Chapter 1 Sanity

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Warning mature content: Gore
(Y/N) P.O.V
I screamed and threw the Wii controler on the ground and hugged my knees digging my nails into my (S/C) skin. "Fuck this! Why is it so damn hard!" I whisper yelled to myself. "Well beating Mario Kart 8 200cc isn't going to be easy (Y/N)" the voice in my head said people say its bad to have a voice but I think it isn't since its my only friend. "Well I guess your right I want to get in first place always but stupid Baby Mario and Waluigi got me in third" I whispered to the voice. "Who the fuck are you talking to?!" I turned to see my father he was leaning on the door frame and had his black leather belt in his hands that he uses to abuse me everyday. He looked angry . My (E/C) eyes widened I knew what he was going to do...everytime he came home from work he came with his leather belt in his hands to beat me and my mother wouldn't do anything but laugh and scream awful things into my ears as I was getting abused. "kill him" the voice whispered. He came closer and smacked me across the face with a belt leaving a red mark. "Stand up" he said but I didn't listen I was in pain Tears soon blurred my vision and they came strolling down my face. "I said stand up!" He yelled and smacked me again. I yelled in pain and quickly shot up and even more tears spilled.
"You think your so special! Well let me tell you! You are nothing your just a stupid little girl who likes video games! I raised a girl not a fucking boy! Be a normal girl!" He spat in your face. He smacked me across the face with the belt again. My mother came into the room holding a letter from the school. "You told them we abused you! My mothers face turned into a smirk. She seemed to be waiting for a response but I only stood there I knew better that to talk back to them if I did they would only hit me even more. She pulled out a knife (the pic above) my eyes widened in fear. She walked closer to me my father held me down he was a strong man so I couldn't escapes his grasp. She got even closer and finally she put the beautiful cold knife on my (S/C) skin and started to cut. I winced in pain and looked away then I turned my head back and I saw my own blood oozing out of a cut she had given me. My eyes widened and I felt something in my head make a click noise. "Kill them kill them kill them" lots of voices chanted in my head. I grew a sinister smirk and looked into my mothers eyes. I knocked my father off of me sending him flying he hit his head on the desk and stayed there. I then took my chance and grabbed my mothers arm and it made a snap! Noise. I had broken my mothers right arm and she screamed in pain and dropped the beautiful knife. I started laughing like a mad man. My father got up from his resting place and tried to smack me with the black leather belt. But I dodged it and went behind him. I grabbed the Knife that my mother used to cut into me and I stabbed it into my fathers side and he fell on the floor. I chuckled darkly and said "see you in hell" I quickly slit his throat and ripped out some more of his veins. My mother horrified ran out of the room to hide. I kept laughing and then got off my father and went to see where my stupid mother went. "Mother ~ oh mother where are you? ~" I coeed. 'This will be fun' I thought as I giggled. I found her in a closet and once I opened the door I stabbed her in the eye enough to make her scream in pain but not die quite yet. She fell on the floor landing on her broken arm screaming in pain. I grabbed a fist full of her hair and dragged her to the room where my dead fathers corpse was at. I ties her on a chair and walked over to my fathers dead body. U dragged him in front of my mother and cut his stomach open. My smile widened. She looked at me with terror in her eyes "please...I love you...." She whimperes out. "BULLSHIT" I yelled I'm a demonic voice I grabbed. My fathers heart and ate it in front of her and surprisingly I tasted really good. I then smiled innocently at her and finished the heart or shall I call it meal. I then walked over to her and pulled out her eye that I stabbed her in she screamed in pain once again. I grew bored and switched one of my mothers eyes with father. She was about to due from blood loss since I stabbed her side. I pulled her hair and I slit her throat watching her blood shoot out and bathe me in her crimson red liquid made me laugh. 'This is my new life' I whispered. I grabbed a (F/C) Hoodie and the knife and kitchen knife and Jumped out of the kitchen window. "Good job" the voice whispered." Let's kill more people friend " I said out loud. I then noticed I was wandering the forest. "I guess I'll hide here at night " I said as I climbed up a tree and sat on a high branch. I smiled to myself and laid on the branch. I knew it wouldn't break since its super thick. I stared up at the night sky and I sang myself a lullaby.

"And I feel like I'm being eaten
By a thousand million shiverin furry
an I know in the morning I will
wake up
in the shivering cold" ( the cure lullaby)

Wow I didn't meant it to be more than 1000 words 0-0' but OK I might update slow please don't kill me I want to work on other stories to and well yeah that's all I have to say leave and requests and follow me and I follow back

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