Chapter 1 - Konoha

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AN -

Hi! So I DO NOT own Naruto, as much as I would like to~ Just puttin' that out there.

Okay, so this is my first fanfic. Don't judge me. Please. Most of this actually was inspired by one of my crazy dreams/daydreams and I decided hey let's make it into a story on Wattpad.

WARNING There will be cursing. I'm sorry if you don't like it. I will try to limit it. Because I want to make all my readers happy.



It's been days since the massacre, days since I have eaten or drinken anything, days since I have fricken' seen anyone. I had no idea where I am or where I am going. I'm tired and hungry. Nevertheless, I continue walking.

I could already feel my chakra lowering into dangerous levels. I clutch my side and try to walk faster, hopefully finding somewhere to stay. Pain is spreading from my head to toes. I'm in worse condition than I have ever been in. My legs start losing feeling and I had to lean on a tree to support my weight. I sank down onto the ground.

I open the folded picture Okaasan gave me. It had my family on it. Everybody in the picture was dead. I look up. My life can't end here. The Uncle in the portrait is dead and replaced with a power-hungry monster.

I have to keep on going. I get up, slowly and painfully, and attempt to walk faster.

I walk some more for hours and finally I see bright red pillars in the distance. I stumble through trees and branches and finally I reached an entrance. A familiar leaf-like symbol is engraved into the wooden structure. Konohagakure. Hm. Okaasan transported me to the Land of Fire. I walked closer and hear an authoritative voice shout, "State your business."

I feel my consciousness fade in and out. The ground was moving underneath me. I start to say, "I---".

I couldn't finish my sentence. Exhaustion and my injuries have taken a toll on me, causing me to tumble to the ground. All is dark.


I feel the sun shine brightly on my face. I open my eyes to see that I was in a hospital room. I was wearing one of those hospital gowns and my arms and legs were covered in bandages. Though they were covered, I could feel my injuries healing ever so slowly. I sit up warily, ignoring the physical pain I was in. How long has it been? The last thing I remembered was passing out.

The door opens. My head snaps towards the door to see the Hokage himself. He was an aging old man with a kind smile. I looked at him cautiously.

"Hello, Hokage-sama", I say politely.

"Hello, Rina-san. How are you?"

"I've been worse."

My body was aching, but this was nothing compared to the ANBU missions I had to complete. It's probably the meds they put me on that eased the pain a little.

"Hm. I'm very sorry about your clan. We just heard about the news. Everybody is searching for you."

I didn't know what to say, so I nodded and looked down. I didn't need sympathy, especially from another village.

"Rina, we are going to have to ask you a few questions when you have completely healed and we will answer some of yours", the Hokage says kindly.

"No", I replied, "I'm fine. I'll go to your office and answer a few questions in a few minutes. Just let me get changed."

He nods and leaves the room. I was alone again. I see clothes folded neatly on a seat nearby the mirror. I walk to the mirror and took in my appearance. I looked paler than I usually do. I put on the clothes laid out for me and walk out of the hospital. The clothes were baggy on my thin figure. I look like a potato sack.

I walk through the happy streets of Konoha. The people were happy, the animals were happy, everything looked happy and I was depressing. I was basically a walking funeral. I feel the chakra of the Anbu watching over me. I made eye contact with one and glared. He or she was taken aback. I rolled my eyes. They were supposed to hide their chakra, but instead you can easily sense that they were there.

The Hokage's building was large and easily recognized. A shinobi was there to escort me to his office. I knock on the door.

"Come in", he responds. I walk through the door and bow.

"Thank you for taking care of me when I was injured", I thanked

"It's no problem. We do have a few questions though", the Hokage says.

"Ask away."

"First off, we need to clarify that the Nakama clan was killed by your uncle, Nakama Keiji. Is this true?"

"Yes. I'm not sure why, but I'm thinking for power", I state stiffly.

"Hm. How did you get here?" he questions.

"My mother transported me to a nearby forest. For what reason, I don't know."

"Ah, Azami. Such a shame, she was a wonderful person", he praised. I look down, fighting back the tears threatening to break out. My mother saved me and I will never be able to repay her.

After a few more questions, we were done. It was decided that I would stay here, as a shinobi.

"We will provide an apartment for you and seeing that you are already a high-level shinobi, we will make you a jonin. You will still be assigned to a team and go to the remaining days of the Academy. I'm sure you will meet many friends there", he assured with a smile.

I fight back a disgusted look. To show respect, I only nod. I didn't need friends. Especially snotty brats who can barely complete a mission themselves.

"We will give you some money to start off your life here. You will start your missions after you graduation at the Academy."

He says it like I will never go back to the Land of Stars. No. I will not let anything get in my way. I bite my tongue to hold back an insult. I nod again.

"Thank you, again", I spoke. He handed me my apartment keys and a relatively great amount of money.

"You will go to the Academy tomorrow!" he shouts as I leave.

Tch. Working with a bunch of kids who aren't even Genin yet. Sounds like fun.


First Chapter. Done. Bam. Hope you enjoyed it. I'd appreciate it if no one copies this. So yeah.

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