Perfect Fucking Timing

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"What do you know?" Was the first question that came from Elena when they saw eachother next. Sarah raised her eyebrows and closed her copy of 'The Outsiders'. "What do I know? What did Stefan tell you?" The teenager asked in responce. A light fall breeze blew in the air, sending the colorful leaves into a spiral on the asphalt by their feet.

"He told me you talked and that you knew about him and Damon." Elena said. Sarah looked at her unimpressed.
"Why would you ask what I knew, if you already knew? It seems you're all caught up here." She said, sipping on her hot chocolate. "Because I know you, Sarah. There's something you left out when you spoke to him... what was it?"

"Believe it or not, Elena, friends are allowed to keep secrets when it doesn't directly affect their other friends." The dark haired teenager said before opening her book again, signaling she no longer wished to talk. Elena looked at Sarah sadly, but eventually left once she got the hint.

Sarah didn't mind talking to Elena more in depth, however, the middle of town wasn't the best option if they wanted to talk about Supernatural business.
Especially when a council full of humans thinks they have the upper hand on vampires that are older and stronger than them.


Sarah entered the home and went into the kitchen. Both of her parents were sitting there waiting for her.
"Why do I feel like I just walked into an AA meeting?" She asked, attempting to make a joke. However the only reaction was a twitch of Lizzy's lip.

She immediately realized the slight tension and sat down in front of them, like she was a child again. "What's going on?" She asked, while using her magic to change into something more comfortable. "Well, your father and I have some news for you, then we need to talk about what's going on." Lizzy said.

The teenager nodded and urged them to continue. "Well uh first off, we love you very much. We always will." Paul began, then looked to his wife to continue. "Secondly.. remember how when you were younger, you'd ask about having a little sibling?"
Sarah nodded before her eyes widened. "You're joking?" She asked, looking between her parents. After 15 years of begging, she was gonna throw hands with someone if they were playing games with her.

"We're not joking, sunflower." That's all it took for Sarah to jump up, squeal, and do a happy dance. She always wanted to be a big sister and now it was finally happening. She stopped when she saw her dads phone recording her reaction. She flipped off the camera then turned to her mother.

"How far along are you?" Sarah asked, noticing the small bump that had already began to form. The gray tank top and sweatpants gave it away. Lizzy stood and smiled.
"13 weeks to the day.. we waited until the end of the trimester to tell most people, since something could've gone wrong. We didn't want to get your hopes up until we were certain." The teenagers smile never faltered.

"I understand.. This is amazing! Caroline and I are gonna throw you the most amazing baby shower and gender reveal when it comes time! And we're gonna have to go see the family or let them come here- which could be interesting either way."
Sarah gasped. "Now I have to get a job so I can afford to be the cool big sister!"

The teenager continued on with her rant for another 20 minutes before either one of them could get her to calm down.
Sarah's mood never once faltered while they talked about what was happening. She told them everything she knew and in turn they told her the legends. But there was one thing they mentioned that she didn't remember from the past.


They told her that it was an involuntary situation where a Quileute shifter found their soulmate, regardless of previous feelings.

Paul had shifted maybe a month before Lizzy, and he never wanted an imprint until they looked into eachothers eyes for the first time after shifting. They fell in love and had her.
It was all new to the young teenager, however she now wondered if there was someone out there that was perfect for her. If her parents found eachother, she could find her soulmate.

It would just take time.


It was 2 days later at a career fair at Mystic Falls Highschool, where Sarah bumped into Stefan and Elena for the first time in a few days.

"Hi." Stefan greeted awkwardly. Her eyes tinged stared into his as she looked into his head. The eye contact was suddenly broken as her eyes darkened. "Hey, you're both coming with me." Sarah said, grabbing their arms and pulling them away from the crowd.

"Anything important you're keeping from me?" Sarah asked. Elena shook her head but Stefan sighed. "There's another vampire in town. We don't know who it is." Sarah scoffed. "Perfect." She remarked sarcastically.


Jenna walked into the room, approaching Sarah, Elena, and Stefan. "Hide me." Jenna said. "What's going on?" Sarah and Elena asked at the same time.
"The scum Fell has landed." The older woman said. "Logan's here."

"Wait, Logan Fell?" Stefan asked surprised. Jenna nodded. Stefan went out into the hall and spotted Logan. Logan looked over at him and waved. Elena walked out into the hallway to talk to Stefan.

Stefan, what's going on?" Elena asked. Sarah looked into his mind for the second time that evening and saw his whole thought process. Logan Fell is a vampire. That was the only good explanation.

The teenagers eyes widened briefly as Logan approached the pair as well as Jenna and Sarah, who came out of the classroom after Elena. "Jenna, are you dodging me?" Logan asked. "It's a form of self-preservation." The strawberry blonde responded.

"Um, Sarah, why don't you take Elena and Jenna somewhere else?" Stefan looked at Sarah, significantly. Sarah looked at him, understandingly. "Let's go." She said.

Elena grabbed Jenna's hand and led her away from Logan and Stefan, quickly with Sarah behind them. Logan watche them leave and turned to face Stefan.

When the 3 got to a classroom, Sarah turned to Elena. "I'm gonna go find my parents." Elena nodded at her friend. They hugged but Elena pulled away a second later. "You should also go home and rest, you're burning up." She said. Jenna, being a concerned aunt, placed the back of her hand on Sarah's forehead.

"You need to go home and get some rest, Sarah." Jenna agreed with Elena. "Yeah, I probably should.. uh, you guys should come over for dinner one night soon- after I'm better, of course." Sarah said as she began backing towards the door. "We'll be there, just take care of yourself.

"I will, I promise." The dark haired teen left the room, almost bumping into her history teacher. Alaric noticed the beads of sweat forming on Sarah's forehead as she passed him.

Perfect fucking timing. Sarah thought to herself as her parents came into view.


A/N- Bit of a filler chapter, but it's okay. That was episode 10. Much shorter than the actual episode, but this is the Sarah's story, not Stefan's.

But we're also another episode closer to Sarah shifting and our favorite suited original showing up.

- A

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