Chapter 41 - The Village of Lights

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Time Skip: 2 days

We look at the lively village around us. After 2 days of travelling, we were finally here.

Instead of taking the landlord or his guards right now, we decided to wait until past midnight. Attacking in the dark will be an advantage to us, especially since we are outnumbered. It couldn't hurt and plus, we were tired. Taking him on at our current state isn't a good idea.

We find a nearby inn, so we didn't have to travel far.

"Kakuzu's going to kill me..." Kisame mutters.

I sigh, "We could sleep in the forest if you're so afraid of Kakuzu."

"I ain't afraid", he protests.

"Then pay", I state, "We can stay in the cheapest rooms."


"No 'buts'. Either pay or we sleep in the forest", I say emotionlessly. I was down for sleeping in the forest. It really was fine and we've been doing it for the past 2 days too. It's nothing he should be worrying about.

"Ok. I'll pay, but you and Itachi share a room", he compromises.

I nod and he walks to the lady running this inn, leaving me and Itachi alone. His onyx eyes bore into mine. He looked a little worn out. His eyes held tiredness, like he stayed up the past few nights. Instinctively, my hand caresses his cheek. I let my thumb trace the tired lines. Itachi stiffens slightly, but then relaxes.

"You look tired. Are you okay?" I ask, worried.

He nods and takes my hand. He gives me curt smile. Before Kisame comes back, we both instantly jump apart from each other. He looks at us suspiciously.

"Okay... Not weird at all", he mutters, handing Itachi the key to our room, "This way."

We follow him down the brightly lit halls. This is a rather large inn... It looks nice too. This village seems to be very wealthy, enough to hold many festivals in a month and have large architectural projects going on at once.

"Rina", Itachi calls out. My heart flutters when I hear him say my name, which is very rare.

"Yes? Sorry, I zoned out", I say, running up to the elder Uchiha.

"Hn. Would you like to walk around to village later?" he asks emotionlessly.

"Yeah sure. Can I take a shower first?"


I sigh. I suppose that means 'yes'. He opens the door to our room and I duck underneath his arm to get through. Apparently, this was the cheapest room. It was rather big and luxurious for the cheapest room...

I shrug and set down my things on the floor. Itachi heads for the bed and leans down on his back, closing his eyes. He really was tired. I wonder what's been keeping him up.

I take a quick shower, washing off any trace of sweat and dirt. The floral scent of the shampoo surrounds me, as I walk out the bathroom. I tie my dripping wet hair up in a messy bun and threw my dirty clothes into my bag.

I look at Itachi's sleeping form on the bed. He seems so serene and even younger. He was what? 18? 19? He was 4 or 5 years older, so he isn't exactly old either. Maybe we should just stay in the inn for the afternoon. He was tired and I didn't want to leave him alone.

The inn had several of books stacked on top of the nightstand. I could just read something from that. I pick up the first book of the pile.

"Tales of a Gutsy Ninja"

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