Chapter 36: Weddings

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(The pic above is all of the wedding day outfits enjoy my lovelies!)
(Y/N)'s P.O.V.
~The wedding day~
I didn't know what time it was but I could tell that it was early in the morning. Possibly 2:00(a.m.)?. Sally came into our room and pulled me out of my slumber. BEN groaned as sally pulled me out of bed. "(Y/N) today's the big day!" Sally giggled. She pulled me out into the hallway I was still in my birthday suit!. Small ran back into the room. "Hey!" BEN shouted. Sally ran back outside with BENs blanket. I giggled and wrapped it around me to protect myself from beings seen bare. Slender then appeared in front of us with a naked Gory in his arms. "I can walk!" She flailed. "No you cannot! I asked you once to do so and you fell straight on your face!" He said his voice was deep. "What did you even do last night that made you unable to walk!". Gorys face turned bright red with a sly smirk. "You wanna know? Well....Me and Jeff were having fun and well....he started to ram so I rammed back" she explained still with her sly smirk. If slender man had a face it would be disgusted. "Slender let's go get em dressed!" Sally flailed her teddy bear that was in her hand around. "Right let's go children" . Sally took my hand and grabbed spenders leg. We soon teleported to an unfamiliar room. It was a large room. Three Hollywood mirrors near a window. A bunch of makeup was lying around the ground. There was another room it looked like one big giant closet. Shoes lay scattered around the floor of that room. "Alright ladies today's the day! (Y/N), Gory we gotta get you dressed, hair done, and make up done! Also we have to make sure no other pastas see you except me and sally don't let anyone come in!" Spenders voice turned a but feminine. Gory groaned "best sex ever man". Sally looked at slender with a confused face. "What's sex dad?" She asked tilting her head. Slender put gory down on her feet (which she tried hard to find balance) and he scratched the back of his head nervously. "Umm....Sally why don't you get their dresses?!" He said quickly trying to change the subject. I chuckled at how nervous he was getting. Sally's green eyes widened she squealed and ran off into the large closet. "Gory! Watch your mouth around sally! You should know better!" He scolded at Gory who was sitting in the chair I front of the Hollywood mirror. Gory gave a smirk"well I spoke the truth...its bad to lie you know" she said squinting and imitating an old lady. Slender groaned "I don't know what to do with you your just like Jeff!". Gory blushed madly. I bursted out laughing as Gory turned a darker shade of red with each passing second. A couple moments later Sally rushed in dragging to giant poofy dresses behind her. "Here get dressed!" She looked quickly at the dresses she tossed some to Gory and another one to me. We looked at each other and shrugged. I slipped into the dress slender helped me tie the corset it squeezed my breasts and I couldnt bend over properly. Gory was laughing her ass off but immediatly stopped once slender tightened hers. "HOW CAN YOU BREATH IN THESE THINGS!" She flailed her arms. Gory tried walking around she tripped on her own dress. "STUPID ASS FUCK SUCK MY DAMN COCK YOU PEICE OF FUCKING SHIT ILL PISS ON YOUR MOTHER ASS WIPE BITCH ASS TITIES!". We all turned our heads and looked at her with concern. "WHAT!?!? IT HURTS WE BROKE THE BED LAST NIGHT!" She screamed at us while getting up. Slender threw his hands up into the air "I'm done with this one. I'm going to wake BEN and Jeff". He teleported out of the room. Sally walked into the closet then stepped out with two pairs of heels in each hand. She handed me one with a flower on it and gory pure white heels. "Alright time for the skull make up!" (A/N: come on now! You are a pasta make it at least the smallest amount of strange ;)) Gory sat in front of the mirror and I sat in the one next to her. A loud banging came from the door. "WHERES (Y/N) LEMME SEE HER!" BEN Screeched. "BEN! Its bad luck if you see her!" Sally said pressing her ear against the door. She shot back once there was more banging. "LEMME SEE MY FUCKING GORY I NEED TO FUCK HER AGAIN!" Jeff shouted. I looked at Gory who was turning red again "J-Jeff! I need to get ready if you don't leave I won't kiss you for a month!". Grumbling g cane from the other side of the door. "JEFFERY! BENJAMIN! CMON WE GOTTA GET YOU READY!" Spenders voice boomed In The hall. Then silence fell. Sally sighed and walked over to us with brushes and a bunch of make up products.
~Hours of doing makeup and hair~
We finally finished with our make up and hair I stood up from the chair and walked over to a large mirror. My hair was slightly curled and put into an elegant bun. My face had a skull painted on it. My dress had a corset and giant poofy skirt. My shoes had a flower near my ankles. Gory walked over smiling. "You look pretty BENs one lucky man". I turned tword her . she had he hair teased upward like she usually does but higher. Her side swept bangs we split in the middle and brushed to each side. She had the same make up on and her dress was poofy like mine but hers looked wavy. Her heels were a pure white. "Gory you look beautiful to" I smiled back at her.
"Alright children everyone is waiting the grooms are blindfolded and in position let's go let's go!" Slender ushered us. We grabbed to each side of his arms (he's walking us down the isle). We linked arms and quickly teleported to a weird run down church. Once we were there we were standing on the red carpet with every one looking at us they either gasped whispered or smiled at us. The music started to play (here comes the bride). BEN and Jeff looked around franticly they were both blindfolded. Masky and hoodie stood at each of them to make sure they wouldn't untie the blindfolds.. "Where is she!" Jeff said above the music. BEN was stretching his arms around. The crowd of pastas laughed at their actions. We were soon close to them and the music stopped. Masky and hoodie untied there blind folds.
BENs eyes widened and watered with tears as he stared at me. I smiled at him and stood in front of him. Jeff's mouth thing open and he stared at Gory. " Ahem we are gathered her today for the marriage of BEN and (Y/N) and Jeff and Gory"
~time skip of whatever a priest says ~

Slender walked tword Jeff and Gory. "Do you Jeff take Gory as your wife for eternity? You will be immortal due to your pasta ranking. " "I do!" Jeff said with excitement in his voice. Slenderp looked at Gory "Gory do you take Jeff as you husband for eternity? You will be immortal as well as Jeff due to your pasta ranking"
"I DO!" Gory shouted. "Please wait one moment thank you"
Slender teleported to us now. He looked at BEN dead in the eyes. "Do you BEN take (Y/N) as you wife for eternity? You will be immortal due to your ranking" "I do" BEN said as he looked at me with his smile. "(Y/N) do you take BEN as your husband for eternity? You will be immortal as well due to your ranking". I looked at BEN whose eyes were full of hope and a smile that made my heart melt. "I do!" .
Slender teleported away and his voice boomed everywhere. "I declare both couples husband and wife you may now kiss the bride".
BEN pulled my waist close to him and placed his lips on me. Everyone was Going crazy cheering congradulations. When we pulled away BEN picked me up bridal style. We looked at Jeff and Gory who did the sane. BEN saluted Jeff a goodbye. Jeff nodded and ran out of the abandoned church with a squealing Gory in hand. bEN looked down at me and smiled a toothy smile. A bright light surrounded us and we were in a different location. I didn't recognize it before. "(Y/N) this is our new home" BEN whispered

Heyyyyyy! One more chapter and we are done with the book ;w; hope you all enjoyed it leave any requests if you have any and follow me and I follow back (p.s. THANK YOU GUYS FOR GETTING ME 100 FOLLOWERS WHEN I SAW THAT I HAD A HUNDRED I LITERALLY DROPED MY TOAST AND CHEERED!)

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