Chapter 29: Talking to BEN

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Hey people I just want to warn you in the next chapter its going to involve uh....rape so I just wanted to warn you early I'll explain more in the beginning of the other chapter let's get on with the story!
I heard screaming from Clock works room first. Then it was James room. 'Hahah Good job Gory and (Y/N) you did all of us a huge favor'. I looked around BENs room. 'Man what a mess' BEN was laying on his green bed. He sniffled at time but other than that it was pure awkward silence. I was sup post to be here watching him so he doesn't do anything stupid. 'God this really fucked him up'. A couple moments later, a loud knock came fromm the door. BEN immediately shot up from his bed and stared at the door wide eyed. He looked as if he were scared of whatever was at the door. I let out a huff and got up from BENs desk chair to go open it. Once I opened the door I opened it half way and saw a smirking Gory twirling a knife in her cut up hands. She was covered in blood 'God that's hot'. " She won't hurt you anymore Jeff" Gorys voice was a bit raspy. 'This is why I love her' I thought. I pulled her into a bone crushing hug. "I love you so much Gory" she hugged back. "Jeff....I...can't..really...breathe...". I pulled away from the hug and scratched the back of my neck "heheh sorry love". She smiled and grabbed my pale hand. I was dragged out into the hall. "Jeff...(Y/N) wants to talk to BEN" Gory whispered. 'Oh fuck'. (Y/N) then stepped out from behind a corner. She had tear stains on her cheeks and had blood all over her. I looked back at Gory and gave her a quick nod I turned to go get BEN but Gory grabbed my wrists. "Hey wait...they should talk in the living room...not where she found them fucking" she whispered the last part. "Yea that's a good idea I'll go get BEN" Gory let go of my wrist and grabbed (Y/N)'s (S/C) hand to take her down stairs. I re-entered BENs room. "BEN?" I called out. He was sitting at the edge of the bed with his dirty blind hair covering his eyes. He had a frown on his face. "BEN....(Y/N) wants to talk to you.." His head shot up once I said (Y/N)'s name. "ARE YOU SERIOUSE?!?" He shouted with his eyes full of hope. "Uhhhh...yea man shes downstairs". BEN got off his bed and raced downstairs. I slowly trudged behind. 'Let's hope she doesn't murder you BEN'. Once I reached the living room BEN was already there he was staring at (Y/N). (Y/N) sat on the couch with a blanket wrapped around her and a sandwich infront of her. Gory was sitting next to her comforting her. BEN stood there staring at (Y/N). 'This is going to be awkward for that guy' I chuckled lightly. Gory then saw me left (y/n) on the couch. She gave me a hug "thanks and we should probably give them some space so you know...they can talk." Gory whispered in my ear. I nodded my head and we both went into the kitchen to make some food.
(Y/N)'s p.o.v
Gory came in and handed me a sandwich and some blankets. I let out a sigh. "Hey its going to be OK (y/n)" Gory whispered as she wrapped the blanket around me. I didn't feel like moving so I let her. She then sat next to me and started comforting me. I heard footsteps come down the stair case. 'BEN...' He rushed in and stared at me. Sorrow and hope was all that was in his eyes. Jeff came behind him trudging slowly. Once Gory noticed Jeff she quickly went up to him and gave him a hug. She whispered something in his ear he nodded and they both wandered into the kitchen. BEN sat down on the couch across from me. There was an awkward silence. We were having a stare off. "Why..." I whispered loud enough so he could hear. "(Y/N)...I'm sor-" "I asked why not for a fucking apology!" I raised my voice. He flinched and looked as if he were about to cry. 'Oh my god I'm sorry!' I mentally shouted. "Please....let me explain" he whimpered. "That's what I'm asking for" I said with venom. He let out a huff and leaner forward. His elbows rested on his knees and he twiddled his thumbs. 'God he looks so cute' I thought. I started feeling bad for being so harsh but I just wanted answers and I was angry. "(Y/N)....when you went on that mission....I was really depressed....I tracked you every day to see where you day...I was in my room...Jane and Clockwork tries to seduce me..I pushed then away...then I was in the tracking room...and your red or disappeared....the Gorys...The thing said you were dead...I fell into depression...I didn't know what to do anymore....voices in my head.....I had to be a day i-i was alone...Jane and clockwork....they....we...I didn't enjoy it..I wanted you....I needed you...I never wanted them... They were nothing but toys....but you... You were something are special (Y/N).... The day you came back.....I was so happy... But then....all this happened.... I want you back.. Please (Y/N)..... I love you more than I love myself" BEN started to cry. I stood up and walked tword him. Once I was infront of him he looked up at me. I wiped the tear away from his cheek and kissed it lightly. "BEN.... I'm not ready for a relationship..but we can be friends.." BEN stood up and gave me a hug. It was as if he hadn't seen me in years. " I won't hurt you again" he whispered. "BEN let's go get some food" I said as I jumped up and down causing him to chuckle. I could tell he was sad but he showed happy ness on the outside. "Soon BEN....soon"

Blah hope you enjoyed that I nearly cried writing that ;w; leave any requests and follow me and I follow back p.s. I drew that I know horrible hand writing and drawing baiiiiii~ Thatcreepywriter

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