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The sun has just set and the sky was covered with orange-red. Sana drive her car on her way to Chou's house for the weekly check-up of Tzuyu's father. She was so amazed at how splendid it was to a naked eye, so she glances at it from the window side. She took her phone and capture the sky while driving. "Wow, there you go" she muttered. She put the phone in her bag when she noticed the car onwards at halt, Sana with quick reflexes immediately press the foot brake. *phew* "That was close" she said.

She gets off the car to find out what happened, as a kind-hearted woman, she offer a hand and maybe some help at least, "Excuse me, what happened to your car?"

The guy scratched his head and answered, "I got a flat tire in front and I forgot my tools".

"Awful. Maybe I can help." Sana without hesitation to help, gets the tools from the trunk and give it to the guy. After a few minutes, the guy was already done changing the tire, and he insists to put the toolbox to the trunk, so Sana let him.

"Thank you so much for your help miss" he said.

"You're welcome. Next time, don't forget your tools, okay?"

The guy nodded and smile widely. Sana get in to her car and start the engine when suddenly the guy run to her window side and asked her name.

"I'm Sana" She replied shortly.

"Nice to meet you Sana"

Sana just smiled. She then pressed the go pedal in a moderate speed, until several moments later Sana arrived at Chou's house safely.

"Good Evening Miss Sana, please come in" the butler said. "Master Chou, is waiting for you at the office." He added.

"Did he wait long?" Sana asked, afraid she spend so much time for helping the man earlier.

"No Miss, you just arrive in time"

Sana was relief and walk her way to the office when he saw Tzuyu at the pool. He was busy doing his laps, so he didn't notice her girlfriend that already arrived. Sana just smile and proceed to the office, she immediately greeted the Master of Chou and bow to him respectfully.

"Good Evening, Dad" she greeted.

"Good evening, Sana. Come on in and sit down."

Sana sit down near Master Chou to check his vitals first. "Dad, did you take your medicine regularly? Your blood pressure is so high"

"Ow, I forgot to take one for tonight."

"Oh no. Give me your phone, I'm gonna set the reminder on so you won't forget it again."

He give his phone to Sana and Sana set the reminder and give it back to Mr. Chou. Sana grab an injection and vial that contains Mr. Chou's another kind of medicine, then shoot it to his forearm. "Okay, Dad next week please visit the hospital for the following test and let's see if there's improvement, okay?"

"Thank you Sana. Anyway, did you already have your dinner?"

"Not yet Dad, Tzuyu told me that he will take me out for dinner tonight" Sana said while packing her things.

"He's not preparing yet, he's still on the pool. By the way, I met your parents at the company earlier and we talked about you and Tzuyu."

"Really? So what does they say, Dad?" Sana asked curiously.

"Well, they were shocked at first, they can't believe that their only daughter is getting married." He paused and chuckles. "Believe me or not but they are most excited than me, they even asked for grandchildren~"

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