Chapter 39 - Distraction

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"So we can just leave?" I ask, worried.

"As long as you have supervision", Itachi replies, emotionlessly.

"Do I always need supervision?"

"Just for a while."

I was lucky that Itachi was kind to me. He always seemed to comply with whatever I say. Yesterday, he had no trouble saying ok. He just said we were leaving the next morning, so I could see what my parents left for me.

"Okay. I think this is far away enough", I breathe. The sight was incredible. A huge waterfall towers over me. It was so tall, you could barely see the top.

I pull out my letter and open it. I hesitantly injected some of my chakra and waited a moment. Suddenly a huge pile of scrolls, books, and weapons appear in front of me. I gape at the pile. They went way overboard, didn't they? One scroll caught my eye though. It was beautifully embedded with jewels and huge in size. My first instinct was to grab that one.

"Hn. Why that one?" asks Itachi blandly.

"My parents didn't bedazzle anything unless it was important or wanted it to catch someone's eye", I murmur, as I untie the scroll, "They liked keeping things plain and low-profile."

I lay the scroll down on the floor and sit down in front of it. It was a summoning scroll. I furrow my brows. I don't remember my parents having these summonings. I've never heard of dragon summonings ever in any discussion.

I bite my lip. If my parents left it for me, I might as well make use of it.

"You don't mind staying a bit longer, do you?" I ask.

He shakes his head and leans against a tree.

I bite my thumb, drawing blood, and press it to the seal while exerting chakra. Nothing happens for a few seconds and then poof. There was a summoning. I look at the snakelike dragon in front of me. It was probably the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. He or she had a shimmering moonlit coat of scales and bright blue eyes. It had a catlike face and long body. It was enormous, too. Its body curled around itself comfortably. The blue hair going along its back looked like it was flowing in water.

"Who's this?" a kind female voice booms.

I bow, "Nakama Rina."

She purrs happily, "Harumi. It takes a lot of chakra to summon me. I can sense power radiating from you. It's a pleasure to finally meet the heir of the Hidden Crystal."

"Thank you", I murmur, still in awe.

"I am the chief of the dragons. We previously have made many contracts with the Nakama. Our powers... work very well together, I should say. We were devastated when we discovered that your clan was massacred. If you are up to it, we can make a summoning contract right now", she offers.

I nod eagerly, "That would be wonderful."

"I'm glad you feel that way", Harumi purrs.

A large scroll appears in front of me, standing upright. It unrolls itself and reveals a box where I was supposed to enter my signature chakra. To the left of the blank spot, I see the name Nakama Asami written down.

"Your mother was a brave and wonderful person to work with. We can only hope that you will prove to be the same", she murmurs in a soothing voice.

I nod and press my chakra into the paper. My name forms underneath the handprint. It was done.

"I must get back to our world, but we will aid you at the time of your need. I bid you well, Rina", she spoke, bowing.

"Thank you", I smile, "It'll be a pleasure working with you."

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