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When Sarah entered the house, she closed the door and locked it. She sighed heavily and leaned against the dark oak door. Paul raised his eyebrows at his daughter as he took a bite of his sandwich.

"Everything okay?" Sarah nodded and went into the kitchen to get water. "I just came back from Stefan's place." She admitted, leaning against the doorway. "I thought you were with the girls?" Paul questioned.

"I was, until Caroline and Elena started talking about sex- which I didn't wanna hear about by the way. But hey, with Care you never know where the conversation is gonna go. Anyway, Elena decided she wanted to talk to Stefan and dragged me along since she didn't wanna go alone.
This mad woman made me leave my food and then proceeded to enter his house without permission because the door was open! I mean who does that? Disrespectful.
Then I followed her to make sure she didn't like die or anything, I wouldn't want her death on my conscience. Stefan wasn't there, but his brother was. I didn't even know he had a brother! Damon was kinda creepy, he was staring at Elena and I like we were his next meal.
I didn't like that one bit, but we left soon because Stefan got back and it was obvious they had some real issues with eachother. I didn't wanna be in the middle of that."

On the outside, Paul watched with an amused expression as his daughter rambled on about her first meeting with Damon Salvatore. On the inside, he was trying to figure out why his and Lizzy's wolves were trying to make themselves known again. Trying to protect a town that wouldn't understand their sacrifices.

The only reasoning he could find were vampires, but from Sarah's descriptions of the Salvatore's, they weren't cold ones. But they were something, which meant they'd soon have to sit Sarah down and retell the story.


"Hey, are we going to watch the comet later?" Sarah asked as her mom entered the house with groceries. "That's tonight?" Lizzy asked, setting her purse down. The teenager hummed. "Ask your father."


"Dad, are we going to see the comet later?" Sarah asked. Paul came out from under his truck. "Ask your mother, she's the boss." Sarah groaned and went inside.

To Carebear 🧸🎀
I can't come. Family stuff. Have fun tho <3

Caroline opened it almost immediately. Sarah sighed as Lizzy called her and Paul for dinner. It was stuffed peppers. Not her favorite meal, but her mom made it and they were good.

"Tomorrow night, we're having chicken noodle soup. It's supposed to be in the 40's tomorrow night." The older woman said, gesturing towards the clean big pot that now sat on the stove.
"Sounds good." Sarah responded, stabbing her food with her fork. Throughout the remainder of meal, the three made small talk while Diesel laid at her feet, hoping she'd drop something.


Sarah laid on the roof, watching the comet overhead. Something was definitely coming. A knot formed in her stomach as the woods around her got very quiet. Suddenly, she was on high alert as she sat up.

There was a tingle at her finger tips, which when she looked down, had a blue mist coming from them. It was mildly alarming, however she felt safer with it when she realized she could control it.

The mist disappeared as the nights sounds returned. Not wanting to be outside any longer, she dropped back onto the ledge of her window and entered her room.
Using her window as an escape to the roof was one of the first things she figured out to do as an early teen. Lizzy and Paul knew she did it, but let her think she was being secretive.

Sarah closed the window, went to her bathroom to take a shower, got dressed, then got in her bed. She called Caroline. No answer. She looked at the clock. It wasn't too late. Sarah called again. No response. This was weird, especially for Caroline. She didn't go anywhere without her phone, and she always answered a call. She sent a message.

To Carebear 🧸🎀
Text me as soon as you can, I'm worried.

The teenager plugged her phone in and turned the lamp off. Rolling over in bed, she ignored the crow staring at her through the window. The feeling in her stomach never went away, even as she drifted off into a dreamless sleep.


A/N- It's later and shorter than I wanted it to be. I had this whole idea and because I can only type so fast, I lost alot of it in the abyss that is my brain.

Maybe I'll find it, maybe I'll think of something new.

But I'm going to start introducing Sarah's powers more, kinda excited for that.

Next chapter will begin episode 3. As we can already see, this might be longer than the first book. And that's okay. We'll see how this goes.

Get some sleep and stay HYDRAted <3


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