Chapter 24: Hell pt.2

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This chapter is going to be good!
(Y/N)'s p.o.v.
I ran out of Slenders office. As I ran Everyone called my name but I ignored the and kept running. I just wanted to know what was wrong with BEN had he done something? Was he OK? I must know. As I ran up the steps I started to slow down to a walking pace. Everyone around me started going in slow motion. I looked around like a lost puppy. 'What's going on!?!?' I turned my head in all directions. Everyone was frozen except for me. I was halfway up the stairs wondering what the hell is going on. '(Y/N) what I'm going to tell you that it will get better' My voice said in my head. "What's going on? What's going to get better! I just want to know whats wrong with BEN! I love him I hope he's OK!" I cried out.A lump in my throat started to form and tears started to form in my eyes. No one could hear me it was just me and my voices. No one moved a muscle or blinked they were all frozen in place.... '(Y/N) its going to be OK!'. I let out a huff and sat on the stairs. My head was hanging down low. "My heart is hurting...." I said quietly. I then started to hum a tune. "My legs are dangling off the edge. The bottom of the bottle is my only friend. I think I'll slit my wrists again and I'm gone, gone, gone, gone" (Hollywood Undead ~ Bullet. This song isn't mine!) I sang as a tear strolled down my face. '(Y/N) its time everyone is going back to their normal pace you better hurry'. I raised my head and wiped the tear away with the sleeve of my (F/C) Hoodie. I went back into the position I was and watched everyone slowly start to move again. Once everyone was at normal pace I rushed up the stairs Everyone still called after me. Once I got up and was at the top of the stairs I stopped. My hands started to twitch and I started to shake. The lump in my throat formed again. And an odd feeling was building up inside me. I didn't know what it was it was beyond sadness and anger... I started to breathe heavily. I took slow step to BENs bedroom door. Once I was only a few feet away from the the Green door I could hear faint giggling. The giggling of a woman.. I hesitated but slowley continued. I could hear my heart beat it was thumping rapidly and wildly in my chest. My hands still twitched and my body still shook. My blood started to boil and I still breathed heavily. I was close to the green door. A moan came from behind the door Tears formed in my eyes but did not spill yet. I clentched my teeth together. My Shakey hand reached for the golden door knob. I gripped the doorknob and put my ear against the door. 'Pant pant..' And a soft moan came from the other side of the Green door. My breathing picked up and I slowly turned the door knob. My heart pounded hard as the door swung open. My (E/C) eyes widened as tears streamed down my face and my mouth hung open. I stopped twitching and breathing heavily and shaking.... "No.." I whispered. BEN had Jane on his lap...he was...Fucking her...he stopped and his eyes widened as he turned to look at me. More tears rushed down. "(Y/N)..." He was shocked he threw Jane off of him she hit her head and laid there on the couch. BEN started to walk tword me. " fucking player!" More tears spilled down my face. His hand reaches up to touch my face but I swatted it away. "You fucking said you loved me you said I was yours! YOU FUCKING PROMISED ME!" I was so hurt and broken. He had a sorry expression on his face. "(Y/N) I-Im so s-sorry". My blood boiled once again. "BULLSHIT!" I shouted in his face he began to back up. I walked forward every time he did. "I fucking love you but your nothing but a fucking liar your a player I cared for you now I see I'm clearly another one of your fuck toys" My voice turned demonic. He stumbled and fell on the couch. He had a hurt expression on his face I wanted to hug him... So badly but now I see the truth. A couple of Bloody tears ran down his face. "(Y-Y/N) p-please" I glared at him. "Have fun you fucking player I lost this fucking game" I turned around ran to the door. Slamming it as I left.
Gorys p.o.v
I ran to Jeff's room. I tried to open the door but it was locked. "Jeff!" I screamed. I backed up and rammed into the door. 'Don't worry I'll help you Jeff' My side started to hurt but finally I broke the door down. The door fell before me I looked around and saw Jeff in the middle of the room sitting there looking down. Beer and Vodka bottles were surrounding him one was in his hand it wasn't opened yet. "JEFF!" I screamed as I ran tword him. He looked up with his wide eyes. My eyes widened his beautiful smile...was stitched shut with black thread. I pulled him into a long hug. "Jeff where's your beautiful smile!" I examined the black stitches. He couldn't talk Tears strolled down his face. I grabbed my blade from my grey zip up and started to cut the thread I was carful to not hurt him. Once I was finished his beautiful smile was back. More tears spilled down his face and he pulled me onto his lap. "Gory I thought you were dead...". He hugged me once again. I hugged back. "Jeff I love you I wouldn't leave you..." My eyes watered as his grip on me tightens. "I love you Gory" his voice was raspy more than usual. "I'd never leave either". I started to kiss all over his face 'god I missed doing this' once I was sure I kissed every spot of his face I looked at him and smiled. "Gory we have to help (Y/N)...BENs a player.." My eyes widened. I heard a door slam and someone start to run by. I knew bit was (Y/N) so I opened the the door ad pulled (Y/N) in without a word.

WOOOoOOOoOO That chapter nearly got me in tears like omg ;--; why!?!? Why do I do this to (Y/N) and myself!?!?. Anyway excuse my crying XD I hope you enjoyed I'll update Tomorrow if I can because I have a huge test tomorrow -.-' leave any requests and follow me and I follow back! Baiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ Thatcreepywriter

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