Chapter 14 - Training

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I woke up to see that Sasuke's arms were wrapped around my waist. I blush slightly and poke his cheek.

"Oi, Sasuke. I need to take care of Kakashi. Let me go", I whine.

He groans and mumbles "no" quietly. I raise an eyebrow and then sigh. I perform a transportation jutsu and appeared at the door of the room. I look at Sasuke and he seemed completely unaffected. He continued to sleep.

I go to the bathroom to change into my regular clothes and freshen up a bit. I open Kakashi's door and find our "sensei" still sleeping. I had to talk to him about Zabuza since he was still alive. I close the door behind me.

"Hey Kakashi wake up", I mumble as I nudge his head with my foot.

"It's not nice waking someone up like that", he groans.

"I'm not a nice person", I reply.

"Mhmm. Yeah. I can tell."

I kneel down to whack him on the arm and he winces in pain.

"So why are you in my room?"

"Zabuza's still alive. He's going to attack the next time we all go to the bridge. Now what are we going to do?" I question.

"How do you even know he's going to attack during the construction? Why not sooner?" he questions suspiciously.

"The tracker-nin used senbon needles to pierce his necks, which kills him momentarily, if that makes sense. Recovery from those needles will take up to one week, but knowing Zabuza, he will heal in 2 to 3 days, so he will probably attack sometime during the construction", I conclude. He raises his eyebrow.

"You know him well", he says.

"Yes I do."

"Well, all we can do is teach the three a few chakra skills and hope for the best", Kakashi answers my previous question.

"Hope for the best...?" I sweat-drop. That's his almighty plan?

"Well, if you have a better idea, I'm all ears", he says sarcastically.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed..." I chuckle. He glares at me.

"You woke me up by nudging my head with your foot!" he protests, "And plus I had to listen to you and Sasuke flirt for at least an hour!"

I blush, "Shut up!"

"That's right! I'm right next door, so I was listening the whole time", says Kakashi.

"You sound like a creep now..."

"Shut up."

"I should get going now", I suggest.

"Yes. Go back to your precious Sasuke," he teases.

I glare and step back into our room. I sigh. Sasuke and I weren't flirting...

In a few hours, we found ourselves in the forest, learning about the basics of chakra. I was off in a corner humming to myself because I was bored. He had already explained to them that Zabuza was probably still alive and that we needed to train more.

"Rina! Be a good person and climb that tree without using your hands!" Kakashi calls out.

"How will that make me a good person?" I grumble.

"You'll set a great example. Now go!"

I walk up the tree near them using only chakra. I walk to the top and come back down. I went back to my spot and laid on the ground.

I watch as Kakashi get the three started by giving them kunais to mark their highest spots on the tree. It seems like Naruto and Sasuke didn't have very good control, but Sakura did.

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