Chapter 31 - Memories

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I gasp for air. Sweat drips down my back. It is way to early to be training like this, but it's the only way I can escape the nightmares haunting me at night. The memories of my clan's downfall replays over and over in my mind. I have urges to go and pull my hair out of frustration.

I sit myself down against a tree. I stare at the wrecked training ground. Crystal stook out of the ground and trees. Some of the ground was disheveled. It looked hectic. I couldn't help, but notice a chakra source nearby the entire time I was training.

"Come out", I demand, breathing hard.

"You're pretty strong, but what's a pretty girl like you doing out here alone?" a voice speaks out.

I only grunt. I was too lazy to care whether the man was an enemy or an ally. I see a middle-aged man with spiky white hair coming out of the shadow.

"Aren't you going to ask who I am?" he asks, grinning in a stupid way.


He looks completely flabbergasted at my response. He sputters out words I can't comprehend. I let out a hoarse laugh.

"Now, now. Don't get your ego in a twist", I say coldly.

His face burns red at my comment. I stand up, preparing to leave. There's no point of staying here if I'm only going to get interrupted.

"You're not going to get anywhere if you let your emotions control you like that", I state shortly, brushing pass him to retrieve my weapons.

"The name's Jiraiya, kid", he introduces himself. I knew who he was. Konoha's legendary Sannin. I just don't have time to care.

I still feel his chakra behind me as I pick up all the kunais I've thrown this morning.

"Do you not know who I am?" he asks again. I roll my eyes. Someone's got a big ego.

"Yes. I just don't care, but you are the Pervy Sage, no?" I smirk.

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" he shouts, sulking a little. He reminds me of a child.

"Oh look, there goes your ego", I fake-pout, "I'm going to go chase after it, so you can continue being the self-proclaimed man you are. Bye-bye."

I give him a cold smile and wave, then walk off into the darkness. I hear Jiraiya chuckle in the back.

"What an interesting girl."


I walk through the busy streets in Konoha. The recovery of the village was doing well. The buildings are being rebuilt. People are getting through the deaths of loved ones. Everyone seemed happy instead of in mourning.

A hand grabs my shoulder. On instinct, I grab the person's hand and flipped him or her forward. He grunts in pain. I wince. Oops.

"Kakashi. Don't touch me. How many times do I have to remind you?" I scold.

"Right. Only Sasuke gets special treatment", he groans. I look down at him. His face contorts with pain.

"I'm sorry. I'm not really in a good mood today", I sigh, pulling him back to his feet.

"You never are", he mutters, rubbing the back of his neck.

"So what do you need?" I ask, ignoring his comment.

"We're meeting up with Sasuke", he says.

I nod and he leads me to the meeting spot. Kurenai and Asuma, two of the senseis, approaches us. I look at them curiously and then smiled. They are about to walk past us, when I speak up.

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