Chapter 6 - Afternoon with the Uchiha

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I walk through the streets of Konoha. A little clothing shop catches my eye. I have been thinking about shopping since I haven't done that in awhile. Plus, I was stuck with only my leather jacket, a crop top, shorts, and combat boots. It's not like I had time to pack all my clothes with me.

Their style is actually quite different from the Hidden Crystal's. It focused more on flexibility and efficiency, rather than fashion and looks. Still, I do need more clothes, so there goes my extra money...

I look through the many racks in one of the shops I stopped at. I look up to see onyx-colored eyes staring straight at me. Frick, I made eye contact.

I had a moment where I wondered whether I should disappear or ignore his prescence, but I don't want to be that mean. Who am I kidding? I'm always mean. It came with being a Nakama. Kind of ironic, considering "Nakama" meant friend.

"Hello, pretty boy."

His eyebrow twitches at the little label I had given him.

"Shopping?" he questions and raises his eyebrow.

"Well, yes. I'm still a girl. I do like shopping", I state, almost in sarcastic manner. What happened to ignoring him?


"There's the classic Uchiha line", I mutter to myself. When Sasuke flinches, I knew he heard me.

"You knew other Uchiha?"

"Yes. Our clan had worked with plenty of Uchihas before."

He nods. I smile weakly. I know this was a sensitive subject.

"Hey. You wanna go get some food?" I ask. Oh god. Why on earth did I invite him? What have I done?


I flash a smile and hook my arm with his. I lead him to my favorite food shop here. Their clothes may not be as fashionable, but their food is perfection.

I got some dumplings and he just got some tea. There was an awkward silence. I didn't know what to say. He was so untalkative.

"So where are you from? I mean this is the only time I have actually seen you in this village", he says. So he talks.

"Well, this isn't the first time you seen me. You've technically seen me at the Academy", I state smartly. He stares at me. I sigh.

"I'm from the Hidden Crystal."

"You're part of the Nakama Clan?" he asks surprised.

"Yes..." I answer reluctantly. Please don't find out I'm the Princess.

"How many survivors were there?"

"I think a few", I answer carefully, "They're probably all in hiding now."


He nods understanding. To be honest, I don't think there are any survivors any more. My uncle would've hunted all of them down, me being an exception because I was so far away.

"Enough about me. How about you? How old were you when the massacre happened?"

Great conversation starter, Rina. His eyes darken, "I was 7."

My eyes soften. He was so young.

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were that young. It must've been hard", I apologize. He nods.

"Let's go do something. This is depressing", I sigh. He smirks.

"Like what?" he asks. A small smile creeps up on my face.

"Let's go the top of the monuments", I suggest. I've always wanted to go to the top since I got here. Why not now? Sasuke thinks for a moment, like he was considering whether or not he should go.

"Please, Sasuke? I've always wanted to go..." I pout, activating my Siren kekkei gekkai.

"Okay..." he agrees instantly. I flash a smile and drag him out of the shop.

"First, let me drop these bags off at my apartment!"


We took about 30 minutes to get to the top. We walked slowly and peacefully. We chatted the whole time. I saw another side of him. He was still that arrogant bastard, just more fun.

We sat on top of the heads.

"It's beautiful", I awe.


"That just ruined the moment, you know? It was a nice little moment, then you said 'hn'. Don't 'hn' me", I complain. He smirks and I whacked him on the arm.

"You hit like a girl", he jokes.

"Shut up. That's because I'm a girl."

His smirk grows wider.


After an hour of joking around and meaningless insults, we head down to go back home. He walks me to my apartment.

"I had fun, Uchiha."

"I didn't", he states emotionlessly, but you could see the mischief in his eyes. I roll my eyes and whack him again. This time, just a little harder.

"That actually hurt..." he winces. I giggle.

"See? I'm not weak", I laugh. He rolls his eyes playfully. I try to whack him once more, but he catches my wrist this time. He pulls me closer to him, his eyes fixed on me.

"You know this could be a date", he suggests while chuckling.

"Yeah. No."

"This is the part where we kiss", he murmurs softly against my ear.

"Bye, Uchiha."

He smirks and walks off.

"No goodbye? Rude much?", I retort jokingly.

"Bye, Rina."

I walk inside my apartment and sigh. I don't think I've felt this happy for a while. After the massacre, I felt empty. Today actually made me feel something. A good something.

I change into my pajamas. I'm exhausted. I lay on the bed and slowly fall asleep, replaying today in my mind.


Sasuke's POV

I wanted her. Everything about her is perfect and flawless. Her beauty draws everybody in, which makes me want to keep her, protect her from harm. She's strong and special in her way. Her personality just brings out the beauty even further.

She's neither overwhelming nor invisible.

She brings happiness into my world and I'm not going to let that escape me.

She'll be worth the trouble.






Jk. You probably did. Well I hope you enjoyed.

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