Chapter 13 - Life Story

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We arrived at Tazuna's house late at night. Kakashi was starting to gain consciousness again. He would mumble a few words now and then.

When we arrived, we instantly started fighting over who should room with who. Tazuna suggested for girls to room with each other and boys room with each other.

"No, I'm not going to room with Sakura!" I protest against Tazuna's idea, "She hates me!"

"I wanna room with Sasuke-kun!" Sakura shouts obnoxiously, "You want to room with me, right?"

"Not particularly", answers Sasuke. Sakura starts anime-crying.

"I'LL ROOM WITH YOU, SAKURA!" cheers Naruto.

"NOT IN YOUR LIFETIME!" screams Sakura, as she punched Naruto on the head.

It was chaos.

"Sakura, you'll room with Naruto. Sasuke, you'll room with Rina. Now shut up", Kakashi grumbles.

Sakura starts anime-crying again, while Naruto cheers. Sasuke and I were fine with the arrangement. Neither of us was stuck with Sakura.


Tsunami, Tazuna's daughter, leads us to our rooms. We all took turns using the bathroom. We voted that Sakura should go last because she would take the longest and... we were right. She took 1 hour and 13 minutes. No, I didn't count. When she got out of the bathroom, she shouted, "I only took an hour and 13 minutes! What's the big deal?!"

After all that, Sasuke and I went to our room.

"You said you would explain the 'Princess' thing", Sasuke demands as soon as I close the door.

"I never said I would explain. In fact, I don't remember saying anything", I protest innocently.

"Rina", he looks at me in concern.

"It's really nothing," I usher. He just look at me like "What are you talking about it's obviously important".

"Fine. You want a life story? I'll give you a f**king biography. How about that?" I grumble sarcastically. He nods.

"What. No 'thank you'?" I gripe.

He rolls his eyes, "Thank you, Rina, for telling me all that I don't know about you."

"Where do you want me to start?" I ask.

"Start with you childhood, like all good biographies do", he answers.

"You read biographies? Ew."


"Okay, okay!" I held up my hands, surrendering. I sigh. I'd never thought I'd be doing this sh*t.

"My childhood... I guess I'll start from my heritage. To become Hoshikage, you had to have the 3 kekkei gekkai of the clan: Crystal Release, Siren, and the Power of Heaven and Hell. Out of the 9 children, 2 had the 3 kekkei gekkai. One was me and the other was my twin, Kukai. I was older than my brother by 5 minutes, so I received the title 'Future Hoshikage' or 'Princess'.

"My brother was fine with it as soon as he realized how miserable I was. I couldn't go outside because harm would come my way. I couldn't make friends like my brother did. I couldn't even go near the windows.

"When I was 7, my parents decided it was time for me to learn how to utilize my powers. They brought in Zabuza to train me and I have become so much more powerful after the harsh training. At 8, I was already a skilled assassin. I would be on missions most of the time, if not, I would be training or spending time with my family", I tell him everything about my childhood. I stop to let him take it in. He nods.

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