Kick-off Party

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"I don't see why we have to go to this. We're not a part of the founding families, hell We're not even from Mystic Falls!" Sarah groaned as Lizzy zipped up the dress.
"Honey, it's free food and time to spend with your friends. We'll leave if we have to." The teen crossed her arms like a child. "Fine."


"Lizzy, it's wonderful to see you again! Congratulations on the baby." Mrs. Lockwood greeted them, with a fake smile. Lizzy's smile was just as fake when she responded. "Thank you, Carol."

When they walked away, Sarah burst into a fit of quiet giggles. "You can stop laughing now." Lizzy nudged Sarah in the side.
The teenager grinned at her mother. "I'm gonna go look for Caroline or Elena. I haven't seen them in a while." The woman hummed. "Make good choices."

"I always do!" Sarah chirped before disappearing into the people.
She managed to find Elena and Stefan first, which somehow wasn't shocking. "You hate dancing. I usually have to beg you." Sarah heard Elena say as she joined them at the bar. "No, no, no you have to beg the sober me. The drunk me there is no begging necessary." Stefan said. Sarah and Elena looked at the dance floor.

"There's really no one dancing." Elena pointed out. "That's because they need something better to dance to. I'll be right back." Sarah raised an eyebrow. "Let's see how this goes." She mumbled. He left and Kelly arrived.

"Yeah...That's not gonna work. I already tried to bribe the guy with 20 bucks and a date. He said Carol Lockwood has complete control over the music choices."

Elena looked at Stefan, while Sarah shot Kelly dirty looks. Stefan was compelling the DJ. "You'd be surprised what Stefan can accomplish when he puts his mind to it." The music changed, becoming more upbeat. "Thank God!" Kelly is dancing with Stefan. Damon rejoined Elena and Sarah at the bar. He looked at Stefan.

"Have I entered an alternate universe where Stefan is fun?" Damon asked. Sarah snorted. She had been thinking similar. "Is he gonna be okay?" Elena asked,, worried for her boyfriend. "Eventually. One way or another." Damon responded. They looked at each other, and then they watched Stefan. Damon smiled.

Elena soon walked away, leaving Damon and Sarah alone. "What do you say, Sarah? Dance with me?" The elder vampire held a hand out. She glared at it. "I don't like you very much."
"And why's that?" He smirked.
"You hurt Caroline." The teenager responded honestly. "Seriously?"
"Yeah, seriously. I'm not Elena, I won't overlook what you did to her. It was disgusting and wrong. I mean, taking advantage of her? Dude." She scolded before walking away.


Sarah was leaned up against the wall, taking a sip of her drink, when a familiar body stood before her. "Dance with me." Ethan said.

The teenager rolled her eyes and glanced out at the other people, before looking back to him. "Fine. But this doesn't mean anything." He took her hand and they went out on the dance floor.


"Thank you all, thank you very much, thank you. Thank you all for joining us tonight in just a few moments we will officially begin the countdown to our upcoming Founders' Day celebration and it's a very special one this year. The 165th birthday of our town." Mayor Lockwood said. A bell on a table was wheeled next to him.

"And...and I would like to welcome back one of our town favorite's sons to do the honors of ringing our official charter bell. John Gilbert, would you please join me up here?" There was scattered applause as John joined him
"165 years of community, prosperity, family. We take care of each other, we look after each other, protect each other. It's good to be home." Nearly everyone applauded.

Sarah looked over to her parents, who in turn looked to her. They were equally unimpressed. "Home?" She asked. "Oh! Dinner then home." Lizzy suggested with a smile. "Sounds good to me." Paul said, leading his family out.


A/N- I've been gone, I'm sorry. I've been mentally drained and this has chapter has been almost finished for days now, but I didn't know what to do for it, so I just kinda left it alone until I had motivation.

I feel like I have so much on my plate with this book specially, but I can't explain my reasoning for that feeling without spoiling major points to the story.

I just keep getting new ideas for everything and I've even started another fanfic which is Supernatural × Marvel. I have no clue what I'm doing with that. Honestly, I don't know what I'm doing with anything.

I'm 3 opossums in a trench coat, pretending to be a person.

Chapter was short. Sorry about that. Sorry about the mini rant too. I hope it was semi decent.

I'm skipping to season 2. I've read the scripts for the remaining episodes of season 1. I didn't see anywhere I could place Sarah that would make sense in my mind, except maybe Miss Mystic Falls or founders day.
I wrote out different scenarios for both of them in my notes app, but I didn't like them, so we're skipping.


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