Chapter 18 - Apologies

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I wake up to the blinding light and a hand holding my hand tightly. I groan. Searing pain ran through my body. My body was completely exhausted. I could barely remember the last thing that happened. I could only remember Haku and Zabuza dying.

I look to the right sight of the bed to see Sasuke. He looked as if he hadn't slept for days. His hands gripped the side of the bed tightly. I could barely see his eyes because his bangs covered them. I must of worried him. I smile at the thought. I didn't think he would care.

I raise a hand to touch Sasuke's. His head snaps up and relief melts into his eyes. The next thing I know, his arms are around me, giving me the tightest hug he could possibly give.

"H-Hey Sasuke", I choke out.

He lets go of me and brushes a hand through his hair, which is oh so sexy. Another thing I will never say to Sasuke.

"I was worried. You stayed unconscious for 2 days. I thought you might of..." he trails off, his eyes darkening.

I sit up, only realizing how close Sasuke and I were.

"Well, I'm awake", I murmur as I lose myself in his eyes.

I stare at his beautiful onyx eyes. My eyes trails down to his lips, wanting more of him, rather than just a view. I look back at his eyes to see him looking down at my lips.

Sasuke tilts my chin up as he moves closer. My heart starts beating faster as his face gets closer to mine. My eyes trail back down to his soft, pale lips. He closes the space between our lips, sealing them with a kiss. Sparks ignite. His lips move against mine softly. I wrap my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss almost desperately. I felt him smirk.

I part away slightly and murmur, "Shut up."

"Wasn't saying anything", he groans, before urgently presses his lips against mine again.

He puts his hands on my hips to pull me closer. My fingers tangle in his hair as I try to move closer.

He slowly pushes me down onto the bed. His weight on top of my body. Sasuke parts and moves down. He plants soft kisses along my jawline, making me shiver from the touch. He moves up once more to kiss my lips, this time a bit rougher. His hands skim my waist, leaving trails of tingles. I feel his tongue slipping into my mouth. It felt as if I were drugged. I couldn't think. I could only do what my body wants to do.

Then... We were interrupted... By a certain pink-headed girl. Instantly, our lips separated, our faces red. Sasuke's hands were still on my waist and my arms were still wrapped around his neck. His body was still on top of mine.

"U-um. W-We were---" I stutter. Oh god, I never stutter.

"Save it", Sakura snaps, "Kakashi wants to see you both, but I guess you were busy."

She sends one more furious glare at me and runs off to who-knows-where. Sasuke turns to me again and smirks.

"Well, what does this mean for us now?" he whispers into my ear. His warm breath tickles my ear.

"I don't know. What do you think?" I purr.

"Be mine", he murmurs seductively, but being completely serious. He had that look in his eyes. The look that showed that he would never let me go, no matter what.

"What if I say maybe?" I smirk. He smiles smugly.

"Then, I guess I will have to convince you", he whispers before closing the space between us again.

Once again, we were interrupted, this time by a cough. We separate and look at the doorway to see and embarrassed Kakashi, scratching the back of his head.

"Hey, guys", he coughs, "We all have to talk. I would appreciate if you both stop making out and do that on your own time."

Sasuke blushes slightly and I roll my eyes.

"Sorry, Kakashi", I apologize sarcastically, "We're just... improving our teamwork."

"Mhm. Yeah. I'm sure of that", Kakashi mutters, "Talk to Sakura, will you?"

I roll my eyes, "Yeah, yeah."

Kakashi exits the room, leaving me and Sasuke alone in the room together. He looks to me seriously.

"Rina... You really mean something to me. When you laid there, like you were dead, I felt as if my world was falling apart. I have never felt this way towards anyone before. Please, be mine?" he confess.

I had been lost. I lost everything. To think I would find someone that I could love again, it seemed impossible and to me, it means heartbreak. As much as my brain would like to say no, my heart said...


"Thank you", he says, as he takes my hand softly, and kisses it. He presses his forehead against mine. Our lips were nearly touching.

"I promise that I will never leave your side. I promise to be there when you call. I promise that I will always love you", he swears.

"And I will do the same", I promise.

He got up and pulls me up with him. A cool breeze blows against my leg. I retract my leg back into the warm blanket.

"No... I want to stay in bed", I protest.

"You have to talk to Sakura", simply states Sasuke. I roll my eyes. He knew how much I disliked her. Everybody knew. Everybody could see it.

He glares at me softly.



I finally found Sakura, sulking in the peaceful woods. She looked so sad and angry. Huh. I really must've hurt her. I sigh. I suppose I should apologize. When she sees me, her glare hardens and she stand up to start stomping off again.

"Wait... Sakura, I'm sorry. I am so sorry that I didn't tell you Sasuke and I have feelings for each other. I truly am sorry for hurting you, but we do love each other. Sakura, I lost everything. I lost my home. I lost my family. A big part of my heart was torn out and I had to watch it happen. I basically live in the dark. I can't even see my life in front of me anymore. You wanna know why I make fun of you the most? You have everything I want and what I don't have. Sasuke... he is my light. He made all the darkness go away. He had the same past as me, he understands me. Is it wrong for me to be with him?"

By the time I finished, I was crying. Crying in front of Sakura... Something I would've never imagined or wanted. Ok, maybe I did sugarcoat it a bit and forced myself to cry, but no difference. I got the right reaction from her. She looks at me in guilt and sympathy.

"I'm sorry, too. I didn't realize he meant this much to you", she apologizes. There was still a hint of sadness in her voice, but then again, I did steal her "only love" from her.

"Thank you", I smile genuinely.

She smiles and then laughs softly, "Just because we're friends now, it---"

"What? I never said we were friends."

"Shut up and let me finish."

"Getting fiesty, now. Aren't we, Sakura?"

She ignores me and continues, "It doesn't mean I'll stop trying. I will keep on trying to win Sasuke over, no matter what."

"Good luck with that", I wink.

She rolls her eyes and we walk back to Tazuna's house together. Friends... Something I thought we would never be.

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