. "You won't be letting us down, Sarah. It's just boring without your commentary to get us by."
"I'll see what I can do. I've already gone to more things this year than I have since we moved here... and that's saying something."

"It means you're turning into our little social butterfly." Sarah laughed at that." I'm not a social butterfly."
"No you're more of a social caterpillar." Caroline said with a smirk, dropping her hands from the teenagers shoulders. Sarah gasped in fake offense.

"I am not." She said. Caroline gave her a look that asked 'are you sure about that?'.


Sarah stared down the targets, like she already had many times. In one quick motion, blue rose to her hands. She fired until the target crumbled to the ground.
Sarah then walked over to the stairs that led to the deck, and wrapped her hands before heading to the part of the garage where her punching bag and weights were.

3 hours between the weights and punching bag had Sarah a sweating mess, however that didn't stop her from going on a run. She had energy, but everything hurt. Pain was good. It meant she was getting stronger.

After a 8 mile run, Sarah finally made it back to the house. She went upstairs and stripped herself of the sweaty workout clothes then got in the shower.
As the hot water cascaded down her body, she felt the pain go down slightly. The water felt nice on her aching body... Sarah washed her hair and body before finally stepping out.

She walked out of the bathroom and into her room with a towel wrapped around her. The cool air of the room caused her to get goosebumps from the temperature change. Sarah dried herself off and put on clean undergarments before facing her closet with a look of contemplation. She sighed.

"Dammit Caroline." She mumbled.


Sarah arrived at the Halloween event at school, and she was almost glad she showed up. The look on Caroline's face when she was seen, was definitely worth it.
Sarah was in a dark blue dress that hugged her curves, silver heels, a tiara, and a sash that said 'Prom Queen'. Of course she was also doused in fake blood. It worked for short notice, and most of the stuff was old or from the thrift store on main.

"You made it!" Caroline squealed excitedly as Sarah made it to her and Bonnie. "Yeah I did... Seem to be making it to alot of things these days." She pointed out with a small smile.
"Well, it's always good to have you around." Bonnie said, nudging her in the side. Sarah chuckled. "I take that as a compliment, Bonnie Bennett."

Tyler walked over with 3 drinks in hand. "Cider for the ladies. It's a Lockwood special." He said. "No way. Last year I was hung over until Thanksgiving." Bonnie responded. "Lightweight. I am going to drink until someone is hot enough to make out with." Caroline said, taking the drink. "Sounds like a plan. You in, Sarah?"

She took the cup from him. "Sounds like a damn good plan to me. I'm in." Tyler grinned and the 3 clinked their glasses together.


A little while later, Sarah was walking near the back of the school when she heard commotion and vaguely smelled blood.
Sarah tightened her shoes and began running towards the sounds, making sure the stake was still secure in her dresses pocket. What? It was a necessary safety precaution.

She arrived just in time to see Elena hit Vicki with a wooden plank, then proceeded to get thrown into nearby trash. Stefan grabbed Vicki and held her against the bus. Then she disappeared.

Vicki pushed Jeremy out of the way, grabbing Elena and biting her. Stefan was fast, but Sarah was faster.
The dark haired teenager ripped the vampire off her friend and stabbed her through the heart with the wooden stake. Sarah watched as the light left Vicki Donovan's eyes and her skin turned gray and veiny.

What was left of the older teen dropped to the ground. Sarah tuned out the noise, noticing the expressions on her friends faces. Horrified. Confused. Heartbroken.

Stefan held Jeremy back as he called out for Vicki, who was now very dead. Dead. She killed someone. Sarah suddenly began feeling sick.
Between the Cider and killing someone she'd known most of her life, she felt horrible. But she was a vampire. She tried to reason with herself. Yeah but so is Stefan. But she was hurting my friend.

"Get him out of here." Elena told Stefan. He and Jeremy left. Elena sat down beside Vicki's body and looked up to Sarah. "Why'd you do that? I mean how'd you even know?" She asked. "I.. it was instinct. She was attacking you... it just happened." Sarah responded as tears pooled in her chocolate brown eyes. She sat beside Elena and hugged her knees through the dress.


Damon arrived and Elena was crying. She stood when she saw him. "You should go. I got this." He said. "You did this. This is your fault." Elena cried. "You confuse me for someone with remorse." Elena tried to hit Damon but he grabbed her hand and stopped her.

"None of this matters to me. None of it." Damon said. "People die around you. How could it not matter? It matters, and you know it." Elena hit him.
"You need to leave. Your wounds are bleeding and you need to leave." Damon said firmly. Elena left, leaving Sarah on the ground with a numb expression on her face.

The teen eventually stood and began making her way home. After the events of the night, she just wanted to be left alone.
When she arrived home, Lizzy was up in the kitchen. Sarah ignored her mother and went up the stairs. She got in the shower for the second time that night and cried. Vampire or not, she took another life.


A/N- This wasn't great tbh


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