Chapter 22: Dreams & The way home

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'No way...she's dead...' I sat on my Black leather couch in my bedroom. (Y/N) and me always sat here playing video games....but she's gone... Its been three fucking days since she's died! Why did she have to die! I should have protected her! I really loved her but she's dead! I still do love her! I will never stop! Not even when I'm dead! (Y/N) please come back....wake up....I need you... Just then a loud knock came from my door. Then a click I didn't dare to turn back I'm to numb to even deal with anyone. Footsteps drew near to my sitting area. Then two people plopped on the couch puyyine me in the middle. Two hands rubbed on my chest I didn't do anything I just stared at the picture I had of (Y/N). She looked so beautiful...why did she have to go? She had on my hat...she had a huge beautiful smile on her face....and i was sitting next to her under a giant tree... The two hands trailed over my body tracing shapes all over me. "BEN she's dead Get over her I'll help you" Clockwork whispered in my ear. 'But I cant! I love her!' I thought I didn't have the power to talk anymore. Something took control over my body. Jane and clockwork have already undressed my lower half. All I had left was my tunic and hat. They both got on their knees. They played with my shaft together..'NO!' Is creamed in my head. My hand unclipped both of their bras they both gave me a smirk. I couldn't stop myself '(Y/N) ' A tear escaped my eye and I tilted my head back. Pleasure took over my body....
(Y/N)'s p.o.v.
"When do you think we will be back?" I asked Gory who was looking around for anything to eat. "I think we are close" she whispered. "Shhhhh" we both ducted down in a bush. We were near a trail that led to a park that was a bit far from here. A coupled walked passed us. They walked on the trail giggling and pushing each other in a playful manner. 'Kill (y/n) kill!". I looked over at Gory. "Gory..." I whispered. "Right.." God this is why I love Gory she is like my sister! Or best friend! Like my other half! We always think alike its awesome! Gory and I got into position we were ready to lunge out at the couple. Ending they're happy ness and bringing they're end. Soon they were near us. I grabbed the girl by the wrist and pulled her into the bush quickly. I covered her mouth to prevent her screaming. I stabbed her head many times then her chest. "(GIRLS NAME)!" The man shouted. An evil smile was plastered on my face. I removed her eyes and tore up the skin on her face till she was unrecognized able. I did my final move I ripped her heart out. The man kept calling her name I threw her out of the bush and onto the man. I watched as Gory crept up the tree behind the man. The man was crying over the girls body. Gory jumped out of the tree and stabbed the man on the back. She then flipped him over and chuckled as the man screamed in pain. She kicked him in the stomach several times. She then ripped out one of his eye balls and ate it in front of him. Gory grabbed her knife a cut his fingers off shoving them into his empty eye socket. "Hush my beautiful artwork" she giggled. She then grabbed her knife and plunged it into the mans chest. She slid it down and revealed his insides. She ripped out the heart and he had died on instant. Due to lack of blood. Gory stood up and let out a loud yawn. I stepped out of the bushes with a smile on my face. "(Y/N)....I'm tired.." Gory then collapsed .I let out a sigh she hadn't slept ever since we've been on the mission. She now had dark circles around her eyes. Well..they were darker than before. I picked her up and slung her over my shoulder. "Let's see I need a really thick tree." I whispered out loud. This place seemed so familiar for some reason. I looked around suddenly my eyes landed on a really thick tree Joy filled my body as I ran to the familiar tree. 'Wait a minute...I know this tree!' A gasp escaped my lips. This is the tree where I was living before Hoodie and Masky found me. 'I know the way home know!' I have escaped the mansion sometime and went to this old giant tree to relaxed. Quickly I climbed up the tree Gory was snoring lightly on my shoulders. Her blonde and black dyed hair covered her face. Once we were on a good thick branch I set gory down so her arms and legs dangled. She was totally knocked out I had slept slept last night. "I'll just wait till she wakes up" I looked up at the night sky. 5:12 a.m. The sun would rise soon I hugged my knees and watched gory she twitched and was hyperventilating concern was written all over my face.
I Was standing there hugging (y/n). All you could hear were a girls and BENs moans. Then Jeff's screams he was crying out in pain and agony. My skin had goosebumps. And every hair on my body was standing up. Suddenly BENs and Jeff's voices started chanting "No they are dead!" I looked down at the blade in my hand and then looked at my wrist that was covered in cuts. I then felt the urge to cut so I lifted my shirt up I cut everywhere so now I was full covered in slits and dried blood. (Y/N) was stabbing people every time she stabbed someone she would make a slit in her arm. She screamed in pain. I felt my whole world come crashing down once I saw Jeff...his mouth was stitched shut with black yarn. I dropped my blade and ran over to Jeff before I could pull him into an embrace he turned into dust. Tears started to blur my vision and a lump started to form in my throat preventing me from talking. I looked over at (Y/N) she was staring at something she had anger, fear, horror, and sadness on her face. Her eyes were wide and and her mouth was open. My head turned to what she was looking at. There was BEN on a couch with Jane and Clockwork... They were touching each other in sexual ways. My body felt weak I couldn't support myself anymore. I fell on the floor I stared at the sky that was pure black. "Gory?" A faint voice said. "Hey" she voice got louder it sounded like (Y/N). "Gory wake up!" (Y/N)'s voice boomed.
~end of dream
my eyes shot open I was back in reality. (Y/N) was shaking me. We were in a tree? I looked around I was so confused.
(Y/N) p.o.v
I watched gory look around confused. Gory was twitching and hyperventilating so I decided to wake her up when She started to claw at her cut up wrists. "Why are we here?" She asked tilting her head. "Gory I know where we are I lived in this tree before Masky and hoodie found me. And you collapsed from lack of sleep so I found my tree and well here we are!" I explained with a smile. "(Y/N)...something bad is going to happen at home....I can feel it" I gave her a confused face. "It will be OK at least we know the way home! And we can get through that problem!". Gory smiled "alright let's go home (Y/N)....."

Hell would soon be upon us...

HAIIIIII I hope you enjoyed the chapter the next two chapters at gunna be soooOoO good (≧∇≦) but I can't spoil it for you. Anyway leave any requests if you have any and follow me and I follow back baiiii~ Thatcreepywriter

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