Chapter 10 - The Bridge Builder

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It's been, what, 1 or 2 weeks since Team 7 passed the exercise? Ever since then they've been going on countless amounts of D-ranked missions and I've been going on A- or B-ranked missions. This was one of the few times I've actually stayed in Konoha. While on missions, I would find news on my own village. I've heard many and none were good. I've heard that only my uncle's followers could be ninjas, the others lived in their shadow. I've heard that he's already eliminated one clan nearby the village because they were supporters of my father or me.

I walk through the halls to get to the Hokage. A few jonin lead me to him. I pass by an old man who smelt strongly of alcohol. Ugh. I roll my eyes.

"She's a shinobi?! I couldn't tell! I thought she was some slut!" he shouts loudly. I stop in the middle of my tracks. Don't do anything you will regret, Rina. Count to ten.


"With those clothes, she'd make a fine prostitute!" he shouts gleefully.

"THAT'S IT!" I growl. I launch myself at him, preparing to murder the old bastard. Several jonin struggle to hold me back and drag me to the Hokage's office.

"LET GO OF ME! I'M GOING TO KILL THAT BASTARD!" I roar. They set me down in front of the Hokage and I turn around to see my team staring at me in horror.

"Hmph", I scoff, flipping my hair over my shoulder.

"Would you like to explain anything?" the Hokage asks.

"No", I say tersely.

"Ok, well... Give me a full report on the mission later. You will be assisting your team in the next mission."

I nod and ask, "D-ranked?"

He nods and I groan on the insides. God, I hate D-ranked missions. They're so boring.

"The next mission for Kakashi's Squad 7 is an errand to the neighboring town to babysit the Chief Councilor's boy, helping with digging for potatoes, an-" the Hokage was interrupted by the one and only, Naruto.

"NOO! No, thank you! I want to do a more exciting mission, like Rina does! Give us something else!" Naruto complains. I roll my eyes.

"Naruto, if you were assigned my missions, you would be begging for more D-ranked missions", I state. This wasn't true at all. He wouldn't survive to be begging for another mission. If he was assigned my missions, he would die within 12, no 6, hours. This wasn't just for Naruto. It was for all of the three.

"But, Rina-" he starts to complain.

"You fool! You're still bottom rookie! At the start, everybody moves up the ladder by gaining experience from simple missions!" Iruka scolds.

"But, it's been nothing but blah missions so far!" Naruto screams. Kakashi punches him down to shut him up.

"Naruto... It's necessary to explain to you what a mission is..." and there the Hokage went explaining the rankings of missions and such. Blah blah blah. I looked intently at the Hokage, but in my mind, I was completely spaced out.


I turn around to see my team surrounding Naruto, listening to what he ate and what he's going to eat. I giggle.

"Listen!" the Hokage yells.

"I-I'm sorry", Hatake apologizes.

"Maaan! You always lecture me, old man! But I'm not that little prankster that you think I am! Humph!" Naruto grunts. Kakashi scratches the back of his head, worried for his own well-being. Both Iruka and Hokage chuckled.

"Ok fine! If you insist... I'll have you do a C-ranked mission... You will be the bodyguards for someone", the Hokage says.

"Who? Who? A feudal lord?! A princess?!" Naruto shouts in excitement. I flinched at princess. Oh right. They don't know...

"Don't get hasty", the Hokage chuckles, "I'll introduce you to him now! Could you please come in?"

The door opened. F**k.

"What's this? It's just a bunch of damned brats!" he complains, "And, oh look, it's the whore!"

"DO YOU WANT TO DIE?" I screamed as Sasuke held me by the waist, so I wouldn't attack him. He let's go of my waist, but kept a grip on my wrist. That little touch left a countless amount of tingles. I blush slightly and look away. God, what's happening to me?

"The smallest one with the idiot face looks extremely stupid", he grumbles, "Are you really a Ninja?"

"Who's the smallest one with the idiot face he's talking about?" Naruto laughs and makes eye contact with me.

"Don't look at me. I'm the f**king whore apparently", I gripe. We all stood next to each other. Sasuke was the tallest. I was an inch shorter. Sakura was an inch shorter than me.

Naruto stood below us by a few inches. This made him the shortest.

"I'LL KILL HIM!" Naruto screams. Kakashi holds him by the collar.

"What good would it be to kill the person whom you're supposed to be guarding, you moron?" Kakashi scolds.

"I'm Tazuna, veteran bridge builder. You'll be risking your life in guarding me to the max until I return to my land and complete my bridge!"

"It's a C-rank mission. Unless it's A- or B-ranked mission, there is no need for us to go as far as risking our lives in this mission..." I proclaim. He looked extremely nervous and I narrow my eyes. I look up at Kakashi. There's something off.


I don't even know how I'm finding time to write these, but I enjoy it so its okay. I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. If you don't like the language, just let me know. I do curse alot in real life, but I would tone it down for ya'll if you want.

Bye lovelies~

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