Chapter 42 - Born to Kill

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"You ready?"

"Sure", I reply.

"That's not a very reassuring response", Kisame mutters.

"Yessir, I am ready", I say sarcastically, "Better?"


I stare at the picture of the landlord Kisame handed to me previously. He was young. At least 20, which is a shame.

"Don't sympathize for the target, Rina", Itachi instructs.

My eyes harden and I nod. He's right.

"Let's go", Itachi says.

The three of us launch off into the woods. We jump branch to branch, heading towards the large estate ahead of us.

"We will move together as a group and attack the first round of guards from the dark, drawing a majority of the guards outside", Itachi explains, "The strongest guards will be near the landlord most likely."

"But Itachi-san... Won't it be quicker for two of us to stay behind to fight the guards and one assassinate the landlord?" Kisame asks.

"How about one person stays behind to fight the guards? After all, they are the weaker group", I suggest.


I sigh, "I'll stay behind."

"No", Itachi states.

"Why not?" I pout.

He doesn't reply.

"Itachi, don't worry", I soothe, "I can take care of myself. You don't need to baby me."

He nods hesitantly.

"Then you will stay behind", he mutters.

I grin. Finally. More action.

The dark silhouette of the estate starts coming into view. We duck behind bushes so we can examine our surroundings. I counted the many guards around the perimeter. At least 20 surround the gates.

"You two wait here and hide. I'll drag them away", I murmur.

I start standing up when I feel a hand grab my wrist. I look down to see concern in Itachi's eyes.

"Be careful", he says.

"You too", I whisper before walking a few feet away.

First, I need to grab their attention. I smirk. That'll be easy. I form a bow and arrow out of crystal. I aim at one of the guard's head and let the arrow fly. The arrow digs deep into his head and he falls. The guards start running towards him and call for others.

I turn my Siren on, feeling the enhancements doing their thing.

I walk out of my hiding place. All eyes were on me. I quickly count the guards. Most of them were here. There were probably 3 or 4 missing, warning everybody inside.

I let a ringing giggle escape my lips. About half were caught in my trance, while the other half were starting to loosen up.

"You bunch seem fun", I purr, "Let's play."

All of them position themselves. Now it was clear who was under the spell and who wasn't. The ones who weren't in a trance were in fighting position, ready to attack.

I guess I have to hone these abilities even further.

"How pesky", I pout, then I grin, "It's okay. I'll get rid of you soon."

"Go kill the other guards and dispose of yourselves after you are done", I command.

Half of the group start running towards the building.

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