Chapter 30: We are just friends

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Hey you uhhh....this chapter does have rape yup I said it re read the 2x anyway. If you get offended or something then I'm so sorry! I think rape is NOT ok! Any way....please if your a sensitive reader please do not read this chapter.let's get on with the story
(Y/N)'S P.O.V.
'Its been a couple of and BEN are getting along as friends well....he won't leave me and I won't leave him....Everytime...I say we are just hurts the both of us.....but....I'm just not ready for a relationship....he has to prove to me that he changed' I was swimming in my thoughts my feet were resting on BENS lap we were watching some sort of show in the living room, well i was in my thoughts 'well....he hasn't brought any victims....or flirted with any of them.....maybe' I snapped out of my thoughts when something grabbed me by my waist and lifted me into the air. My (E/C) eyes widened "hey! Put me down!". 'Please don't drop me' I looked down to the ground. I realized we were kind of high up. 'Shit!' I wrapped my legs instinctivley around the waist of the person/thing who was holding me. The person/thing started to cackle. "Hahahah I didn't know you wanted me that much babe~". I looked up and saw the monochrome clown he smiled revealing his white sharpened teeth. I spun my head to look at BEN giving him a pleading look. BEN looked angry once I saw him. He was glaring at L.J. and he was turning red. I quickly mouthed "please help me". "Awwww is BEN upset because he cant have my (Y/N)" l.j. grabbed my wrists and bounced me up and down rubbing his crotch against mine. I let out a squeal 'EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!! HELP ME' "Let her go" BENS voice has become demonic and scary. L.j. giggled "oh BEN she isn't yours and man (Y/N) must I say you have a great ass" he groped my ass with my wrists still at hand. "And man you have a nice pair" he started to fondle my breasts in front of BEN "Let me go!!" I started to struggle. This only made him chuckle " keep moving your hips like that~" his grip tightened on my wrists. He then licked the shell of my ear with that black and white stripped tounge. It was a long lick once he pulled his tounge away from my ear I was paralyzed (a/n: like that pokemon move GO LICKYLICKY  I think that's how you spell his name) My face had horror written all over it. BEN got up off the couch he had enough he charged tword us. L.j chuckled and a cloud of smoke appeared and disappeared. L.J had teleported us to his room my legs were still wrapped around L.J. I heard a click on the door some sort of dead kid locked it and scrambled off to hide. Just then a crash! Can from down stairs 'BEN!' L.J. Threw me on the black bed and smashed his lips on mine his tounge invaded my mouth. Just then I shot back into a reality I started to hit L.j. I slapped him one of my nails dug into my skin and caused a huge scratch on his face it was deep enough to make him bleed. 'Oh shit....' He grabbed my wrists forcefully and strapped me to the black bed. More crashes cane from downstairs. "Darling you asked for this" he whispered with a huge smile. He started to get closer I screamed "ge-mphhhhh!" L.J. muffled my screams by kissing me roughly. 'Man BEN is so much better with him I feel sparks but with this guy nothing' I struggled against the chains that held me down while L.J.s cold hands roamed my body.'BEN PLEASE SAVE ME!' L.J. finally stopped kissing me he grabbed a large needle
My eyes widened as big as the moon. He stuck it in and started to play with my (H/C) hair. "Hush babe~ Just enjoy yourself~". Once he took the needle out I was paralyzed. 'NO!' I couldn't move or talk!. L.j. took my clothing off...first hoodie...then tank top
...then bra...leaving my breasts exposed. He had a smirk on his face. L.j. grabbed my left breast and fondled with it. He licked the right one his tounge danced around my hardened bud. 'NO STOP! PLEASE HELP ME BEN!'.  He repeated this process one of his claws trailed down to my pants and ripped them off. He looked up at me with his smile. He then tore off my panties. He licked up and down my stomachs. Soon his tounge was in my womanhood. Swirling around my clit. 'Please save me..' His you get went at my entrance and pumped in and out. If I werent paralyzed he would be so dead. He then stood up and started to unbuckle his belt a tear escaped my eye." Don't cry darling" I looked down at his member. 'Holy fucking shit!' "Heheheh you like?" He chuckled and swayed his hips side to side. He then rubbed his tip against my folds a slight moan came from him. 'STOP NO GET AWAY!' He then positioned himself at my entrance. " your mine now (Y/N)" he then rammed in his whole length and must I say he is fucking bigger than probably everyone in this house! I wanted to scream out in pain but I couldn't he started to pound into me harder and faster with each thrust. He grabbed onto my hips and grunted as he continued his inhumane speed. He bit my neck causing some bleeding and bruising. "god damn...BEN really fucked up...he's...missing tight" his member started to twitch inside me. A knot formed in my stomache. 'I'm tired I'm sore please help me BEN' A crash came from outside the door. "LET HER GO YOU EMO FUCKING PEDO CLOWN!" BENs voice shouted. L.J. started to thrust faster the knot soon burst and I released all over L.J.. He pulled out and squirted his liquid all over me. "We are going to do this again love~" BEN then broke down the door. "Heheh see ya around (Y/N)~" with that he teleported away. BEN ran over to me he stares in horror I felt my hands start to move and I could talk. " BEN please don't look at me I don't want you to see me like this" my hair was a mess my neck had bruises and bite marks that had dried blood and I had L.J.s liquid all over me. Some tears escaped my eyes BEN unstrapped me and I carried me to his room bridal style.

Hey guys oh  Man I'm really sick I don't think I'll update tomorrow I hope you guys understand oh no I sneezed and now there's spit all over my screen Jesus Creepy get your self together. Anyway leave any requests and follow me and I follow back ~Thatcreepywriter

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