Chapter 11: Video Games

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(Y/N)'s p.o.v.
Gory opened the mansion doors. We both stepped in and stretched a bit. "Hey (Y/N) watcha wanna do?" She asked while stretching her legs. "I wanna play video games!" I said in a childish tone. Gory chuckled and grabbed my wrists. "Alrighty then let's a go!" She imitated Mario's voice. She started running tword the living room she hoped over the couch and I plopped on to the couch in between Jeff and L.J. BEN was there to but he was playing on his 3DS. "Watcha wanna play?" She asked. BENs head quickly shot up and his eyes shot at me they were as wide as the moon 'Jesus he needs to calm down' you thought. "Let's play (Favorite two player game)!!!" I hoped off the couch and walked tword the T.V. to grab the controlers. "Wait! No! Nien!" We all turned to the elf boy and looked at him in confusion. "I wanna play a round of Mario kart with (Y/N)!!!" BEN stated as he grabbed my wrist. A bright light caused me to close my eyes then re open them. We teleported to BENs room! I looked around amazed at his room it looked like a gamers paradise! I looked around in amazement. A chuckle escaped BENs lips I quickly shot my head in his direction and glared daggers at him. "Hey babe no need to be angry I just wanna play" I growled at him. "Haha so cute.. Let's make a bet... I win you at Mario Kart you have to do three things I want and if you win then I do anything you want...if you do this I'll let you out of my room if ya don't be prepared to spent eternity with me in thus room its your choice babe" he said winking. 'Well (Y/N) you are pretty Good at Mario kart' ' yea but..' 'Do you want to stay In here!' 'Well no..' I was fighting with my self I stopped once BEN chuckled "sooooo whats it gonna be babe?" I sighed "fine". He put a smile on his face that actually looked kinda...cute. He went over to the T.V. turning it on and Handing me a Wii controller/ Wii U game pad. He them smirked at me " can't wait for you to do the three things I want" I rolled my eyes at his comment. "In your dreams elf" I replied giggling. He chuckled and leaned closer to me. His nose almost touched mine I could smell his minty breath. A dark blush crept on my face. He looked into my (E/C) eyes. "Your right it is in my dreams" he whispered. My blush turned darker. I turned my head to the side and tried to avoid his gaze. But I could feel his eyes burning a hole right through me. He let out a sad sigh
BENs p.o.v
'What is she doing to me? Did I seriously just say in my dreams? Great now I sound kinda desperate' I mentally slapped myself while looking at (Y/N)...' She's so beautiful...' I let out a sad sigh and turn away from her facing the t.v. we were sitting on the floor both of us sat criss cross with our controllers in hand. We started to choose our characters she chose (Fave character). I smiled at her choice and I decided to choose Luigi. We both customized our karts now we were picking a stage. I turned to look at her...her (E/C) eyes were wide a small blush crept on my face. 'She must have seen that I got all gold trophies.' "Uhhh ....what stage do you want to do?" She snapped out of her shock moment and I gave her a smirk she rolled her eyes. "Let's do (Mario kart stage)" I nodded and I clicked into he stage.
~as we were racing~
'Damn she's good she beat me twice! And I only won once! What the hell man! Fourth lap last lap don't fuck this up BEN!' I thought giving myself a small pep talk. I turned to look at her I saw her gamer face (were your fully concentrated on the game and you don't give a fuck about anything else) ' Damn that's sexy' a light blush dusted on my cheeks. "What your staring" she said not taking her eyes off the screen. "N-nothing" I stuttered. I saw her smirk "did I just hear BEN DROWNED, the player of games and girls ....stutter?" She said in a teasing tone of voice. She started getting closer to me. 'I just want to kiss those lips.' I smirked. "I don't stutter princess" I saw her role her eyes and turn back to the T.v. 'why am I thinking about her so much! She not like the others! Did I really stutter!' I kept screaming at myself. 'Great she's winning I gotta make her lose somehow!' "Hey (Y/N) let's play one more race and who ever wins takes the prize this is the final one" I said hopeing that she would take the deal. "Alright" she said she sounded a bit nervous. I smirked and we were back at the screen where you choose the course. I choose rainbow road to race on since we both kinda suck at that course. We turned off CPU's and lakitu started the count down. 3...2...1...GO! We both started to race I of course started to teleport my character to get ahead of her. She didn't seem to notice. I crossed the finish line first and she came in second. I gave her my signature smirk as her mouth hanged open. "Alright Babe I get three wishes" I said. She turned her head tword me her mouth still hanging. 'Damn she's so cute I want her...wait! BEN no! Stop!' She finally closed her mouth and sighed "alright BEN what do you want me to do?". I wrapped my hands around her waist and pulled her on to my lap. Her beautiful (E/C) eyes widened. I pulled her close enough so our lips brushed against each others....

Mwahahahahaha cliff hanger thingy
CX Anywhore hope you enjoyed and leave any requests and if you follow me I follow back bye bye~ Thatcreepywriter

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