Chapter 28: Go to sleep Jane

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(Y/N)'S P.O.V.
Gory hung Clockwork's lifeless bleeding body up by the neck. I watched with my eyes wide with excitement. "Beautiful Artwork" she whispered. 'Typical Gory of course she relates her art work to gore' I smiled. Gory plunged her knife into Clockworks chest and cut down the middle. She pulled both sides apart and Clockworks insides came spilling out. I chuckled at the sight. Gory carved her signature into clockworks Leg. I giggled innocently "I want to make sure Jane goes to sleep" (a/n: get it XD Cuz she says dont go to sleep and you want to make sure she does?! No.....OK) A smile crept on Gorys face. "Let's go then". We walked tword the door Gory took the lead she first made sure no one was in the hallway. She motioned me to follow so I did as I was told. Jane's door was only down the hall from clockworks door so we both ran tword it. I ran into her room and tackled her to the ground. "Shit!" She screamed. "Get off of me!". I cackled. Gory stepped into the room with some rope. She threw it tword me. Jane struggled under me trying to get out of my grasp. I got frustrated "STOP MOVING YOU STUPID SLUT!" I screamed in her pale face. Gory ran over and grabbed her wrists and held them down. "YOU WILL PAY!" She screech. I grabbed the rope and held it near her wrists. "NOO STOP! ILL FUCKING KILL YOU!" She thrashed around and wiggled her legs. "God Jeff should have killed you...oh well this means more fun for me" I giggled. She kept screaming as I tied her wrists and legs together. "Please...I won't come near you" she whimpered she couldn't scream anymore. I picked her up bridal style and threw her on the black and white canopy bed. "I want answers" I said sternly. She looked at me. Fear was in her pitch black eyes. "I don't have anything to s-say" she whispered. I huffed and dug in my pocket, pulling out my combat knife. "I'll repeat myself Jane" I leaned in closer to her. I looked in her pitch black eyes. "I'll repeat my self Jane" I growled. " I want fucking answers". "About?" She smirked. I got really fucking irritated "bitch you fucking asked for it" I plunged the combat knife I had into her leg. She screamed put in pain it was like music to my ears. "I-im sorry!". Gory giggled and pulled out a small sketch book and began to sketch something while giggling. A smirk was plastered on my face. 'Kill (y/n) kill her she deserves this' 'must kill Jane!' I grabbed my combat knife and her pale hand. She balled her hands into fists making me growl. "Please!" I ignored her cries and stabbes her leg once again. I took NY change and cut her index and middle finger. Her pale fingers dropped to the floor. Jane began screaming again 'good (y/n) kill. Kill.KILL' I giggled to myself. "Hey Jane you know you deserve this" I said as innocently as possible. I climbed onto of her so I was straddling her. I grabbed her arm and began to cut. "One cut...two cut...three cut....four cut..." I counted as I made these cuts on her pale arms. "You don't know what me and BEN went through...we loved each other...and I bet we still do...but I need some time...this us the pain we and your other bitch had to come along...and pleasure your fucking don't fucking think!.... You deserve to fucking die!......this is why your a fucking slut.." I said as I cut up her arm. "I'm sorry! Please! Let me go I will never come near you guys again! I'll even leave this mansion! Just please let me live! I'll do anything you want!" She pleaded. But the damage has already been done...." Oh its to late now your finished." I answered simply "no...." She whimpered. I started to laugh like a maniac. "Jane I thInK you need some sleep" I giggled her eyes grew wide and some tears spilled out. My combat knife plunged deep into her stomach and my kitchen knife stabbed into her side. I moved both knives side to side wiggling it around. Jane started to spit out blood. I punched her dead in her face then I punched her ribs. Snap! Crack! I had broken her ribs. I grabbed both knifes and stabbed them in a different area and added the same treatment. Jane was now chocking on her own blood. The bed was stained in her crimson liquid. After a couple times of doing so I stepped back from her dead body. She had many stab wounds and slits on her arms. 'She deserves more' I grabbed my combat knife and started to cut her limbs and head off. "Heheheh she is defiantly asleep" I said as I picked up her head. I had thrown her body parts around her room all that was left on her black and white bed was her torso. I went over to the mirror and plopped her head down on the ground and stared at myself. Fresh blood dripped off of me. 'Good job (y/n) she deserves to rot in hell' in the mirror I saw gotta head shoot up with wide eyes and a smile. "Look!". I turned around swiftly only to have the sketch book she had drawn in shoved in my face. I grabbed it and smirked in the picture was me holding James head and her body dismembered in the background. The words " no one will stand in our way for love" was written above my head. I smiled at the picture "Lovely..o"

Hey guys hope you enjoyed that leave any requests if you have any and follow me and I follow back baiii~ Thatcreepywriter

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