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It'd been days since anyone had heard from Sarah.
The only sign that she was alive was the routine opening of her door at 5 am, 7 am, 10 am, 3 pm, 9 pm, and the occasional flush of the toilet or the water running. Plus the food her parents brought up would be eaten and Diesel started spending the night in Sarah's room.

They didn't want to push her.

By Monday morning, Sarah had over 100 missed calls and even more unread messages. Apparently she'd missed alot in her time MIA. But she got what she needed— time to think and reflect without someone breathing down her neck.

At 5:16 am on Monday morning, her door creaked open and she stepped into the hallway for the first time since Friday. She looked down to her phone and cleared the notifications, opting to look at them later.
Sarah got to the bottom of the steps when she heard her mother talking on the phone. She checked the time again and it was only 5:20. Way too early to be on the phone. But she stood there, listening.

"How would you feel if it was Allison or one of the twins, Sam?" Lizzy asked quietly. There was a minute of silence before the woman sighed. "I know, but... She killed someone. I still see her the same. She's still my daughter, and I'll love her no matter what..." The mother referred to the mental image Sarah had willingly shown her.

"I'm not ready for her to shift." Lizzy said after more silence. "Because when she does, she loses everything just like we did, and that's not fair to Sarah or her friends..."

"Sam, it's a huge deal!" Lizzy snapped before sighing and resting her head in her free hand.
"If she shifts, fine. But I'm not forcing that transition upon her because it's taking a little longer than it did for us... it was my 16th birthday, Sam. You remember that? I found out I was adopted and 5 minutes later, I was on all fours with fluffy white fur... I had the pack and the elders. Sarah would only have Paul and I here..." she trailed off.

"You're right, I'm in no condition to be Alpha, especially right now— yes... He knows... We wanted to wait until we knew it would be safe to share."

"Look Sammy, I have to go. I love you." Soon the call ended and the phone was sat on the counter. Sarah took this as the opportunity to go to the kitchen. Lizzy was shocked to see her daughter out of her room and didn't hesitate to pull her into a tight hug.

"Are you feeling any better, sweetheart?" She asked softly, running her fingers through the teenagers soft hair.
She nodded against her mother's chest and hugged back, holding on to this moment as if it was the only thing keeping her from falling apart. "Do you plan on going to school today?" The teenager nodded again before pulling away.

"I need to." She mumbled. Lizzy nodded and smiled sadly at her beautiful daughter. "Okay honey, you go get ready and I'll fix you something for breakfast. Take your time." She nodded once more before going back up the stairs and into her room.


Sarah walked into history class just moments after the bell rang, the door slamming behind her. The teenager rolled her eyes when she saw Elena and Bonnie staring at her.
She sat near the back of the class, not needing the confused or slightly judgemental stares.

"Good Morning everyone. Alrighty." Alaric wrote his name on the chalkboard. Elena turned to Bonnie and a moment later she shrugged.

"Alaric Saltzman. It's a mouthful, I know. Doesn't exactly roll off the tongue. Saltzman is of German origins.
My family emigrated here in 1755 to Texas. I, however, was born and raised in Boston. Now the name Alaric belongs to a very dead great-grandfather I will never be able to thank enough.
You'll probably want to pronounce "Alaric" but it's "Alaric," okay? So, you can call me Rick. I'm your new history teacher." He finished. Sarah then laid her head on the desk, tuning out the rest of the class. It was mainly the same 'get to know you' questions that happen at the beginning of the year.


After school, Sarah began walking on her usual route home when suddenly she felt someone familiar on her left. She looked up and saw Stefan.
"I know you want to talk about what happened on Friday, but I don't." She said, barely above a whisper. "Sarah... I need to know what happened." Stefan pushed gently.

"You saw exactly what happened. Vicki attacked Elena. I killed Vicki. There's nothing else to it, so can we act like it never happened?" She pleaded. Sarah always wanted to be strong like her mother, but she was always told to feel whatever she felt. To never apologize for feeling a certain way.

"Sarah we can't ignore it. You know something. I need to know whatever you know." He stopped her from walking. She sighed and stared into his green eyes.
"I know everything Elena knows, maybe more. She didn't tell me anything. I figured it out before she did, so don't be mad at her."

"So that's why you've been keeping your distance?" Stefan suggested as they began walking again.
"Partially. I've needed space, and I still need it. Processing everything is taking a bit longer than expected... remember those legends I mentioned at dinner..?" The vampire nodded and urged her to continue.

"They're not just stories. I can't go into specifics without my parents or the elders, but they're very real Stefan. That'll be important one day." Sarah said. She then noticed they were by her house and she cut through the grass, up to the porch.


A/N- Soooooo what do we think Lizzy's waiting to tell Sarah?

We got a little Starah moment, though our baby is still processing everything as best she could. She's handling it better than I would in this situation.

Also Alaric is here now? I'm kinda imagining him as Jensen Ackles, because he is a fine specimen of a man.
Secretly wanna be like 'Yaassssss Jenna'. You know?


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