Chapter 3 - Graduation Day

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I sat in my seat, waiting for them to call my name. I found myself staring at Naruto, who looked extremely nervous. A part of me wanted him to graduate and be on my team. I still distanced myself from everyone in the class. I refused to talk to many people or even allow myself to get close to some of them. All of them seemed so innocent. They've not yet witnessed the cruel world. The boys in the class, though, seemed to have made a fanclub for me. I didn't particularly like that. It's stupid.


I stand up and walk into the testing room. The test was to create clones. Easy. I filled up the room with clones without moving my hands.

"Congratulations! You passed!" Iruka cheered, while the other one, Mizuki, gave me a creepy smirk. Something was up with that guy. There's nothing good about him.

I thanked them and took a dark purple head protecter, then left. I put around my waist, where it is almost covered by my jacket because I lacked loyalty to the Hidden Leaf.

I walked out and saw Naruto sitting on swing alone. To my disappointment, he didn't pass the graduation exam. Don't make any connections, my brain was telling me. Shut up, brain. I'll do what I want. I walk towards him.

"What do you want? Do you want to reject me like everyone else?" he asks accusingly. My eyes widen. Did the people here really treat him badly?

I touched his forehead and felt the immense chakra inside of him. It had a certain darkness that I could not depict, but it shouldn't had mattered. He blushed in shock.

"I don't understand. With this chakra, you should've passed", I murmur. It doesn't make any sense. Maybe he doesn't know how to put it to use.

I looked at him in the eye.

"Don't let anyone make you feel like you're worthless. You have great power and one day they will come to realize it", I encourage. His eyes brightened up and he grinned.

"I won't! Believe it!" he shouts. I smile and start to walk away. As I was about to leave the Academy grounds, a Jonin caught up to me.

"The Hokage would like to see you."

I nod, dismissing him. I turn around and saw the Uchiha staring at me, curiously. He walks up to question me.

"Why would the Hokage want you?"

There was a hint of arrogance laced in his voice. I glare at him, and then quickly, with a change of attitude, I smirk. Well, I could always mess with him. It'll make things more fun.

I stride towards him, almost closing the space between us. I tilt my head and pout in a teasing matter. I place both of my hands on his shoulders, tracing little circles on his back.

"W-What are you doing?" he stutters.

"Oh, darling Uchiha. Why don't you shut up and give that hole in your face a chance to take a break?" I muse, "Or is your ego too big to handle that?"

He smirks. I was right. He had a big ego.

"But you don't know me", he murmurs into my ear. His warm breath tickles my skin. He pulled back to stare at me with heated eyes.

I roll my eyes and poke him in the head. He looks at me in confusion. I let go of him, no longer wanting him in my grasp.

I yawn, "You just got boring, Uchiha. Your ego is a bit overbearing. I don't want to play with you anymore."

His face hardens and he stomps off to who-knows-where.

"And that, Uchiha, is how this little game will operate."


I'm back, again, outside the Hokage's office. I knocked the door.

"Come in."

I see the old man with his usual warm smile. His eyes filled with amusement. It made you want to laugh, not at him, but with him.

"Congratulations on you graduation", he praises with amusement, "I knew you can do it."

I sweatdrop. I was an Anbu in the Hidden Crystal. Of course I could.

"I will be moving you up to the jonin level because of your high skill. If you continue to improve, we will move you up to an Anbu."

I cough to stop another retort from coming out. I'm supposively an Anbu. You're lucky I'm even staying here.

"Thank you, Hokage-sama", I thanked. Again, I left the Hokage's office and headed back home.


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