Chapter 9 - Pass or Fail?

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I watch as Kakashi looked at the three grimly and their faces of nervousness. Naruto was tied up, Sakura looked as if she were going to cry, and Sasuke looked angry. We all sat silently. Suddenly, we heard stomachs growling. I snicker. Good thing I ate breakfast.

"Oh, your stomachs are growling..." he teased. They all glare at him momentarily before looking back down in shame.

"Well! There's no need for you guys to go back to the Academy", Kakashi says. I knew what he was going to do next. Good job on raising their hopes. Already, you can see Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke look a little more relieved.

"What? I... All I did was lay unconscious. Is that okay?" Sakura wondered out loud. At least she had the guts to admit that.

Then, they started cheering. Kakashi gave them a closed-eye smile.

"Yes, the three of you... must quit being ninja!" Kakashi announces. They all stop cheering and look up in fear.

"Ooh. A bit harsh there, Hatake", I chuckle.

"Quit being ninja?! What do you mean?!" Naruto screams, "It's true, we didn't get the bells, but why do we have to quit?!"

"Because you're all brats who don't have the qualifications to become ninja", Kakashi explains.

Sasuke grunts in anger and launch up to attack him. With effortlessness, Kakashi had Sasuke trapped under his foot. Keeping under his grasp, Kakashi continues talking.

"DON'T STEP ON SASUKE-KUN!" Sakura yells. I roll my eyes.

"Could you be any louder?" I complain. She scowls at me.

"Are you kids thinking that being a shinobi is easy? Huh? Why do you think you're doing this exercise in teams? It's as if you guys have no understanding of the purpose to this test", Kakashi reprimands, "Why do you think you've been put into three-man squads?"

"Jeez! What about three people to a squad?!" Naruto yells.

"Teamwork, Naruto. It's teamwork. Without it, you have no chance of taking on me or Kakashi", I answer. Kakashi nods in agreement. The three widen their eyes. Was it really that difficult to figure out the purpose?

"Exactly, but it's too late even if you realize that now. This is a test set up to purposely place you against each other. It's under such conditions where one's own personal interests aren't the issue. The purpose was to select those who could prioritize teamwork... Despite this..." he trails off in disappointment.

"Sakura! You were only concerned with Sasuke and you didn't even know where he was. You didn't even care for Naruto who was right in front of your eyes. Naruto! All you do is run solo. Sasuke! You labeled the other two as hindrances and acted on your own", he scolded each one of them, "Missions are carried out in squads! Each individual still needs skill, but teamwork is considered the most important. Individual actions that disrupts teamwork can lead to injuries and even death."

He pauses a moment to let them take it all in.

"For example, 'Sakura! Kill Naruto, or else Sasuke dies'" Kakashi yells. They both gasp in shock and horror.

"This is what happens. We are preparing you deal with these kind of situations. On top of hostages, you're faced with impossible choices and end up being killed. Every mission is a life-risking assignment", Kakashi explains further, "Look at this... The many names engraved on this stone... These are all shinobis who are called heroes in the village."

"I LIKE THAT! I've decided now to get my name engraved there, too! A hero! I'm not going to die like a dog!" Naruto yells. I nearly face-planted because of his idiocy.

"They aren't ordinary heroes..." Kakashi starts.

"No kidding. Then, what kind of heroes are they?" he asks in excitement. He was really clueless wasn't he?

"They are heroes who were killed in action, Naruto..." I answer. He still looked clueless. Dear god.

"It means they were killed during a mission", Sakura explains. Naruto instantly looks down in respect.

"It's a memorial. The names of my friends are also engraved here..." Kakashi trails off. After a moment of silence, Kakashi spoke up.

"I'll give you guys one more chance! However, the next test will be a harsher battle to take the bell. Those who want to take on the challenge can eat lunch. However, don't let Naruto have any. It's punishment for breaking the rules and attempting to eat lunch on your own. If someone lets him eat... that person will be disqualified on the spot", he explains grimly, "I make the rules here. Got it?"

They nod. Kakashi looks at me and we transported behind bushes and trees, still being able to see them. We watch as Naruto thrashes in hunger, but still refusing to eat a thing. Eventually, both Sasuke and Sakura offered him food and then feeding it to him. I smile.

We both flash in front of them.

"You three!" Kakashi yells. They scream in terror.

"You defied the rules so that means you know what's coming... Do you have something to say?" Kakashi threatens. He performed a jutsu, making the sky dark and the lightning strike. I never knew he was that into theatrics...

"But, but, Sensei! You said-" Naruto starts.

"We're a three-man squad, right?" Sasuke questions.

"That's right! The three of us are one, so..." Sakura states.

"The three of you are one, eh..." Kakashi walks up to them and bend over. He looks at me. I smile.

"Do you want me to say it?" I giggle. He nods

"You pass!" I congratulate. They look at us in shock.

"You guys are the first. Up until now, it was always just dunces who would meekly listen to what I said. A shinobi must see through deception... In the shinobi world, those who break rules and codes are branded as garbage... But, those who don't cherish their friends are scum", Kakashi explains.

Sakura giggles with happiness. Sasuke looks relieved. Naruto looks up at Kakashi with teary eyes.

"He's... kinda cool..." Naruto cries.

"That's it for this exercise! Team 7 starts their first mission tomorrow!" Kakashi announces. Everybody cheered.

"Let's go home", he says. We all left the screaming Naruto behind.

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