Chapter 35 - Kakashi's Face

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"Come on, Rina."

"I'm trying! Jeez, woman."

"Oi! What did you say?!"

"Nothing, nothing."

"Exert more chakra."

I look at the dead fish laying beneath my glowing hands. The objective was to bring this fish back to life by using the healing jutsu.

For the past week, I spent most of my time in the hospital, working on medical ninjutsu skills. Medical ninjutsu is different from any other ninjutsu. You don't use power or force to heal. You use consistent amounts of chakra flowing for a long period of time. Tsunade spent days trying to install this into my mind and finally, I kind of caught on.

Of course, I obviously can't save a shinobi's life right now, but I'm getting there.

I continue to stand there and inject my chakra. A few minutes pass and there's still no reaction from the fish.

"Does healing usually take this long?" I ask Tsunade.

"Yes. It requires patience and concentration. No matter what the situation is, your main focus is your patient", she answers.

I nod slightly and continue pour in my chakra into the fish. A small movement catches my eye. The small movement becomes wiggling and flopping. The fish is alive. I let my hands fall to my side.

"Finally", I sigh, tired.

"Good job!" smiles Shizune. Tonton lets out a happy oink, as if she were agreeing. I smile automatically. She's so cute.

"17 minutes. That's good for your first try", Tsunade comments.

"Good for my first try? What's the time expected?" I ask, almost exasperated.

"7 or 8 minutes."

"One more time", I demand.

Tsunade nods and asks Shizune to retrieve another fish.

"Of course, Tsunade-sama!"

As soon as Shizune leaves, Tsunade turns to me with a confident smile on her face.

"You'll get it eventually. After all, you are my apprentice", she boasts.

I chuckle, "You're putting too much faith into me."

"I'm proud! You managed to learn 3 month's worth of training in a week! Why can't I be proud?" she frowns.

I grin happily, "Thank you for teaching me."

She waves it off.

"Don't thank me", she shrugs.

The door bursts open.

"I have the fish!" announces Shizune.

I exhale, "Let's do this."


"6 minutes."


"Your time is 6 minutes", beams Tsunade.

"Yes! Finally! I caught up to you Tsunade-sama!" I giggle, giddily.

She chuckles and pats my head.

"You still have long ways to go, kiddo."

I roll my eyes. This accomplishment was good enough for me.

"Tsunade-sama, you have a meeting with the elders in approximately 5 minutes. We need to hurry", reminds Shizune.

Tsunade waves it off, "Yeah, yeah. Let's go. It won't hurt to be a minute late."

"I'm surprised Konoha hasn't gone down in turmoil yet", I tease.

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