Chapter 31: Pop! Goes the L.J.

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Heheheh hey guys this chapter will get GORY :3 sensitive reader please do not read anyway let's all enjoy this weird chapter that I have created
(Y/N) laid on L.J.s bed strapped on to it. I dashed over to her L.J. had disappeared somewhere. I gave her a quick hug and I picked (Y/N) up bridal style she started to drift into sleep "its OK (Y/N) he will never touch you ever again" I mumbled I guess she didn't hear me. Since she passed out in my arms. 'I swear I'm going to kill that emo fucking clown...when Gory hears this she's gonna flip her shit' I gulped at the thought of what Gory would do to L.J. 'watch your back Laughing Jack'. Once I reached my room I flung the door open and quickly laid (Y/N) on my green sheets. I grabbed the fluffiest blanket and wrapped her in it. She was shivering and bare. I twitched with anger ' is this how L.J. will treat (Y/N) if I leave her alone for one second?! I love (Y/N) to much she will be with me not no fucking monochrome child molester!!' My hands balled up into fists and my knuckles started to turn white. Just then, I heard the front door of the mansion creek open and then slam shut with a loud bang! It shook the house. Faint laughing could be heard sounding like the laughter of a blood hungry Gory! 'Heheh Good timing Gory' "Gory!" I shouted loud enough so she could hear me from down stairs. No response but the insane laughter stopped. "GORY COME HERE FOR (Y/N)'S SAKE! SHES HURT!" You could hear Gorys footsteps and loud crashes!, Bangs! and Thuds! Her footsteps cane closer bang bang bang! Came from outside my door. I was going to open it but she kicked it down (A/N: NOBODY HURTS MY READER!!! DONT YOU WORRY MAMA GORYS HERE!!!) . Gory stood at my door her hair was a mess she was covered in blood and panting. She scanned the room but when her brown eyes landed on (Y/N) she gasped and ran to (Y/N) sleeping figure. Gory brushed a bit of (Y/N) hair out of her face in one swift movement she pinned me to the wall and growled like an animal "who the fuck did this!?!? Was thus your doing!?!" She put her knife up to my neck. 'Damn woman you scary!' I gulped. "If I tell you do you promise that I can kick his ass?" I questioned Gory and let out a huff. "Fine just tell me!" She said releasing me. "Well lemme explain what happened
me and (Y/N) were just sitting on the couch downstairs and then L.J. came and touched (Y/N) she tried to struggle but then his bitchass enjoyed it. So I decided I would fight for (Y/N) but the fucker teleported away with (Y/N) and I went after them but L.J.'s stupid dead kid kept setting up some traps and I wasn't able to teleport for some reason! And once I finally reached L.J.s room I went I'm and (Y/N) was strapped to the bed, naked and covered in L.J.s ummmm....cum? And he was zipping up his pants. And he teleported away. I went over to (Y/N) and carried her here and then you came. And now I'm going to kick his ass" Gory nodded understanding. I was moving tword the door but Gory put her hand on my shoulder and spinner me around. She had a sinister grin that caused shivers to go down my spin and Goosebumps to form on my skin. "Lemme watch and have a little fun to". A smile crept on my face ' typical Gory' "alright let's go kick his ass!". "Yea!" Gory shouted and threw her fist into the air running out the door. Before I left I went over to (Y/N) "don't worry love" I said as I kissed her on the lips 'God I missed doing this'. "I'll kick his ass".

~Time skip walking to L.J.s musical box Idk but BENs going there! ~

We finally reached the vault where L.J. hid. We looked at each other and nodded. Gory opened the Top of the Box and climbed in while I held it up for her. I then slipped in along with her closing the top. We were surrounded be pure darkness. We continued walking until everything started to turn black and white and a Carnival came into our line of view. Gory let out an annoyed huff "here I'll get em out because there ain't no way in hell he's gonna go out if he sees you" I nodded in agreement and she ran off.
Gorys p.o.v. (that's right XD)
"Here I'll get him out because there ain't no way in hell he's gonna go out if he sees you" BEN nodded and i ran in deeper into L.J.s box. I offered this because
1) for (Y/N)
2) because like I said there ain't now way in he he would go out to BEN
3) I have a good plan and he would be captured!
'Heheheh Gory you evil son of a slut'
"Jacky!!" I shouted with an innocent tone of voice. No response but I knew he was watching me. 'I'm going to hate myself for this but! Its for (Y/N)!' "Jacky~ Jeff isn't home and I want to play your favorite game~" he teleported in front of me in a blink of an eye and put his hands on my waist 'oh hell no' "heheh you came to the right place" he lent in to kiss me but I stopped him before he could. "Wait...I want to try something new" I smirked and ran behind him. "Heheheh Gory I didn't know you were kinky" I grabbed out a set of hand cuffs and cuffed him. "Ohhh yes I am one kinky slut~" I grabbed a blindfold out of my pocket and ties it over his eyes. "Oh Gory your my kinky slut~" those words made me cringe with disgust ' Can't wait to kick your ass' I thought. "Wait here babe I need to get something ~". "Alright~" I ran to BEN and motioned him to follow. 'Oh l.j. little did you know that I only love Jeff and I'm not a whore you fucking dumb shit can't wait to see your ass get beat'
BEN's P.O.V.
I followed Gory through the carnival. A handcuffed and blindfolded L.J. cane into my line of view 'Good job Gory' I said as I smirked. I mouthed a small thanks to the insane artist and walked tword L.J. Since L.J. was about 4 inches taller than my I ran up to him and jumped up punching him with all my might "Surprise motherfucker!" I shouted as he went flying. "What the fuck!" He screamed. I walked over to him and kicked him in the gut multiple times. "Here get more blood on your hands! Make it Gory" Gory laughed as she threw me her knife. "You wanna see Gore! I'll show you gore!' I shouted laughing like a maniac. I pulled L.J.s trouser down "B-BEN DUDE! ILL LEAVE YOU GUYS ALONE JUS- ARGHHHHHHH!" He screamed as I dug the knife into his nutsack (a/n: IDK XD) I chopped off his babies blood squirted out. Gory chuckled "lemme have a turn!" She sounded so childish I threw he the knife and she caught it and ran tword him. I stepped back. Gory looked as if she were painting she created slashes all over l.j.s pale body. She laughed and started to stab blood spurted out of his mouth. She then turned around and looked at me with her insane eyes "FINISH HIM!" Grabbed her knife and cut deep into his throat. I kept cutting till his head slipped off and his body hit the ground. "Work that knife" Gory said I'm a sassy tone and snapped her fingers. I chuckled "alright let's go back to (Y/N)". She smirked and looked behind me. I turned around nothing. "What?" I asked raising one brow. Another chuckle came from her "let's go"

Heheheh that last part will make sense in the next chapter anyway I made this chapter a bit longer than the other because I felt bad about not posting yesterday but! Now I feel better! Sure I still cough but that's nothing anyway hope you enjoyed the chapter leave any requests and follow me and I follow back! Baiiii~ Thatcreepywriter

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