Prologue - The Nakama Massacre

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Fire. Blood. Dead bodies. Everywhere I looked screamed murder. Only one person was still moving. My uncle. Nakama Keiji.

He pulls his katana from the pierced body and turns around. He spots me. It takes a while for him to recognize who I was because my hair was matted with blood and I was covered with burns and scratchs. When he realizes who I was, his sickening grin widens with satisfaction.

I panic, my eyes searching for an escape. I only see my dead family. My father, my mother, my siblings. They were all gone. The man who I treated as family, as a loved one, killed them all.

There was no possible way I could defeat him. I knew my chances were slim. He advances forward.

"Crystal Style: Petal Shuriken", I say with a hoarse throat.

Crystal forms around me and shoots out, aiming at my uncle. He blocks them all easily. I was too weak. He was getting closer and closer. I had no time to perform any of my more powerful jutsus. I couldn't do anything.

I was just about let out a piercing scream, when I felt something tug my clothes. I turned around to see my almost dead mother. She was leaning on the cabinet. Her beautiful blonde hair was matted with blood and her bright eyes now full of sorrow. She smiles weakly. She holds my hand and slips something in.

"Okaasan..." I murmured.

She looks at me one last time, and then performs hand signs. I see my uncle getting closer and closer. He was high on power and possessed the thirst to kill. He wouldn't hesitate to eliminate me at all. I looked at my mom with panic.

"I love you", she mouths, before performing the jutsu.

Everything disappears around me and I was transported to a forest. The terror was all gone. Everyone I knew and love, were dead. I crumble to the floor, tired even though I hardly used any of my chakra. Even though I'm sure that I'm safe, I continue to tremble and hug my knees.

This has to be a nightmare. A dream. Why me? Why does this have to happen to me of all people?

I look at the folded paper my mom slipped in my hand. I unfold it and see the many familiar faces of my clan. Tears trickle down my face. I take shaky, short breaths. It felt like all the air was knocked out of my lungs. I couldn't breath.

Now all of them are dead. My family is dead. All of them. A part of me died with them. Questions swarm in my head. Why? Why had the uncle I loved kill his own family? Why would he kill his own clan?

It doesn't matter now. I just have to get out of here alive because one day I'm going to go back to the Hidden Crystal and take back what's rightfully mine.

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