A Preceding Statement

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– June 11, 2022 –

There are many things wrong with this story. I know. I wrote this over 8 years ago when I was a freshman in high school. I created an OP character and added unnecessary steamy scenes, and regretted it by the time I began Book II. When I was still writing, I tried to listen to feedback by dialing down my OC's abilities in later portions, basically cutting out one of the skills I've given her, and other methods. I do accept constructive criticism, but not insults.

And no.

Telling me a scene is "cringe" and that you'll "get bored af" is not constructive criticism. I'm not saying to refrain yourself from commenting on my story, but please think before you comment. I enjoy seeing people interact with this story and give thoughts, but not in this manner. And this goes for all other writers as well. Rude, negative comments leave writers feeling discouraged and uninspired. I can't tell you how many of my favorite writers give up on a story or close their accounts because of comments like these.

Just a reminder for some: if you do not like a story, do not comment and move on to a different fic. We are NOT trying to force you to read our writing. We want you to read something that you enjoy! If that is not our story, then so be it— no hard feelings!

This remains the account that I use to read stories on Wattpad and, therefore, I do see your comments. I am not writing anymore, but I also do not need to see comment like these when I am just trying to relax before work or bed. The fact that I am petty remains the same after 8 years. Leave me a rude comment, and I will bite back. I do not care about your age if you are mannerless. I do not care that this is "the internet and there are trolls." If you do not respect me, I will not respect you. Simple as that.

Start growing manners, or real life will bite you in the ass.

I didn't think that I would have to post a message like this, but I either have middle schoolers or 18+ readers that skipped the basic lessons of kindergarten leaving senseless comments as of recently.

To the two rude readers from last week: yes, I was hungover and you pissed me off. Congrats.

Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.


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