Chapter 28 - Emergency

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- 1 Month Later -

The results of my training were amazing. I could make a tree explode using only my chakra. I learned how to detect well-hidden chakra. I created a few new jutsus the last month. My Siren kekkei gekkai strengthened by a tenfold.

After I decided to choose training over mission, I created a clone and sent it to Suna. It's been instructed to transport the scroll if anything should happen and disappear as soon as it leaves Suna with the mission completed.

Honestly, I have no idea what's happened to the clone or Suna. Hopefully not bad.

"Focus!" Itachi says sternly.

He targets paper bombs around me in a circle. I crystallize the paper bombs and destroy all, but one of them. I quickly take the one still working and shoot it at Itachi. The kunai stabs into Itachi and the bomb goes off. Of course, the Itachi I hit was a substitution, so he was still alive somewhere.

I sigh once the smoke clears and reveals a log. I feel cold metal press against my neck.

"Don't let your guard down", he murmurs into my ear. I could feel his warm breath on my skin. The closeness brought butterflies into my stomach. I let out a shaky breath.

"Uh... Yeah", I murmur, "I was just a little distracted."

Without thinking, I turn around and accidently bump into his chest. To prevent me from falling, Itachi wraps his arms around my waist. I blush. I'm not normally a klutz. I look up at his eyes to find the familiar onyx eyes that Sasuke has. Right. Sasuke.

I clear my throat and he lets go quickly. I already missed the warmth of his---

No. Rina. You have a sexy boyfriend at home. Stop thinking about Itachi, you slut.

"Um, sorry. I'm not normally a slu-klutz. Klutz. I meant klutz", I apologize sheepishly.

Dammit, Rina.

A bit of amusement reaches his eyes, but it dissolves quickly.


I roll my eyes.

"So... Let's continue training?" I ask.


"Okay. I'll assume that's a yes", I mutter.

And just like that, we were back to the way we were before. Launching attacks at each other and dodging them.

"You left hand is weaker. Use that hand to more to make it stronger", he shouts over the loud explosion.

I switch my kunai to my left hand and prepare to throw it at Itachi's head. The kunai is shot out of my hand. At the same time, a searing pain pierces my head. I stop in my tracks and hold my head, trying not to let this pain overtake me.

It's all coming back to me. My memories or to be more exact, my clone's memories. I take shaky breaths. A hand touches my back. I flinch and turn my head.

"Are you okay?" Itachi asks, his eyes sincere.

"Yeah", I breath out, a little bit fazed. Dammit Itachi. What are you doing to me?

A wall of steel bounds my emotions inside. It feels like a cold bucket of water had been dumped on me.

This is reality.

I regain my posture and start gathering my things.

"Is something wrong?"

I freeze on the spot. What's my plan? What can you do about this? This can't be happening.

"Rina", he calls out.

With a stone-cold face, I say,

"The Kazekage is dead."


"Rina. You haven't completed your training yet", Itachi states, as he keeps up with me.

"I know."

"Then why are you doing this? Complete your training", he says.

"I have to protect Konoha."

"Hn. Sooner or later you are going to have to cut all ties to Konoha."

I keep silent for a minute or two.

"I know."

It's going to take a day or two to get to Konoha.

"I suppose I won't be able to change your mind", he sighs.


"I'm off then", he states, "We'll come and check up on you every week or so."

"Thanks for your--- oh", I frown, "He's gone."

It's just me again.


The familiar red pillars start coming into sight. I walk up, cautiously like I was being watched. There's no one at the entry like usual. Something's off. I concentrate on the surrounding chakra. The chakra was for some reason concentrated in the center and to the side. Then, there are the imbeciles around me, who chose me as their target.

I take a step forward. A kunai flies out. I take a step back, allowing the kunai to fly past my face. With a simple hand movement, I form crystal around the enemy's wrists and ankles, dragging him in front of me.

It was a boy maybe 3 years older than me. His headband revealed the Suna symbol.

"Mind telling me why you were attacking me?" I purr, raising a kunai at his throat.

He smirks haughtily.

"Might as well since the invasion is already in action. We've been ordered by the Kazekage to raid Konohakagure", he announces.

"When was this order dispatched?" I question.

"Three days ago", he answers, confused.

"Your Kazekage is dead. The order is false", I declare loud enough for everyone around me to hear.

"How would you know? You are the Princess, aren't you? You don't have a home to belong to. You clearly don't know what it's like to have loyalty to your village", he spats.

My eyes flashes a brighter blue. My Siren kekkei gekkai activates.

"You will listen to me", I state. My voice had a ring to it, attracting every person that's around me.

"Y-Yes Princess", he stutters.

"Now, I suggest you and your little friends go and tell the others", I growl, keeping up my Siren jutsu.

I let the boy in front of me go. I watch him scramble off into the woods.


What will I do about this mess?

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