Chapter 7: A KISS!?!?

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(Y/N)'s p.o.v
~the next morning
My (E/C) eyes fluttered open a faint I prompt my elbows up and lifted myself up. I quickly turned my head tword the Digital clock that showed the time 4:56 a.m. 'Well damn might as well take a shower before I meet Gory outside' I swung the covers off and swung my legs out of bed. I sighed as the Cold hit my skin. I then turned tword a closet and pulled open the doors. The closet had no clothing but a (F/C) Dress I assumed that there was one day going to be a special occasion. My eyes trailed upward and I found a couple towels that have been neatly folded and stacked on top of one another. I quickly grabbed the tope one and closed the closet doors and walked out of my bed room. I was heading tword the shower when I felt like I was being watched. I turned my head back nothing....just the long corridor.'I'm the only one awake no ones looking at me' I rolled my eyes at myself. I finally reached the girls shower room or giant bathroom. I set the towel on the towel rack. I slid the glass door open and turned on the hot water I let it warm up a bit. I turned back and made sure that the door was locked 'OK door locked shower on your good (Y/N)' I mentally noted. I then went to feel the waters temperature 'ahhhh perfect' I began to strip myself of my clothing and hoping into the shower shrugging the feeling of being watched off.
BENs p.o.v.
'Damn she has a nice body' I was watching (Y/N) undress herself. I for once felt dirty for doing this sure I do this to clockwork gory and Jane but....she was different. 'What would it be like if (Y/N) and me actually had a real thing? She's so beautiful and innocent why do I feel this I only met her yesterday for fucks sake!' I mentally smacked myself. 'But if she were actually to say "I love you BEN" ' I felt heat rise to my face 'For fuck sakes BEN get your shit together...AM I BLUSHING! THEY ARE JUST TOYS (Y/N) IS JUST A TOY' I started to get angry at myself for saying that (Y/N) is not a toy at all! 'Why is she so different why is she making me thing like this' I continued observing her as she rubbed a shampoo into her hair and massage her hair. 'BEN you just need to fuck something then that feeling will go away! Yea! Imma fucking genius'.
(Y/N)s p.o.v.
I finally rinsed the rest of the conditioner off of my head and turned the warm water off. I slid the glass door open and grabbed the towel. I started drying myself off and I quickly got dressed in my everyday clothing. (F/C) hoodie and a pair of skinny jeans/ shorts/skirt/Jeans. I quickly ran to my room with my towel in hand. As I opened the door I threw the towel into a forgotten corner and turned my head to see what time it was. 5:39 a.m 'well I took a long shower' I opened my door to meet Gory outside. I walked to her blood and paint splattered door. I was about to knock on her door but the her door open. I backed up and she stepped out. She wasn't in her usual outfit but something...else...she was in a Volleyball uniform!?!?. It revealed most of her curves and she had very short shorts on. She tried lowering the shorts and she sighed. She let out a weak smile tword me. "Hey (Y/N) so apparently slender wants us to play volleyball or some shit like that" my mouth hung open that was what slender wanted I thought it was going to be training!?!. She let out a giggle "we'll silly head I know what you were expecting I didn't even expect us to play volleyball I wanted to go train with you but slender makes the rules here" she handed me a volleyball uniform. It was a black shirt with a red stripe running on the sleeve. And the shorts looked like what a slut would wear! I let out a sigh as I examined the outfit. I quickly entered my room with gory following she laid on the bed with a pillow on her head I'm guessing she wasn't really used to watching another undress. I stripped myself of my clothing and quickly put the stupid Volleyball uniform on. I was glad to see that it didn't look as tight as Gorys but it still was a bit to.....I don't know it just showed my curves a lot. "Your so lucky Clockwork and Jane don't hate your guts or else they would have made you wear this slutty thing." She mumbled as she sat up on the bed. I looked at her "Are you kidding me this shows my bra under and these are bootyshorts!" I raised my voice a bit. She sighed and walked over to me putting her cut up and bruised arm on my shoulder. She looked me dead in the eyes. She was going to say something serious isn't she. "(Y/N)....I have a wedgie who's in pain now.?" We both Burt's into laughter . Sally soon burst through my door saw our red faces and us holding our stomach gasping for air. "(Y/N), Gory the game is going to start! Let's go Daddy's is going to pick teams.!" I examined what sally was wearing. An oversized shirt with oversized shorts. I sighed wish I were six forever... Sally then Grabbed our wrists and dragged us downstairs into a court. There was a volleyball net set up and a couple volleyballs in a bucket. As we entered everyone had a volleyball uniform on. "Hey! (Y/N) hang with us instead of ms. I cut myself and cry myself to sleep" Jane shouted. I saw Gory clench her jaw. "Hey I won't Lea you for those two sluts" I gave her a reassuring smile. She smiled back we turned around and heard clock work yell " nice ass whory Gory!" Clockwork shouted after us. "Dont listen to them Gory they are the real sluts I mean they are just wearing bikinis!" I said turning my head over to Gory. I could tell she was faking a smile. 'I guess that's why she has cuts all over
...she cuts herself the poor thing' I lead her over to a corner of the gym and sat next to her I felt a bit of pity twords her honestly.
~Time skip
We sat around doing nothing waiting for slender. After a while Slenderman Burt's through the doors and everyone crowded around him waiting for him to call the teams. "Alright children here are the teams"
TEAM 1: Jeff, Gory, Toby, (Y/N), BOB, L.j., and bloody painter
TEAM 2: E.J., BEN, Jane, Clockwork, Dark link, Rake, and Sally .
CAPTAINS: TEAM 1 : Jeff TEAM 2: Eyeless Jack.
"Children I will let you all warm up I will be the referee" he said teleporting away.
'Oh great Jeff as captain what could go wrong?" I said in my head sarcastically. The two teams split the court in two. Jeff then made us line up so we were all facing him. "Alright pastas and (Y/N)" he said with his stupid smirk. " Let's start off by doing some lunges. Everyone groaned and spread out to go do their lunges but Jeff pulled me away from the crowd and out the gym into the hall way. "What are you doing!" I yelled at him he was holding my wrist roughly. He then stopped and put his hands around my waist. He pulled me into a kiss.....

Heyyyyyyyyyy I hope you enjoyed leave any requests and follow me I follow back baiii~ Thatcreepywriter

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