Chapter 25: Bottle is my only friend

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Warning this story a trigger warning (alcohol and cutting) please do not do this
My brown eyes widened I heard stomping and I immediately knew it was (Y/N). I quickly dashed over to the door and pulled (Y/N) into the room without a word. Her tears were rolling down her face. I pulled her into a tight embrace. Jeff scrambled over to the side of the room where a chest was. He dug in his pockets and fished out a key. He unlocked the chest and pulled out a bottle. I looked at him confused I couldn't really see the bottle. He walked tword us and put a hand on my shoulder. I looked at him with an 'are you serious face'. He only shrugged his shoulders "hey it helps". I rolled my eyes and grabbed the bottle out of his pale hands. "(Y/N)?" She kept sobbing and sniffling. 'God what did BEN do?!' I pulled away and handed her the bottle of vodka. "Here (y/n) ya need something to take your mind off things you can drink it if ya want" I said in a calm tone.
(Y/N)'s p.o.v
"(Y/N)?" I kept sobbing into her grey zip up. Gory then pulled away. I looked at her then looked down at what she had in her hand. "Here (y/n) ya need something to take your mind off things you can drink it if ya want" she said rather calmly. I looked back down at the bottle and grabbed it out of her hand. I opened it and began to chug it. It felt like it was burning my throat for a bit but then the burning disappeared and I craved more. They both stared into amusement as I kept chugging. Time then stopped for air and sat on Jeff's hardwood floor. "(Y/N) can you please tell me what happened" Gory asked as she sat down in front of me. I ruffled my (H/C) hair and let out a sigh. "I wen tuh B-BENs room n h-he wa fuckin the stupid bitch J-Jane" I slurred some words and let some tears run. I grabbed the bottle of vodka and chugged more of it. Jeff and Gory looked at each other with serious faces. 'I hate ma life!' They then looked back at me with sympathetic looks. Gory scooted closer to me.

'Oh my god' I sat on the black leather couch crying my eyes out. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw a bottle of vodka next to me. I picked it up and looked at it. Drops of blood fell on it. 'I'm so sorry (Y/N)...I miss you....I need you to live...why am I so stupid!' I let more bloody tears spill. A groan came from Jane she was getting up "owwww....How is that stupid bitch alive! She suppost to be dead!". "She not a stupid bitxh you fucking slut! This is all your fucking fault!" I grabbed a fist full of her black hair. I pulled it around. "I love (Y/N)! And (Y/N) Only!" My voice went from normal to demonic and glitchy. I bounced between High pitched and low pitched. Her pale hands started to claw away at mine. "Ow! Let go!" Blood started to come out of the place she had clawed at. I dragged her to the door. I opened the door with one swift movement. I looked down at her face she had a pleading look. "No don't! " I chuckled darkly at her pleads. "Filthy slut" I kicked her face and sent her flying out of my room. "Stay away from me and (Y/N)! You fucking slut!" I growled and slammed the door shut and made sure to lock it so the stupid bitch wouldn't get in again. I sat back on the black leather couch and opened the bottle of vodka. Tears began to run again. Here I was sitting on a couch crying with a bottle of vodka in my hand. I chugged some of the vodka. "The bottom of the bottle is my only friend...I think I'll slit my wrists again and I'm gone, gone, gone, gone." I sang to my drunk self. 'God I miss (y/n)' I thought as I put the bottle to my lips. 'I want her back' the liquid went down my throat. 'I need her back' my hands went to my desk and grabbed a knife that (y/n) had given me once. 'I love her' one cut....two cut....three cut...
(Y/N)'s P.O.V.
"Why!?!?...why!?!? Why did I have to for him... I fucking loved him....I loved him." I sobbed in between my words. I put the bottle to my lips and drank the last of the vodka. "I'm so sorry this happened to you (y/n)" Gory said as she cradled me in her arms. It felt really good that someone listened to me. If I were still living with my parents they probably would have beat me. Gory started to him lightly. My eye lids grew heavy. eyes shut and I blacked out into a deep slumber.
Gurts p.o.v
I rocked (y/n) back and forth. O started to hum lightly. Soon I looked down at (y/n) she was sleeping peacefully. 'Poor girl she didn't deserve what BEN did to her'. A sigh escaped my lips I carried over to Jeffs bed and set her down I still cuddled her and made sure she didn't wake up. "Hey Gory I think I should check up on BEN" Jeff whispered to me. He was about to leave but I grabbed his wrists. "Wait Jeff...did you put those stitches in yourself?". He let out a huff. "Gory....Clockwork did it because I wouldn't fuck her." I let out a growl 'that stupid bitch will pay will pay so will Jane'. "I getting really drunk once they told me you had died I locked myself only wanted you... She wanted me to pleasure you but I refused so she got pissed and tried everything she could...I guess she gave in she handed me a strange drink and I blacked out. I woke up to her putting the last stitch in" my hands balled into fists. "She's going to pay" I stood up still careful not to wake (Y/N) up. Jeff pulled me into a sweet and passionate kiss. "I love you... I'll be right back I'm going to check on BEN now."

HIII hope you enjoyed that sorry for any errors I write on my phone anywhore leave any requests and follow me and I follow back baiii

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