Chapter 36 - Plan B

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Next Day


We all stare at Kakashi intensely. Within the next 48 hours, that mask is coming off. I'll make sure of it.

"What's the matter?" Kakashi asks, confused, "You guys seem to have lots of energy today."

"I have lots of energy!" Naruto roars.

At the same time, Sakura shouts, "I'm ready to go!"

Sasuke and I only nod slightly.

"Oh, that's excellent."

We start walking towards our destination and I feel 3 weak presences tailing us. Well, whatever it is shouldn't be a problem. Their chakra is basically nothing.


"Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!" the resort owner greets, "Come this way! Come! Come!"

She hustles us into one of the big rooms. In the center was a huge table, loaded with food. My mouth drooled just from looking at it. We quickly sat down and the lady leaves. I was just about to head for the food when I feel someone nudging my thigh. Sasuke shakes his head and glances at Kakashi. I groan inwardly. I want food.

"Something wrong? Not one of you laid chopsticks on the food. Aren't you hungry?" Kakashi questions.

"Not really, but why don't you, Kakashi-sensei, hurry up and eat?" Sakura urges.

"Well, I'm on a diet", he says. He looks at us cautiously. Kakashi already knew we were trying to do something, but he didn't know what. We're at both an advantage and disadvantage.

Naruto slowly grabs the pot of boiled water and aims it at Kakashi's face.

"Oh no! My hands slipped!" he yells, almost fakely. I sigh. They are all hopeless. He's a former Anbu for Kami's sake.

Kakashi quickly flips the table up, blocking the pot from hitting his face. Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura gave him shocked looks and started screaming. I glare darkly at Kakashi. I wanted food.

"HOW COULD YOU!" shrieks Sakura.

"Oh, sorry, sorry, I unintentionally---" he starts apologizing.

I grab him by the collar.


We force Kakashi out the room, so we could devise another plan.

"So, what's the plan?" Sakura asks.

"Don't worry. I have an idea", states Sasuke.

"An idea?" both Sakura and Naruto ask curiously. He smirks.

"We take him to the hot springs. He's bound to take off his mask there", Sasuke explains.

"But I won't be able to see his face", I pout.

"You can come in with me", he smirks.

I smack his should and glare at him teasingly. He raises an eyebrow.


"You can't be serious."


"Can we keep this conversation appropriate for kids under 15?" Naruto asks.




"Sakura, stop staring at my boobs. It's not my fault that your chest is underdeveloped", I retort, catching her look at my chest for the hundredth time. I pretend to inspect her flat chest.

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