Chapter 5 - Introduction

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After lunch, all of the students were introduced to the senseis, except for our team. It's been what? 2 hours? And he or she isn't here. Even Iruka left. I swear I was going to cut a bitch. And dealing with these people wasn't easy either, all of them put together annoyed the fuck out of me.

Naruto made commotion by wedging an eraser in the middle of the door and wall. Sakura yells at him. Sasuke and I sit back and watch.

"Well, this'll teach him", he snickers, "It'll be his fault because he's late."

"He's a jonin! He won't fall for that!" exclaims Sakura. I roll my eyes.

"Oh, come on. I'm sure you're just as excited as Naruto to pull this prank", I retort.

Her face turns a bright red. I smirk. I hit a spot, hadn't I?

"Rina! Why do you have to be such a... Such a..."

"Bitch?" I smile, as if calling me a "bitch" was a compliment.

"Exactly!" she yells.

"I know I'm a bitch, but at least I'm not a closet-perverted annoying bimbo", I say, still smiling.

She gasps, "I'm not a closet-pervert."

"Oh really? Are you saying that you're not a closeted-pervert, but just an annoying bimbo?"

"I'm not---"

"How many times have you imagined darling Sasuke naked on your bed?" I prompt, my smirk widening.

Her face turns a deep red. I catch a mixture of disgust and disturbed look on Sasuke's face. Naruto seems to be laughing his ass off, enjoying the entertainment. I giggle, kicking my legs up and laying them on the desk.

"RINA!" she screams, resembling a roaring monster.

"Maybe I should call you monster from now on", I taunt, "Hey guys. Do you think that suits her? I see the uncanny resemblance."

She fumed, but was unsure of how to handle the situation.

"What? Speechless?" I tease.

"N-No! I-I just think you're a slut who knows nothing!" she stutters.

"Sakura, stop describing yourself. Not everybody needs to know", I sigh, picking at the wooden table.

Naruto laughs harder and Sasuke only grins, holding back his laughter.

"You can kiss my ass", Sakura snarls.

"Assuming that you have one", I add, staring at her rather flat butt.

Her green eyes widen.


Just then, the door opens and a masked man with silver gravity-defying hair walks in, getting hit by the eraser. I have no words. How am I supposed to trust a jonin that gets hit by an eraser?

Naruto laughs his ass off even harder than he already was and Sakura, being the kiss-ass she is, tries to defend herself.

The jonin looks at the eraser, then us.

"My first impression of you all..." he starts, "I hate you all."

Everybody else was deadpanned and I just roll my eyes.

"Says the man who is 2 hours and 31 minutes late", I mutter. Everybody looked at me.

"What?" our "sensei" questions.

"You heard me."

He watched me for a few more seconds, and then sighed, "Okay everybody, let's go."

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