Chapter 12

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(Y/N)'s p.o.v.
There I was...sitting on his lap...our eyes locked with each other...our lips brushing against each others...Both of our faces flushed with a deep red color. He put his hands on my hips pulling my body a bit closer to his. I wrapped my arms around his neck. Time went by so slowly. We both closed our eyes and were about to press our lips together but knock knock! I looked at the door wide eyed and hoped behind it. I felt him groan then he stood up and turned the silver handle. He then got pushed back roughly "WHERES (Y/N) YOU STUPID ELF SHIT!" Gotta voice screamed and I could hear it echo down the hall. "Hey hey hey no need to yell or push I'm right here Gory" BEN said getting up and dusting the invisible dust on him. I was still sitting behind the door. "Where is she dick head" Gory said with venom in her voice. BEN let out a dark chuckle "I took her at the wishing well and left her there since she wanted to explore " He lied. There was a gasp and Gory quickly ran out slamming the door. 'What the hell?' I looked at BEN with a confused face. He let out his usual smirk. "Alright sweet heart let's get back to my wishes here's my first wish" He motioned me to follow him with his hand. I got up and he led me over to a closet. Once I got there is good there with my arms crossed over my chest. He let out a chuckle as he looked me up and down. "What" I muttered. He smiled as if he were innocent. He then opened the closet and pulled out the most sluttiest Maid outfit I have ever seen (pic above). My (E/C) eyes widened "oh hell no" I whispered loud enough so he could hear. "Oh hell yes" he replied with a smirk. "Unless you want to be here forever" he shrugged "I would be happy" my eyes went wider then ever a small blush appeared on my cheeks. He was starting to put the outfit back in but I stopped him "w-wait!....ugh fine I'll wear the slutty thing" I said as I grabbed the outfit. He led me to a bathroom where I can change I entered in it and checked for any cameras. "BEN I swear to god if you see me naked I will personally chop your balls off and watch you choke on them as I shove them down your throat" I growled. "Awwwww your no fun" he said as he got out of the dirty laundry basket and walked out. I began to change and once I was finished I looked into the mirror and groaned.'stupid thing one wrong move my tits will pop out of my ass will show I hate that stupid elf'. "Hey sexy hurry it up!" BEN banged on the door. I let out a sigh "I'm coming" I swung open the door and BEN leaned against the wall. "Damn...." BEN said as he checked me out. I let out a low menacing growl as he circled me taking in every detail of my body. 'Why is this thing so short!' I shouted in my head. "(Y/N)~" BEN wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me close to his body I felt his buldge through the fabric. I froze in place. His hands trailed down dangerously close to my womanhood. "Your my maid for a week" he whispered into my ear seductively. I blushed a dark red color. 'God damn it BEN why are you making me blush!?' "Um mm I'm going to get some food" I said getting out of his grasp and headed tword the door. I heard his soft growl as I walked out of the room and down the hall. I climbed down the stairs and into the living room and Gory burst through the mansion doors. Her messy hair had twigs and dirt in it and she was panting and sweating. She collapsed on the floor and she looked up at me her brown eyes widened. She broke into laughter and started to roll on the floor. "What!" I shouted putting my hands on my hips. "What's....with the... New style" she said in between laughs. I growled quietly. "I made a deal with elf shit whoever wins at Mario kart 8 gets three wishes and has to do whatever they wish."Guys! Come her! Oh lordy! Cone look at (Y/N) she's so cute!" Gory shouted trying to contain her laughter while getting up off the floor. The living room was now filled with pastas they circled around me. My blush darkened. "W-what?" I asked in a whisper voice. "Holy shit (Y/N)" Jeff pushed people out of the crowd and Gory was laughing her ass off. Jeff put his hands on my hips his eyes never moved off of me. L.j. was nest to me drooling as he looked me up and down it made me a bit uncomfortable honestly. Masky and hoodie both ran out of the room trying to contain their noses from bleeding. "Heheh like her?" BEN teleported behind me hugging my wait and pulling me away from Jeff. "Well to bad" he said in a serious almost demonic tone of voice. 'What's going on?' Everyone was staring at me and BEN. Gory stopped laughing and walked in front of us her eyebrow was raised. Everyone was still silent. Gory grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from BEN and dragged me upstairs and into her room. She sat me on her bed and went over to the door and locked it. "(Y/N) OMG THATS THE FIRST TIME IVE SEEN BEN GET PROTECTIVE OVER A GIRL HERL MUST LIKE YOU!!!" Gory shouted and paraded around her paint and blood splattered room. "W-wait what?" I asked my eyes widened. "(Y/N) you could possibley change BEN!" She said hoping up and down. "Wait you don't know that he might just want to get into my pants!" I sighed.she looked at me with an are you serious face. She then let out a huff and grumbled something sounding like "someone needs a little push" my eyes widened.

Ohhhhhh I'm planning something so beautiful but you have to wait xD evil me anyway I hope you enjoyed and leave any requests if you have any and follow me and I follow back! Baiii~ Thatcreepywriter

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