Chapter 23 - A Special Report

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All of us were escorted out to the 44th Training Ground: The Forest of Death. It's dark. It's a bit creepy. It looks like there are bugs. Ew. Instantly, I wanted to quit my job as proctor.

"This is the location for the second exam! It's the 44th Battle Training Zone, but we call it the Forest of Death", announces Anko.

I stood where all the proctors stood. I stare at the group of Genin, spotting familiar faces, including that Hidden Crystal Genin I made a deal with.

My eyes trails to my team and found Naruto being chased by a... box? He stops and turns around. He points his index finger at the box.

"That's the worst disguise of all time!" shouts Naruto, "There's no such thing as a perfectly square rock! It's completely obvious!"

... Then why did you run...?

"You saw through my camouflage again! You're slick boss, just what I expect from my biggest rival!" a child's voice says from within the box. The box glowed and bursts open with colorful smoke. The smoke clears out and reveals the Hokage's grandson, I think Konohamaru, and his two little friends.

"I think you used a little too much gunpowder, you guys", coughs Konohamaru.

I have no words. I don't even know. What's happening?

The three kids regain their stance and stand proudly. Konohamaru in front.

"I'm Moegi, the sexiest kunoichi in preschool! Check me out!" exclaims the girl.

I still have no idea what's happening.

"I love algebra, call me Udon!" shouts the kid with the runny nose.

My eye's twitching.

"We form the Konohamaru ninja squad!" they say together.

I give up.

The proctor beside me nudges my side and asks, "You know what's going on?"

"No idea."

He chuckles and turn back to look at them.

"Yeah... I knew it was you losers! What do you want? I'm getting ready to take the second Chunin Exam, and you're interrupting me! I don't have any time to be playing around with you guys now!" says Naruto, proudly.

"We didn't come to play around boss! We are here on business!" declares Konohamaru.

"Yeah, that's right! We came here for an exclusive interview!" Moegi agrees.

"An interview, huh?" Naruto asks.

"We're here on an assignment to write an article for the Academy's newspaper. It's big time feature story about the Chunin Exams!" explains Konohamaru.

"So we're asking to do an interview with you and your team. Please tell us that you all will do it? It would mean a lot", begs Moegi.

"Yeah... But right now?" Naruto groans.

"Hey, you guys over there! What are you doing? You guys are holding up the exams!" shouts Anko.

"Sorry, they wanted an interview", explains Naruto.

Anko clearly remembers and rubs the back of her head.

"Oh yeah! I forgot all about it! Lord Hokage did mention something about them interviewing me..." she recalls.

"Alright! We're taking a 10 minute break!" Anko announces, "For those being interviewed, please be courtious and kind to our reporters."

The proctor beside me and I continued talking. Honestly, I want no part in this.

Anko starts walking towards me.

"Hey, Rina."


"I'm just going to be straightfoward with this. I don't think it's a good idea for you to be a proctor. There are people targeting you and with you in there, there's a high chance of you being attacked. We don't want that. The choice is yours, but I highly suggest you drop out", she suggests.

The answer to that came fast.


She raises an eyebrow.

"I want my team to be safe the entire time. I won't be able to help them with the Exam, but I can watch over them", I explain.

She nods, respecting my choice. She walks off and up next, comes Konohamaru and friends. I restrain a groan and agree to an interview.

"So tell us what you think about your teammates", prompts Konohamaru.

"I'm proud of them for going through this Exam", I state shortly.

"Individually?" he asks further.

"Oh. Well, I do love Sasuke. He understands me and we don't annoy each other. I can go on and on, but I'm going to save you all from the torture", I smile to myself. I see Sasuke smirk and wink at me. I roll my eyes and pay attention to the three kids.

"He's your boyfriend, right?" asks Konohamaru. Moegi humph's behind him. Another fangirl. Tch.

I ignore her and answer with a simple, "Yes."

"What about Naruto?"

"Naruto... He's very inspiring. I think he can truly become the Hokage in the future. His determination and strength will get him there", I say smoothly.


"Sakura is a pain in the a**, but she is truly a good person. She will grow to be strong and amazing, I'm sure of it", I smile softly.

"So you are a proctor?"


"What do you do?"

"I monitor the Exams. In the first Exam, I watched the Genin and determined who would move on and who wouldn't. In this exam, I will be monitoring the forest. I make will make sure there are no interferences that will affect the proceedings of the exam. I won't be participating in the third exam", I explain.

The three nod as they write everything I said down.

"Thank you so much for the interview!" the three of them say together.

"No problem", I reply as I get up to walk away. I heard the 3 kids run away to another person.

Before I could walk far away, someone grabs my waist and turns me around. My eyes meet onyx ones.

"Hey", Sasuke says, still hugging me tightly. It's kinda funny. I've never imagined him as a hugger until now.

"Hey", I reply softly.

"So... you love me?" he grins.

"You weren't supposed to listen", I pout.

"It's ok", he murmurs.

He moves closer and whispers, "Do you want to know what I said?"

"I'm a little curious", I murmur sheepishly, leaning in closer.

He pulls away.

"Too bad. I'm not telling you", he teases.

My jaw drops and I whack him on the arm.

"You'll find out when the paper comes out. Until then, you can suffer", he smirks jokingly.

"You're evil."

I hear Anko call all of us back far away.

"I guess we should go", I say.



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