Chapter 44 - The Unthinkable

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"This will be a partner mission", starts Pein, "You and Itachi will be stealing a valuable scroll in Iwakagure that will aid our goal."

I bite my lip. I haven't talked to Itachi in days, ok, maybe weeks. We haven't had much, but a few quick encounters after I moved out of his room a few weeks ago.

"Yes, Pein-sama. When should we leave?" I comply.

"This afternoon, at the latest", he answers.

"Then, if you don't mind, we will be leaving in a few minutes."

He nods, "You are dismissed."

I bow and quickly depart the room. A sigh escapes my lips as soon as I was out. Nervousness bubbles in my stomach as I remember the kiss.

I shake it off, knowing that it shouldn't have gotten further than that. It'll just complicate everything.

I find myself standing outside his door, unsure of how to string my words. I'm being stupid. I knock his door softly and creak open the door.

He was in his bed, back facing me.

"We're leaving on a mission now", I state simply.

When he doesn't respond, I walk in and sat next to him on the bed. I touch his shoulder, trying to wake him up. I sigh. This is useless.

Before I can stand, his hand wraps around my wrist and pulls me down next to him. His darks orbs bore into mine.

"We need to talk", he states simply.

"About what?"

"Hn. Don't act like you don't know", he glares.

"I don't", I sniff, ignoring my fluttering heart.

He let's go of me and pushes himself off the bed.

"We'll leave in 15 minutes", I state, stalking out of his room. As soon as I step out, I was met with the plant-like Zetsu.

"Trouble in paradise?" White Zetsu chuckles.

"Fuck you."


The silence was intensely awkward. We had nothing to say to each other or we did have subjects we had to touch on, but I refused to acknowledge the kiss and anything relating to the subject. If we had to talk about that, I'd rather not talk at all.

The muteness went on for another 6 hours until we finally arrive at an inn near Iwakagure. We walk up to the reception desk where a young man sat, bored out of his mind.

Once his eyes met mine, he brightens up and a flirty smile takes place. Itachi stiffens and glares.

I send him a look and clear my throat, "One room, please."

"Is that all? Perhaps I can show you around the inn?" he tries hopelessly, "Maybe even this town? It's a great place! Really!"

"No, thank you", I bluntly state, handing him the money for the room.

"Okay, then let me show you to your room", he grins, grabbing the keys and striding down the hall, calling out, "Ami, you take over for a minute or two!"

"We can go ourselves", I say, trying to get him to go away.

"Yes. I'm sure our guests can find the room themselves. They seem quite willing to", she agreeing with me.

She gives me a knowing look, understanding my situation. Thank goodness for that.

It was useless. He signalled for the girl to take his position, probably because he wasn't supposed to leave. The brunette sits behind the desk with an irritated expression displayed on her face. She mouths a quick 'Sorry', before we leave.

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