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Sarah walked beside Elena and Bonnie as they talked. She wasn't apart of the conversation, it didn't concern her so she tuned it out. She scanned the crowd of students, looking for her perky blonde best friend. She wasn't there.

The teenager sighed and tuned back in when she saw Bonnie walking off. She turned and realized Stefan was there.
"She doesn't like me very much." Stefan observed. "She doesn't know you. She's my best friend. She's just looking out for me. But when she does, she will love you."

Sarah cleared her throat. "First off, I object, she's known me for 10 years and we still don't talk or hang out unless you or Caroline are there. Secondly, I thought I was your best friend!" Sarah fake pouted, her brown eyes glistening in the sunlight. Elena laughed at her friends antics and Stefan smiled.

"Here's what we're going to do. Are you free tonight?" Elena asked Stefan. "Yes."
"Perfect. Dinner, my house. 8:00. You, me, Sarah, and Bonnie. You two will spend some quality time and she'll get to see what a great guy you are. Mission accomplished."

The dark haired teenager stared at her friend in shock. "When did I agree to be a part of this?" Sarah asked. "You didn't, but you're going because you're one of my best friends and you love me." Elena said in a sing song voice.
Sarah laughed and nodded her head. "Yeah I do. Unfortunately." She added. Elena looked offended for a brief second but heard the playfulness in her friends tone. "But I dunno about dinner, Lena. Moms making soup tonight and... I just have a bad feeling."

"Not you too." Elena groaned. Stefan looked at her confused. "A bad feeling about what?" He asked. The teenager looked him in the eyes, and shook her head. "I don't know." She said honestly. "Please just come to dinner?" Elena pleaded with her. Sarah sighed and eventually gave in. "Fine, I'll go. But the food better be worth it."

Suddenly Tyler threw a Football at Stefan, who had his back towards him. He quickly turned around, catching the ball, and throwing it back to Tyler. Tyler and Matt stared shocked.
Elena laughed. Sarah stood there wondering how he knew the ball was coming. She looked at the time and split off from them, throwing a 'goodbye' over her shoulder. Did Elena not notice how fast he turned around?


"World war II ended in...Anyone got anything? Miss Lahote?" Mr. Tanner asked. "1945." Sarah responded without hesitation.
"Psst. FYI...Our team sucks. They could use you." Elena whispered to Stefan, though Sarah heard it. "Can't."
"Pearl Harbor."
"I'm a loner." Stefan whispered back. "Miss Gilbert? Mr. Tanner called out. "Hmm?"
"Pearl Harbor?"

"December 7, 1941." Stefan said. "Thank you, Miss Gilbert." Mr. Tanner said. "Anytime."
"Very well. The fall of the Berlin wall."
"1989. I'm good with dates, sir." Stefan said.

"Are you? How good? Keep it to the year. Civil Rights Act."
"John F. Kennedy assassination."
"Martin Luther King."
"Roe vs. Wade."
"Brown vs. Board."
"The battle of Gettysburg."
"Korean war."
"1950 to 1953."
"Ha! It ended in '52." Mr. Tanner exclaimed. "Uh, actually, sir, it was '53." Stefan said. "Look it up, somebody. Quickly." Sarah looked down at her book where the page was open. "It was 1953." She said, proud of her friend. Tanner shot her a look and her mind quickly went to something else. What would she wear to dinner?


Sarah entered the house and dropped her stuff by the door. "I'm home!" She yelled. "In the kitchen!" Lizzy yelled back. When she walked into the kitchen, she saw her mother cutting carrots.
"Hey mom" Sarah began. The woman hummed in acknowledgment. "Uh, two things. One, I was invited to go to Elena's for dinner. And two, something weird happened last night.."

Lizzy set the knife down and looked at her daughter. "You can go to Elena's if you want to, but I can't promise leftovers.. So what happened?"
"I was sitting.. outside, when the night went quiet and this like blue thing came from me. I can't describe it any better... but it was real, mom." Sarah said.

The woman nodded. "It's okay sweetheart, I believe you. Can you try to show me?" She asked. The teenager nodded and held her hand out, thinking of the movements of the mist.
Blue enveloped her hand and soon gold joined. Sarah looked up to her mother, to see gold and blue entwined together. "You have it too." Lizzy mumbled with a smile.

"The stories... they weren't just stories, were they? The third wife, our tribes shifters, and the cold ones..?" Sarah asked, allowing the blue to dissipate. Lizzy shook her head with a sad smile. "Your father and I wanted to keep you from being involved in the Supernatural like we were. But we can't protect you from everything, no matter how much we want to." She said.

"Why.. why wouldn't you want me involved? I can help keep people safe! From what you, dad, and pops have told me, it's in our blood to keep people safe. It's our job." Sarah said.

Lizzy sighed. "Your time will come, and until it does, it's not your job. It's not your fight. Something fishy is going on in this town with people suddenly going missing... But it's not your fight, baby. Be young while you can because one day, if you become like the rest of our family, you'll lose alot of what you have. Just like Paul and I did." Lizzy admitted.

"What did you lose?" Sarah asked barely above a whisper. "Freedom and friends. Lots of friends. Your dad, uncle Sam, and uncle Jared shifted before me, and so Sam had them cut me off abruptly for my safety. I was next, followed closely by your uncle Embry. Your uncle Jake, he hated me for a while because he thought I was in a gang." Lizzy laughed at the distant memory.

"The infamous gang of La Push, the leader being Sam Uley. Everyone talked about us as if we were bad people because we cut our hair and got matching tattoos."
Lizzy pulled down the sleeve of her shirt to show the tattoo on her arm. "How do you know if you're... shifting?" Sarah asked.

"I'll tell you another time when your fathers home. I have to make dinner and you've been invited out. Please please please be careful and text me if you need picked up."
"I will mom, I love you."
"I love you too, baby." Sarah smiled softly and went upstairs to change her shirt before leaving.


A/N- A longer chapter to make up for the shorter one <3

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