Chapter 7 - Battle

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4:30 AM. Really. Hatake couldn't choose a better time to meet up. I mean come on. Who wakes up at 4:30 AM? I was already late because it took a long time just to wake up.

I drag myself out of bed and into the shower. Then I got dressed, ate, and head out. Crap. 30 minutes late. I run to our meeting spot and surprise. He isn't here.


I had to wait 30 more minutes. 30. He makes me wake up early in the morning, then wastes my time. Hell no.

Finally, after half an hour of b**ching to myself, Hatake shows up. I stare at him coldly.

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't waste my time", I state.

"Hehe... Sorry. I had to help an old lady cross a road", he explains.

"What old lady would be up at 5 in the morning?" I comment. He shrugs and takes me to the training field. He explains to me that he will test my skills and we will combat.

Hm. This should be a hard one. He's the Copycat Ninja. My parents had known of him and even praised him.

We stand on opposite sides of the field. Waiting for the other to attack first. I got tired of waiting. I make hand signs and prepare to attack. He did, as well. We attack at the same time.


We battle for an hour. We were both exhausted. I prepare another jutsu. It was never about power, but trickery.

"Crystal Release: Dancing Flowers!"

Flower-shaped crystal razors form by my sides and shoots out. He dodges it with ease. I smirk. I had already prepared the water prison jutsu on the side. Hatake gets caught in it. His clone attacks me from behind, but I easily dodge it and get rid of it.

From the beginning, I allowed him to think that I only thought of attacking and not strategy. Eventually he got used to it, so I could trick him easily.

I release him from the jutsu and he spats out the water. He stands up and congratulates me.

"You did good", he acknowledges.

"Thank you."

"Why don't we go get breakfast?" he offers.

"What about the others? We're supposed to meet them at 5. It's 6", I question. He shrugs and walks off. Might as well get more food.


Sorry guys that was a short chapter. I'm terrible at making up battle scenes, but whatevs.

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